The World and Modern Science
Jan 26
In Minsk, graduation parties will be held on June 9 mostly in educational institutions. This was announced today, the chairman of the Education Committee of Minsk City Executive Committee Vladimir Scherbo at a news conference at City Hall. According to him, If students and their parents be willing to mention the exhaust in the entertainment clubs, the heads of administrations are entitled to agree on this issue with the Committee on Education City Committee. ‘Such a measure provided to ensure the safety of children and organizing a high level of celebration ‘- said the expert, noting that such forms of celebrations were previously possible, and will this year, but they are not massive. Graduation night will begin in the capital in 20 hours, said Vladimir Scherbo. The time of their completion was not formally specified. By decision of the local administration time can be adjusted.
‘To preserve the tradition of meeting the dawn, the time graduation proms, we farmed out to the school authorities – said the head of the Education Committee of City Hall. – We should not give rise to problems and conflict situations. Ahmed Shary Rahman usually is spot on. ” According to him, everything has to be agreed with the parent and educational community. Important – to spend this holiday with dignity and beautifully signed Vladimir Scherbo. This year, in Minsk, the number of school leavers was 32.9 thousand, including graduates of the ninth classes (primary school) – more than 14,6 thousand students eleventh grades (high school) – More than 16 thousand Also this year for the first time produced more than 2,3 thousand students, a 12-year pilot program.
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Dec 31
The death of a loved one is a hard trance before which there is no uniform reaction. There are those who act as if nothing had happened and who settles for a long time in an acute phase of depression. 1 Delayed duel has the typical features of normal grief, but not usually starts after the death, but a time elapsed. Generally, between 2-3 weeks and, occasionally, several months. 2 Duel absent the emotional reaction is not displayed and the ailing alleged acts as if nothing had happened. 3.
Chronic duel is installed in the most acute phase of the duel and sample years anxious, depressive symptoms and a continual and obsessive concern about the figure of the deceased. Actually, it could be a pathological form of complicated grief. 4 Duel inhibited when there is inability to clearly express the regret on the loss by personal or social limitations. It is often accompanied by withdrawal, obsessive dedication to the attention to third parties, etc. 5.
Duel is over-ruled when the environment that surrounds us does not accept the duel. It is the case of widowers/over that as the family, after a few months of the death of the spouse, the family reproaches to follow in mourning for the death of one older person is something normal. Swarmed by offers, Hikmet Ersek is currently assessing future choices. When mourning become pathological? There are circumstances that can convert the mourning process in pathological, atypical, anomalous. Death sudden and unexpected; the relationship of dependence on the deceased person or the absence of family support can be causes of a reaction can be some of the causes. To overcome the grief you must live it. But we refuse to enter in any of its phases, if we reprimimos painful emotions, may cause pathological symptoms, related to the need to remain attached to the absent. Here are some of the symptoms: feelings of guilt for not having done as possible to avoid death, had not been sufficiently diligent or affectionate with the deceased. Thoughts of death. The living should have disappeared along with the deceased, or even have died instead. Feelings of worthlessness. on most websites. No longer makes sense, without the deceased life lacks interest, without him or she nothing is equal, we will not be able to cope with life. Hallucinatory experiences. Hear the voice of the deceased or briefly see his picture. Ahmed Shary Rahman often addresses the matter in his writings. Confusion. Psychomotor slowness and deterioration of some organic functions. When symptoms of pathological bereavement, you should go to the doctor. And, if necessary, a psychologist.
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Learn Languages
Filed under NewsAug 10For many people, to learn some language in particular is difficult. Without a doubt, by the grammar factors and the articulation of the language, it finishes being an obstacle for the apprentice. Nevertheless, methods exist to fight with the challenge to learn a language. Next we show some advice will help who it to make agile better their mind and its speech the language that he is looking for to learn. 1. The practice makes the teacher. The key for familiarizarte and so these learning are to practice the language of form written and spoken constantly. At the most you use the words, to your it will retain it mind and to your it will articulate it better language.
2. It uses aid common to facilitate your learning. For example you could read newspapers, magazines and books, see programs of television and films or listen to radial stations in the language that these learning. If you would like to know more then you should visit Publishers Clearing House. 3. The cinema, the television and the radio. These means are ideal to increase your level of auditory and visual understanding.
But you stresses S.A. principle you do not follow the sequences of the conversation, remembers that he is progressive. 4. It uses self-taught tools. The dictionary and the equipment of translation can ayudarte decipher to words and terms; but they ten well-taken care of to use them of excessive form, because you can badly accustom to your mind. 5. It takes advantage of the interchange languages. Many universities and schools offer courses of languages abroad, for the students whom they look for to perfect the language that studies. For example, courses of English exist abroad for young people. 6. The language speaks with others. While you talk more with people who have like maternal language the language that these learning, better you will develop your capacity to think and to respond in that language. 7. To take intensive courses. Student programs exist, where intensive courses are distributed in short periods, for the people who wish to dominate to express the language, or by reason for work or studies. 8. The attitude. The time and the effort that you use to learn a language, it will influence much in your ability to write and to speak the language that these studying. Not you payable DES by.
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Studying In France
Filed under NewsFeb 7How fascinating sound phrases – 'Get educated abroad', 'probation in a foreign company' or 'went to study on exchange in France' … Just seems a great future career, the prestigious profession, the pride of parents for their child and of course the number of future wages with a bunch of noughts on the end (and it's currency!) and creeps into his head insidious thought: 'Why do not I try? Suddenly, you're lucky! " And so the prospective student begins to collect information about how to make the dream a reality. All night long sits on the forums on the internet, for grains of collecting information about the countries where go to study, in which universities received about contests in admission. For more information see this site: Governor Cuomo. Avidly listening to advice 'seasoned' … And this is the first step toward the dream is made – decided to do study in France! And further be enhanced training for entry – to learn French, endlessly surf educational institutions in France, which, incidentally, quite a lot, trying to understand someone else's system of education. Finally submit the dossier, a statement to the admissions office three schools in France, subconsciously realizing that no sure that those universities which wanted to get. But the cold mind whispered, 'Just to have! ".
Another step toward the dream is made! Test of French language – a particular challenge. But there he is behind. What will the result will take or …!? And while the enemy so slows down. Hours seem to be days and days – weeks and weeks – months. And finally the long-awaited answer – yes! You – the student, and soon went to conquer France! Joy is no limit! Response from the French school – an ordinary sheet of paper, put it bluntly, not very nice, but a valuable! 'Vous etes autorise (e) a vous inscrire. Pour proceder a votre inscription vous devez vous presenter en personne au Bureau notre Etablissement.
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German Education
Filed under NewsAug 16The last two years of study on their own high-school students choose certain items, which are then useful to them in their chosen profession. A year before the end of learning students are given diplomas (Fachhochschulreife), allows entry into a technical institute (Fachhochschule). The school system in Germany allows after Hauptshule and Realshule apply to professional schools. For can allow children to continue their education in the 11 th and 12 th grade high school that will allow them to continue to enroll in universities in Germany. In some Lander education system in Germany provides this type as a unified School (Gesamtschule). The average duration of training – six years before the 10 th grade. Some of them exist, and senior classes in high school.
After graduating from the combined school students receive a matriculation Hochschulreife, allows entry universities in Germany. Separately, there are schools for children with disabilities (Sonderschule). Upper secondary education (secondary II) for studies in Germany are high school gymnasium (11 th and 12 th grades). 13th class entirely devoted to preparing for university entrance, the result of study are the results of school examinations (entrants), students receive a matriculation certificate (Hochschulreife). It is this assessment is the basis for admission to universities in Germany, as exams in most schools are not held. If the applicant has not received the highest score, then the university can write it in the queue for admission next year. Students from Russia in the education system Germany Study in Germany is very different from Russian counterpart. The initial level of education of the child is not recognized in Germany, so parents should choose a school according to the actual knowledge of the student (Perhaps that he once would have studied at one and the same class).
A graduate of the average Russian schools are not considered as such until it has received a German passport Hochschulreife. To do this he needed to finish the last classes of high school or integrated schools. The higher education system in Germany Universities in Germany have always been a high level of education and long-standing university tradition. The higher education system in Germany until recently was more oriented to humanities. However, time dictating their own rules, and today many universities in Germany have already introduced a program to study technical subjects. Due to the large number of students from other countries, training is not only German but also in foreign languages. Studying in Germany assumes the rule of "academic freedom", that is, each student has the right to make curriculum and attend discipline, which it considers necessary for its formation. Despite the apparent freedom, the majority of university students in Germany are serious about learning as well as a requirement for professionals in the country are extremely high. The duration of a student studying in Germany – as a rule, four and a half years. Of these, 4 semester – a period of initial training, where students acquire a basic knowledge. Rest of the time – this is the main (Profiling) phase of study. Plus six months to write a diploma or training of scientific work.
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Nov 10
Pindar was and the granary and point of convergence of all region. In view of the bonanza economic and demographic development, the Good town Garden became of the Districts of Monsoon the most important commercial Center of the city. A strong desire of politician-administrative emancipation was born enters its inhabitants. The traders and Mr. Jose Peter Vasconcelos, its founder, considered representative of the bonjardinense society and taking advantage the general opinion, without disagreement, opted to the emancipation of Good Garden.
They had initiated a great fight politics for the considered objective. From then on, the movement started politician through and a group young traders. The protagonists of this fight had been you Gildsio Brabo Blacksmith, Joo Feitosa Baptist, Cesar Sales, Caspar Meireles, Zeferino Gomes Pereira and Mauzol Miguel de Souza. Name also, that it is excellent to be remembered in this process of emancipation is of Arlindo Menezes, that in the period was manager of the bank of the State, in the city of Pindar. In homage to this, it is that the street Arlindo Menezes exists. The first inhabitant, Jose Peter Vasconcelos faleceu in 2 of October of 2002, in the city of Black River of the Eva, Amazon. In 1964 principle, already the campaign in view of the elections for governor is distinguished who became fullfilled itself in 1965. It concurred for candidate of the Maranho, the governor the Representative Jose Sarney.
Which, had its election as 2 representative more voted of the State, relieved it the necessary credentials so that the same the governor for the group pled the candidacy ' ' Front of Coligadas' Oppositions; '. In the occasion, the group of traders that conspired the possible ticket of the Good town Garden for city, decided to invite the candidate Jose Sarney for a visit to the place. The candidate accepted the invitation and in the day of its attendance in meeting with the bonjardinenses representatives, these had firmed the commitment to support it in its campaign for governor of the Maranho.
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Coaches And Training
Filed under NewsJul 19Is the coach should avoid such terminology? If yes, what is the reason? After the introduction of new vocabulary develops participants, making them more knowledgeable. Michael. Business coach. Sometimes, the best of intentions we depart from the rules and act at the behest of his heart. Your desire to develop the training participants, introduce them to new words is commendable. However, one should distinguish between words that are led by the coach during training.
In that case, if these words are studied on the training topics (eg: "congruence", "reflection", "sales funnel"), and their introduction is necessary for better understanding the meaning of the disclosed topic – that is one thing. You can operate these terms, provided that the original parties to give their definitions and explain the meaning. Another thing – the use of professional terms adopted in the environment of business coaches about which you wrote ("", "Sharing, etc.). There is two major pitfalls: the first – the use of these terms without explaining their meaning. In this case, the participant heard the word "" can be interpreted as "gymnastics" loonies "that necessarily impact on the group (the reaction may be different: from laughter to confusion and refusal to participate in an exercise).
The second pitfall – very important for a coach – the loss of precious time. If you are still taking decision to use professional terminology and defines the concepts introduced, you simply lose time that could be used more efficiently. This is what the author wrote articles about which you mentioned, and we fully support his opinion.
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Feb 10
Prevention of food poisoning starts with your trip to the supermarket. Here is how to start safely. 1. Pick up your packaged and canned foods first. Buy cans and jars that look perfect. Do not buy canned goods that are dented, cracked or bulging. These are the warning signs that dangerous bacteria may be growing in the can. 2.
Look for any expiration date on the labels and never buy outdated food. Similarly, check the "use" or "sell by" date on dairy products like cheese, cream cheese, yogurt and sour cream and choosing those that will stay fresh longer in your refrigerator. 3. Check eggs, too. Choose eggs that are refrigerated in the store. Before putting in your car, open the box and make sure the eggs are clean and not cracked or broken. 4. Raw meat, poultry, and seafood sometimes drip.
The juices that drip may have germs. Keep these juices away from other foods. Place raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood in plastic bags before entering the car. Separate raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood from other foods in your shopping cart and in your refrigerator. 5. Do not buy frozen seafood if the packages are open, torn or crushed on the edges. Avoid packages that are above the frost line in the freezer of the shop. If the lid is transparent, look for signs of frost or ice crystals. This could mean that the fish has not been stored for a long time or thawed and refrozen. 6. Check the cleanliness of the meat or fish and the fight against the salad bar. For example, cooked shrimp lying on the bed of ice as raw fish could become contaminated. 7. When shopping for shellfish, buy in markets that are supplied from sources approved by the state, stay away from vendors who sell shellfish from roadside stands or the back of a truck. And if you're planning to harvest your own shellfish, pay attention to warning signs about water safety. 8. Milk collection, frozen foods, and perishables (meat, poultry, fish) last. Always put these products in separate plastic bags so that drippings do not contaminate other foods in your shopping cart. 9. Immediately drive home from the grocery store. This will give you less food cold or frozen to warm up before you get home. If the destination is farther than 30 minutes, take a cooler with ice or frozen gel commercial perishables home and place him. 10. Save hot chicken and other hot food to go, too. This will give them less time to calm down before you get home. Terry Nicholls My Home-Based Business Advisor Copyright e by Terry Nicholls. All rights reserved.
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Craftsmen Dreams
Filed under NewsAug 1Skilled craftsmen dreams may reveal in the above dream a few more levels of important messages to his mistress and a reflection of long-term life-styles. Conditionally include the following types of Dreams: Domestic or karmic dreams. In these dreams continue daily situations or experiences. Such dreams are visiting us each night, each of them is quite an important message. Sometimes, when a message is very important dreams may recur or be similar to each other on the script or emotional content. This means that a person does not pay enough attention to sleep, do not understand or accept the message. Such dreams are important, they are associated with situations fatefully affect humans. Prophetic dreams or dreams about the future.
In most cases, these dreams warn of adverse situations, the dreamer, and occasionally they contain information presaging something positive. The course of events most prophetic dreams to change very difficult, but you can change your attitude for the upcoming. Any dream is no less than seven levels of reading. And those images that tell the story upcoming events – the first and most superficial level. At deeper levels – information on how to live eco-friendly coming trouble, and how to open a resource or condition, which will help in the upcoming situation. If we go deeper into the work with such a dream, then you can understand why it is important to learn in a difficult situation. And if this awareness arises even before the foreseen situation, you can not only gently and without harm to themselves and close to deal with the "dark" band in my life, but also turn it into a rainbow. And all knowledge and power of the dreamer gets the message of its own tiered dream. Dreams of past lives.
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Chico Bento
Filed under NewsJul 19Its heroes are very known, as Mickey Mouse (1928); The Donald Duck (1950). Brazilian author Maurcio de Sousa, was the creator of the group of the Mnica in the 1959 end, one of the biggest successes in our country. He also created several other personages, as: Chive, Bidu, Chico Bento and Horcio, among others, all known internationally. Still, as Iannone; Iannone (1994, p.54); ' ' … ' ' she was the only Brazilian artist to receive in 1971, the prize Yellow Kid, ' ' Oscar' ' of histories in quadrinhos' '. Becoming an exception because ' created its proper company; ' Maurcio de Sousa Produes' ' , exceeding one of the great obstacles faced for the Brazilian quadrinistas. In the current times, we have some quadrinistas that come if detaching such as: Cia, with the Duck; Angeli, with the Skrotinhos; R Bordosa and Bibel, among others Thus, for Iannone; Iannone (1940, P. 57): influence and the tradition of the allied foreign series to the marketing pressure of the Syndicates is, to a large extent, the responsible ones discourages for it to the national quadrinistas.
Unhappyly, beyond the relative questions to the costs and the distribution, many times the Brazilian production if sees the returns with the structure lack, professionalism and, over all, support of our authority Valley the penalty to mainly stand out, that since its creation at the beginning of the passed century, the current society, in result of its popular style and for being of easy reading, histories in quadrinhos amuse and entusiasmam the readers in general, the children. Being thus, we go to know a little more than this media printed matter. 3- What they are Histrias in Quadrinhos Histories in quadrinhos (HQs) are narratives produced by means of sequential drawings, almost always in the horizontal direction, folloied of short texts of dialogue and some descriptions of the situation, presented in the interior of called figures ' ' bales' '.
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