Yalnizca The World and Modern Science
  • Compulsory Statutory

    Filed under News
    Dec 6

    Various insurance products offer different benefits in the statutory health insurance all insured citizens have health insurance by definition. Learn more at this site: Keith Yamashita. The legal insurance is mandatory for certain insured no longer, because their income exceeds the limit of the compulsory insurance or they are self-employed or freelancing. This, the opportunity to switch to private health insurance arises for the insured. There more options available to the insured person, to influence the own insurance premiums, as is the selection of additional services, such as services without restriction on the maximum rates of GOa or treatment methods listed in the catalogue of legal insurance. This reflected very different forms of tariffs on the detailed dental, outpatient and inpatient services.

    Multiple choices are in the car, which the Mensa principle according to busy and also cost-effective for the insured be. The private health insurance also offers also contribution repayment, so that economic action of the insured in lower contributions pays off at the end of the year through rebates. However, should the options be taken into account, that the free co-insurance of family members not in the PKV is true, here is to insure each family member individually. An existing for a single cost advantage in the car compared to the lowest statutory health insurance, can rise quickly in the case of family planning on a similar high level of contribution, such as in a statutory health insurance fund with additional insurance. Also a comparison of the individual providers and their offers before a hasty change should be carried out, of changing the health insurance is not tantamount to changing the legal health insurance companies have become almost commonplace, also with binding period. A return of the PKV in the statutory health insurance, is possible only before the age of 55, when the legal Compulsory insurance occurs. However, an exception is for persons who have reached the age of 55 and receive Arbeitslosengeld II. For these people, the return to the statutory health insurance is open.

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