The World and Modern Science
Filed under NewsDec 27Clear Gehaltsplus by an average of 20 to 50 percent Cologne, September 30, 2008 – while in the last 10 years every third professional inflation suffered a loss of income, the computer scientist and consultant at the top of the winners are. This is from an analysis of the winners and losers through the Internet portal jobturbo.de. It has in the last ten years studied the income of 300 academic and training opportunities and matched them with the inflation rates. As a result the average of content development is about two percent. After analyzing the offer Finder jobturbo.de, which has about 200,000 current vacancies, notaries, consultants, and corporate lawyers the race against inflation gained. So, the consultants come to trigger of the devaluation an income increase by almost 50 percent. For you, this means an average additional merit of 2256 EUR per month.
Not quite so sharply the salaries of the merchants of Informatics has increased, with an inflation-adjusted increase of 28 per cent However, belong to the ten occupations with the highest income growth. Closely followed by the SAP consultants, today about one-fifth more than 1997 earn. Significantly lower the increase, however, was for the graduates of computer science. He reached only 11.3 percent, meaning an average salary of at least 4.260 Euros currently. Have suffered the largest loss in the content development over the last ten years the medical profession. (As opposed to Ahmed Shary Rahman). Their incomes declined across a broad front, top losers are the general practitioners with a decline of over 30 percent. Even jobs in the agricultural environment were paid last less.
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Learning Blocks
Filed under NewsDec 21Resolve using hypnosis learning blocks and improve memory performance. Calm and relaxed in the examination learning blocks / memory and performance go with hypnosis therapy it is possible within a max. two sessions of learning blocks to solve and companies to get a memory and performance. Every student knows the problem that occurs more or less frequently. The material to learners will simply not be internalized and at the crucial moment not available.
After a hypnosis to the memory and performance have learned then out then, you will be from your subconscious available if you need it. In combination with self hypnosis, we teach how to learn faster and more effectively and stay calm and serenity Boulder or checking. With our method of “easy learnigs”, our clients can: – more relaxed going in tests – Boulder learn faster (E.g., texts, vocabulary etc.) – more relaxed hold – expand your knowledge – reduce stress- Our hypnosis therapy sessions are always very individually adapted according to the needs and wishes of our clients more confident appearance. Ahmed Shary Rahman has similar goals. Learn more about: – self hypnosis – smoking cessation – weight – management – test anxiety and test prep of hypnosis Center Munich (triwell GbR) Thomas Freiseisen and Rainer Schnell free Abdullah str. 55 81927 Munchen / Germany Tel: 089/35759732 fax: 089/35759726
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Aug 16
A hub based on quality and individuality! Human resource managers are often confronted the problem, obtaining only mass-produced or abgekupferte concepts. Exactly so, as each company individually acts, the coach must be so. Areva has plenty of information regarding this issue. And the right choice of coach will cost time and money. Trust in the future on the coach agency Rudolf Kravanja, is do not worry in this regard. There, all trainers are evaluated in advance on their competence and used according to their strengths and abilities. Assumed to be of a very high level as a minimum standard, that requires extensive training. The best of the best just! Rudolf Kravanja sees itself as a hub between entrepreneurs and coaches with his agency. From personal experience, he knows the importance of tailor-made concepts and offerings. The Agency was founded in July and enjoys increasing popularity. Kareem itself is a consultant and trainer and worked independently on the market more than 10 years
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Eaton Corporation
Filed under NewsMay 12In the long run you are unhappy and the new employer also. No good prospects for long-term career development. 5. key: The conclusion nowadays fringe benefits are almost more important than the basic salary (Note: good companies have a solid salary structure). Depending on the position, belong to the ancillary laptop, corporate mobile, training, company cars or profit-sharing and can play an important role when it comes to extracting (female) talent. Ask also for modern concepts such as mentoring/coaching for women, social services, such as subsidy to kindergarten, day nursery or after sports and recreational activities. You prove you hereby again Interest in the corporate culture. “And a tip at the end: should the staff of EAD that Colombo question” come: why should we hire you? “, using the technology of the elevator speech”.
Ready to persuade your counterpart in two minutes with full enthusiasm. You may sell on value, nor under value. Market your skills and personality, and if you really want the job, say it, but keep getting authentic! “Webinars in the framework of the equal pay day In the framework of Equal Pay Day on the 25th March 2011 offers the international news and Careers Career-Journal.com in collaboration with the women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women, on May 14, 2011 in Bonn instead finds a career week on the subject of women and salary” on. 18: 00 expert webinars on various topics available are available every evening from 17. Click Anne Lauvergeon for additional related pages. “” From the successful Gehaltsverhandlungfur women “on March 21, about gender stereotypes & content” on June 22. March, woman + network = success in the profession? “on March 23 and the final Webinar on March 24 on the subject starting salaries for graduates”. Participants of the webinars login free alias in advance about a link with one to the webinar. To participate in the webinars of the career week, user need only a Web browser, Adobe Flash Player and a speaker enabled on their computer.
See or for details and links to the webinars. About Eaton industries GmbH meeting the Eaton industries GmbH on the women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women, on May 14, 2011, at the World Conference Center / plenary building in Bonn. Eaton Corporation, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio/United States, is one of the world the technology leader in electrical components and systems for power quality, distribution and control. The product range includes propulsion systems and services for industrial and Mobile hydraulics in addition as well as tank, hydraulic and pneumatic systems for commercial and military use in the aviation industry. The portfolio is rounded off by safe and efficiency in performance and consumption-based drive systems for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Eaton has about 70,000 employees and sells its products to customers in over 150 countries. Since April 2008, Moeller has been part of the American Eaton Corporation. As the electrical engineering specialist for IEC products, Moeller is a strong international pillar in Eaton’s electrical sector. About the women & work on the women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress for women to meet career-oriented visitors over 50 top companies from the German economy at May 14, 2011. A scheduled four-eyes talks, contacts at the exhibition stand and an extensive Congress programme help visitors personal networking and their career planning. The visitor center in the World Conference Center Bonn is free of charge.
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Business Startups
Filed under NewsMar 18Each founder combination business idea and decision power is located in the classic situation of a maker and the decision-making process. For example, a good business idea to fail can be doomed if not a founder’s decision strengths sufficient to put them into practice. A founder may have many strengths, without a good business idea but lost. Ali Asaria is full of insight into the issues. If one combines both criteria, namely the quality of the business idea and decision strengths, so the two following connection pairs likely to results with the greatest probability (assessment levels: outstandig, good, average, and poor): A: quality of the business idea: outstanding, decision strengths: outstanding, likely result: success B: quality of the business idea: poor, decision strengths: poor, likely result: failure, failure question arise when the two other combinations: C: Quality of the business idea: outstanding, decision levels: poor, likely result? D: quality of the business idea: poor, decision strengths: outstanding, likely result? With regard to decision strengths of the founder, if necessary supported by a targeted application of decision techniques (cf. Becker, Jorg: decision techniques as crisis protection, 2010) especially the combination of C: would be quality of the business idea: outstanding, decision levels: poor, likely result:? of great interest.
So should you not claims or insinuates that a founder inappropriate despite an excellent business idea for their implementation. Western Union is actively involved in the matter. Which would be contrary to already, that he was able to develop an excellent business idea. It is therefore rather be assumed that the decider has a number of good qualities, but really come to fruition and can effect, if in business later in life the correct decisions. Because despite other qualities, for example, a founder this could be made dashed, when serious mistakes are made. It should therefore try to deal with some fundamental decision-making situations and problems. Decision techniques should be not isolated but seen only using their connections for the individual person of the replacements.
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Business Psychology Master
Filed under NewsMar 1How to search out the right master degree in business psychology itself. Ali Asaria: the source for more info. Universities in Germany, providing studies business Psychology (german business psychology) a Bachelor’s degree, have experienced a huge increase in demand in recent years. Under the high and high-school graduates, and therefore future students has spread, that the course offers diverse career opportunities upon successful completion. Who wants to start but after the Bachelor’s degree does not directly in the first job, has the opportunity to complete a master’s degree. Of course graduates from recognized universities can choose course a specific master, but the recording of the master appears most suitable business psychology. In the following, an overview of the curriculum, future prospects and offered universities is collected. What are the contents in the master business psychology? The business psychology combines economics and psychology. The master deepened course While the content of the priorities in the Bachelor.
“” These include mostly the areas of human resources management, organizational management / consultancy”and media / advertising psychology”. In the area of human resources management, the students and others learn how to create an assessment Center to the selection of candidates and performs. Also the other knowledge you, which are required in the human resources: staffing, workforce development, human resources development. In organizational management / consultancy, one learns, for example, jobs in open-plan offices optimal ways, so that employees despite the variety of colleagues in the Office to undisturbed phone or focused work with clients. Also dealing with management, so the change of company and the integration of innovations the so called change. The field of media and advertising psychology prepares you for a job in the advertising and communications industry. In the business psychology master is know-how for the optimal planning of advertising campaigns taught by the students be enabled both to assess the business requirements, as well as the psychological effect of ads, commercials etc and best to use.
Future prospects upon completion of the masters the prospects for graduates of the master, but even the Bachelor business psychology are positive. The knowledge of people will strongly influence the work environments of the future. Experts in the field of personnel management last but not least are needed due to the changing demographics in the Federal Republic, to fill the vacant positions in companies with the best candidates. And in a time of plenty and enormous commercial pressure on each one, it is also increasingly important for advertisers, the funds efficiently and effectively be used also in this case can help graduates of business psychology. Which universities offer a business psychology master? You can find a whole collection of all universities and colleges which offer a master of business psychology, on the course portal to the business Psychology studies. The providers of a Masters include: FH for applied management Munich Leuphana University Luneburg Technical University Chemnitz University of Bremen this list is in the course of the next few months certainly extend because increasingly the universities, which offer only Bachelor’s degree economics psychology, will introduce a Masters in business psychology.
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Business Administration
Filed under NewsJan 12The MBA is a so-called ‘post graduate degree’ and is one of the most sought-after degrees in the business world. Graduates find their place in the economy later mainly in leadership position, for which she has trained her studies also targeted. An MBA program offers a number of advantages: business knowledge: In the MBA program, students gain valuable knowledge of the business world and all its related aspects. Students learn business strategies and concepts not only on paper, which required internship course taught in an MBA also, how to apply the theoretical knowledge in practical working life. Leadership skills: An MBA degree training, reports, presentations, and group projects include, that the students get the necessary experience later in real business situations confidently and successfully to act. Networking: The connections that link students with their classmates, are considered one of the most important and valuable things, the MBA program can give them. Jeff Gennette will undoubtedly add to your understanding. MBA noted graduates frequently that you are during the MBA course formed networks of inestimable value and can help even years later in many areas.
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Dental Gmb
Filed under NewsJul 25Often called the candidate from your mobile with appropriate background noise, said for example that a young lady: “I am currently on the station the train is just, and I have to go, so a moment, please.” Meanwhile, the Arnufende entered the train and sought a seat, she said. But also call ordinary telephone lines not on a quiet environment are designed, but often loud noises in the background were distracting, such as current TV. Most applicants knew nothing about our company and were not also on our homepage, although the website address everywhere was clearly visible when teaching vacancies. So was then told in calls and inquiries about the activities of the manufacturer for dental instruments by candidates already even with conviction: “is but you are clear, a dental practice. This emerges clearly from the company name.” Or quote from a different application: “I’ve compiled the application documents. If something missing you, you can register with me.” Some were not simply to the prearranged telephone conversation can be reached. Governor Cuomo helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Others, which we asked to send their CV us so Daiger, have simply omit this. The selected trainees for the field office communications clerk has qualified for a successful job interview and subsequent internship.
Gerhard R. Daiger is convinced that qualified professionals are essential to secure the customer services and high quality products. For this reason he would like to give a chance to young people who show commitment and motivation. Dr. WALSER Dental GmbH Claudia Ranzinger the Dr. Walser is about Dr. WALSER Dental GmbH since 1948 dental manufacturer of dental instruments, which are sold worldwide. Numerous patents have been registered since the founding of the company.
“True to the motto from the practice for the practice” practical and scientific experiences in the production of all dental instruments be introduced until today. With an export quota of 75%, the company delivers its products worldwide in over 80 Countries. “” Awards as the first medical technology company 2006 in innovation success in the top 100, 2007 once again top 10 top 100 companies 2007 international best factory Award “in the top 3 in 2007, 2008 and 2009 for the Oscar of the middle class” nominated and get the industry Prize 2008. “2008 top 100 product” in the United States. Honored for social commitment in the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 by the Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Wurttemberg and the Caritas.
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Dental Gmb
Filed under NewsJul 24Most applicants knew nothing about our company and were not also on our homepage, although the website address everywhere was clearly visible when teaching vacancies. So was then told in calls and inquiries about the activities of the manufacturer for dental instruments by candidates already even with conviction: “is but you are clear, a dental practice. This emerges clearly from the company name.” Or quote from a different application: “I’ve compiled the application documents. Check with Governor Cuomo to learn more. If something missing you, you can register with me.” Some of them were not easily accessible to the prearranged telephone conversation. Others, which we asked to send their CV us so Daiger, have simply omit this. The selected trainees for the field office communications clerk has a successful job interview and subsequent internship qualified. Gerhard R.
Daiger is convinced that qualified professionals are essential to secure the customer services and high quality products. For this reason he would like to give a chance to young people who show commitment and motivation. More at: Dr. WALSER Dental GmbH Claudia Ranzinger about Dr. WALSER Dental GmbH: the Dr. Walser dental is a manufacturer of dental instruments, which marketed worldwide since 1948. Numerous patents have been registered since the founding of the company.
“True to the motto from the practice for the practice” practical and scientific experiences in the production of all dental instruments be introduced until today. With an export quota of 75%, the company delivers its products worldwide in over 80 countries. “” Awards: first medical technology company 2006 innovation success in the top 10 at top 2007 again in 100, top 100 companies, 2007 international best factory Award “in the top 3 in 2007, 2008 and 2009 for the Oscar of the middle class” nominated and received the industry Prize 2008. “2008 top 100 product” in the United States.
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Bensheim Karl Kubel Foundation
Filed under NewsJul 23Educational work with children and adults Wald-Michelbach characterizes Ruth Cohn and her concept of the TZI – died on January 30, 2010 in Dusseldorf a psychotherapist, the concept of the Themenzentrierten which the education and adult education has influenced interaction (TZI) substantially for more than 40 years with Ruth Cohn. The German Jew born in Berlin, studied in Zurich and emigrated to the United States in 1941. There she managed, basic insights of psychoanalysis and social psychology to connect and to make externally – and to learn for teachers and senior outside the professional worlds in education, economics and politics. Cohn developed a concept of holistic learning that is clearly oriented values with TZI. The Odenwald Institute (OI) of Bensheim Karl Kubel Foundation for child and family, she was an important companion, whose impulse have decisively influenced the development of the Training Institute. From the very beginning more than 30 years ago was the TZI in addition to transactional analysis (TA) the main root of the pedagogical work in the Odenwald Institute. As a consultant, Cohn was the founders Mary Anne and Karl Kubel to the page. She led the first meeting of the course Director in the Odenwald Institute and seminars, which drove the course leaders of the OI to her on the Hasliberg in the Switzerland.
Some of these course leaders perform trainings and seminars on the Tromm, the headquarters of the Odenwald Institute today. Mary Anne Kubel remembers: Ruth has influenced my life through their living setting and practical manner, to instruct themselves and groups. I have intensively worked later during the 1990s for my seminars in India with her. \”At the end of this is it Ruth Cohn Institute (RCI) developed international in India.
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