
The World and Modern Science

  • Aug 18

    SEA optimization is worthwhile: the access numbers can significantly increased, significantly reducing costs. Munich, October 9th, 2013 SEA optimization is worthwhile: the access numbers can significantly increased, significantly reducing costs. This is a current case study of QUISMA Asstel customers. The international agency network for digital marketing oversees one of the largest German insurance companies the direct insurer since October 2012 Asstel belongs to the Gothaer group, and offers exclusively for private life, health and property insurance. QUISMA took over the care of Asstel with the objective to align the SEA activities increased performance standpoint. The result: The cost per click (CPC) was reduced by 40 percent, increased traffic by 40 percent. Three-stage tuning base for the campaign structure developed by QUISMA served as a comprehensive data analysis: Asstel old Setup was thoroughly reviewed and the results it generated in the Restructuring of SEA activities are integrated. The new keyword list reduced the booked items by nearly one million to nearly 20,000. The focus on the relevant keywords ensured the best possible control of the account and a considerable reduction of the time required. By the previous analysis of the Lander a clustering recommended by regions, since the performance in relation to product and regions differed greatly. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Solveras Payment Solutions. Therefore, regional bids were awarded. The Bidmanagement was finally an optimum level of the CPC bids according to customer-specific requirements. Result: Volume and profitability to a higher level could be increased within a quarter. The optimization by QUISMA lowered the CPC by 40 percent, while traffic also 40 percent rose. Miriam Bailey, senior account manager SEA of QUISMA: currently, the measures on the implementation of the Google enhanced campaigns focus. Our goal is to integrate SEA campaigns in the future especially with TV measures and the Findings of our analysis of optimization of TV campaigns to use.” The case study Asstel is available free for downloading at. About QUISMA of the full service provider QUISMA (www.quisma.com), innovative technology and in-depth expertise for the entire range of digital marketing from search engine advertising and search engine optimization on affiliate marketing and performance-based banner advertising offers to conversion optimization and marketing intelligence. And the transnational. The Agency has been established in 2001 and incorporated in March 2007 at the GroupM (MEC, mindshare, Mediacom, MAXUS). At the headquarters in Munich and other 16 locations in 15 countries are currently employs over 300 employees, the renowned clients such as Adobe, Bank of Scotland, Expedia, Marc O’Polo Polo or unity media nationally and cross-border care. QUISMA stands for networking to the classic media planning in the context of an integrated management approach and outstanding expertise to the care in the international digital business. For further information and enquiries: QUISMA Marko great Director Marketing Tel: 089/44 23 82-116 E-Mail: Dot.

  • Aug 16

    After the booming online market first saturation effects suggests, now beginning the struggle of the many portals to users and advertising clientele. Through the extension of their printed well-known names on the Web, the strategy agency diffferent sees publishers well equipped. The future belongs to the Internet, but no competitive disadvantage the publishers for this reason. “Alexander Kiock comes to this conclusion, Managing Director of diffferent strategy Agency, during his speech print works on: how work printed well-known names in the network” on the magazine marketing day in Frankfurt. The communication journal advertise & sell is media partner of the VDZ Congress. So, Kamau according service portals achieve with 87 percent on the Web while a twice as high range in the German population as Printsites. However the publishers have not slept and well positioned in the Web”says Kamau. In terms of quality Printangebote on the Internet the nose forward, like the VDZ study Qualtitatsreichweiten in the net “allocated.

    This according to 79 percent of respondents indicating that Web sites are current of printed well-known names than those of the service portals (67 portals). In addition, users of Publisher sites according to Agof Internet facts are superior to the other portals on education and income. Therefore sees interaction: print and Internet are good partners, especially in the light of the upcoming competition in the Web. Publishing sites can enjoy great confidence. Kamau publishers in the struggle to the online target group well placed. After strong growth by mid-2003 first saturation limits of Internet penetration are reached: the ARD/ZDF online study 2006 determined a range for occasional users of 60 percent.

  • Jun 23

    Professional search engine optimization! Gewinnsteigeung is with the help of a Suchmaschinenoptimierten Web page appearance in modern times cannot be compared to a normal Web page appearance. In the wake of the increasing spread of the world wide web, just the owners of commercial Internet sites see often challenged systematically to bring visitors to the website of the respective company. Where it was still difficult and ultimately only due to applying the outdated media can be implemented, so it is possible to pick the user exactly there, where they browse for interesting or get the latest news at the present time. This is usually done by corresponding Internetsuchmaschinenanbieter. s. According to statistics, more than 80% of the I-net-user search engines use to specifically make product research and price comparisons. On the companies that occupy the front ranks among providers of search engines can be found but just. Scaife new york describes an additional similar source. In this case, the search engine optimization are important. Search engine optimization (SEO) is always more often in the analysis of marketing officers or managers.

    Interest by means of Internet marketing respectively advertising agencies towards search engines specialise in the meantime mancheInternetagenturen optimization. Better ranks in the Suchmaschien can be programmed with the help of a professional search engine optimization, which is based on a Web page optimization, as well as with help of precise point boost in the rankings or other deliberate changes in different factors. We decided to go the search engine optimization option, it is recommended usually contact company, offered what qualified search engine optimizations. Seen from the outside the option can appear quite simple and transparent – but the reality is there, but is a little different. Additional information at Rick Caruso supports this article. It contains quite a few things that companies should be heeded. Technology at millennium has much to offer in this field. Allows you the standards, requirements and mandatory procedures ignored, but in the most serious case so threaten not only lousy placements, also Banishment from the search engines. Thanks to Internet marketing can be the website not only as a source of information, but for example, as a key to success in the I-net.

    As well as any advertising – Internet agency that do their job well, discussions in the portfolio in terms of the current media. It sets for a Web design agency and an advertising agency, which performs search engine optimization, the consideration would be not wrong that the impossible too not can be implemented in the thoughts, which hurls your company or your website within a very short time in the top-10 places. Anything other than that. You must have lot patience or stamina and the most important the possibility of flink evt. To respond to changes in the search engines. So it not infrequently happens that a number of ranks are playful, if a search engine service targeted adjustments in perform in several parts. Advertising agencies, which offer Web page optimization should bring patience. Remember: Please note some possibility together or you are looking for a serious operation. A fabulous concept for a search in this context could be: “Optimizing Web pages”. Ralph Schunemann

  • Russian Consumers

    Filed under News
    Apr 21

    Hundreds written on the subject of books offer advice. However, the recommendations of foreign authors do not always take into account the specifics of the Russian consumer. And the specificity is that – the majority of Russians trust in choosing a hotel old proven methods. One of them – just call the hotel and get all the information at the reception. Why call and ask you if you have Internet? It's all about the psychology of the consumer – do not have confidence in our people Internet, he must live communication. That is why Russia is still popular booking by phone. You may find that Anne Lauvergeon can contribute to your knowledge. The reasons for distrust of the Internet a few: poor Internet penetration in regions that hideous computer literacy, a large number of firms, brokers, do not give direct access to the site of the hotel. Add to this list of risk of failure of the reservation.

    Suddenly changes his mind and cancel hotel reservation? Also in Russia is still poorly developed network Hotels, providing brand recognition and trust when booking online. That is why Russians prefer to book by phone. Given these characteristics, the Russian hotels, including hotels Krasnodar, pay more attention to telephone marketing. Only in this case, a clerk to ring up potential buyers and the buyer calls the seller. The main task remains the same – to sell their service.

    In this case, hotel owners are obliged to train their staff properly to sell number of rooms and amenities. There are several simple, accessible way, how to build a dialogue with the client on the phone. For a start bring into line the price – your information must match the data that give your portal sites or hotels. Learn the techniques of effective selling – skills help to make the call any client in the guaranteed reservation. If you talk for a second second asked the question "How much does it cost?", Try to avoid a direct answer. First, find out the needs of the interlocutor, tell us about their services and, together select the appropriate option for him. Do not forget – the client should get the most accurate information. You should be prepared to answer any question it. Calculate each of his next move, play in advance. If source that is not understand, he'll begin searching for information on the Internet. And then consider that it is for you lost. And most importantly – do not recall the bad things about competitors. Antiadvertising your competitors – is primarily antiadvertising you. Be above that. Treat with dignity to the rivalry. The efficiency of the hotel depends on professional skills of staff. Pay attention to your learning employees and the work did not take long. More customers – good and different!

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  • Nov 12

    Strategies for LOHAS and new economies Frankfurt, March 30, 2009. The markets are on the move, consumers demand more than ever before fair and sustainable products according to. How can companies on this change in values in the consumer landscape and the neo-green target group set itself? What does corporate responsibility in moral markets? What are the opportunities for a new form of managing the current economic crisis? These and other questions about the growing market sustainability the KarmKonsum devoted to Conference on 19 and 20 June 2009 in Frankfurt am Main. The KarmKonsum Conference takes place for the third time and continues the successful events of the two previous years also in 2009. Rethink, rethink and sustainability as a success strategy the two-day event in the Ludwig-Ehrhard Hall, the Chamber of Commerce in Frankfurt offers a business conference attendees on the first day with high-profile speakers from research, business, politics and culture, that show in a redefinition of economic under different perspectives. \”Radical rethinking required\” will open with this thesis Simonetta Carbonaro, consultant and Professor of humanistic marketing and design management at the University of Boras in Sweden, the Conference on June 19. Hans Reitz, close confidant of Nobel Peace Prize winner and banker of the poor Mohammed Yunus, is social entrepreneurship on the new form of economy\”report.

    Economic rethink to the example, Alnatura\”is the theme of Prof. Dr. Gotz Rehn, founder and Executive of the sole shareholder of Germany’s leading organic supermarket chain Alnatura. \”Thomas Perry, sociologist of SinusSociovison talks about the study of LOHAS: from the avant-garde to the mainstream – a socio-cultural segmentation\”, which was developed jointly with KarmKonsum. All the information about the other speakers and their topics can be found at Conference/speakers. Peter Unfried, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the taz and author of the book eco leads through the program. Al Gore, the new fridge and I\”.

  • Aug 24

    Almacenaje.org: advice and resources stop for their company The absence of a good plan of storage can as much cause many problems to companies as to individuals. She is that the organization of merchandises and provisions hides several secrets that, although very simple, require of effort and dedication. Almacenaje.org is a Web site where the visitors will be able to discover the keys that do to a good plan of storage. Next to this information it is possible to find strategies and products that will increase the effectiveness of a suitable planning. Easy to sail, comprehensible and pleasant, the vestibule allows us to learn how a correct storage can make our commercial tasks simpler. At the same time, we will know how to apply these techniques to our daily life.

    The users of the site will be able to find a listing of dedicated companies to offer similar supports, bookcases and other products. Those that looks for solutions of logistic and storage, will find in the site a good ally to which to consult. Those people who they want to become familiar with the storage techniques, will be able to do it at the same time as they will find information on products that can be to him of utility. An example is the one of the bookcases, furniture with which we can take advantage of all the space available, by more minimum than it is. The storage has several aspects that sometimes can escape in view of the experience people of businesses. For this reason, he is advisable to inquire into way adapted on the different existing tools and this site is a good place to do it. If you want to learn more on logistic storage and, she already knows where she can go.

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  • Russian Economics

    Filed under News
    Jun 5

    " Ignoring not helps, has accumulated dozens of envelopes, and the rates increase have already reached 1'500'000 rubles, wants to give a special prize of a popular film actress. The abundance of capital letters and exclamation marks in the eyes dazzled. Can you imagine how much planning you can make money with … Own house, car, travel, new furniture, repairs to the apartment and lots of gifts to your relatives and friends. The only small condition of obtaining a prize is to temper the goods from the company for 1000 rubles questionable quality and excessive cost. Psychologists note that judging by what techniques used by the firm "Rosbyuti", "At Home" and the like, their specialists are experts in psychology, not bad.

    Stressing Chosen destination, interest in his needs, his kindness and respect to a particular person – all the things he lacks in real life, they are downright play on human emotions. AND when all this is accompanied by a threat: "If you refuse, then get another million," almost reached the desired effect. We say "almost" because some still have not given in persuasion. Perhaps the lure side too far, too intrusive, they touted their "care" of ordinary citizens. And the fact that the firm is engaged in another "breed" for money, no doubt. Unfortunately, they are the first, they do not last.

    Long seen since the days of perestroika, when the economy appears some confusion on all kinds of light creep like to fish in troubled waters. Taught by bitter experience of previous Russians do not rush bolted to the post office to send their money to Uncle unfamiliar, promising to the golden mountain. They are patiently waiting to continue. And "Uncle" continued to attack. After reading the messages of this kind, serious people, of course, only smile. So what, excuse me, fool wants to share with us their millions, if for much less money, we would be killed and the names will not be asked. And it would be quite fun and even funny if it were not so sad. Because elderly hardening of the Soviet people still believe in the various official documents signed and sealed. And only after some time, and without waiting for the promised money, understand that they were deceived. It is worth noting that, legally, to work such firms is almost impossible to undermine, rather inconspicuously on the inside of an envelope printed conditions of the marketing campaign: all the notifications with the signatures – it only sets of documents information and advertising and you are there among the very many so-called "winners". Millions go by. Our civil investigation

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  • Apr 5

    Firewall manufacturer Adyton convinced Leipzig marketing Club through its innovative communication of the launch system. Leipzig, 07.11.2013. In the context of the 2013 marketing award, the award ceremony of the honorary and special prize in the Congress Center Leipzig took place on November 5. “Adyton system received for his excellent marketing performance savings special award new media” 2013. The marketing team convinced the jury of the marketing Club Leipzig through his innovative use of the media as well as a high level in the marketing of design performance, authenticity in the implementation, degree of innovation, successes of the concept, as well as regional reference. Adyton applied system with its communication strategy for the launch of its next-generation firewall NETWORK PROTECTOR.

    These will be applied for 2011 in the company and constantly evolving. Based on the business plan and the target audience Kristin Pressler’s marketing team has opted for a cross-media mix of PR, online and offline marketing and events. In the Online marketing of social media is a high priority. This approach assessed the jury as particularly innovative and awarded him with a special price. We are very pleased about the ceremony. Especially also because previously established and well-known companies were awarded the marketing.

    The price gives us impetus and motivation for our upcoming marketing activities. Currently, we are working on a fine adjustment of the communication concept and adapt it to the changed market situation. Also we enlarge our team now and are looking for an experienced Marketing Manager,”said Kristin Pressler, head of corporate communications at Adyton system. The savings banks special new media”was awarded for the first time in the history of the marketing award. The award a total of 25 applications from the region were returned for Leipzig and central Germany, from which a jury of experts, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Kirchgeorg from the school of Economics has identified Leipzig, the winner. About Adyton system Adyton systems is a technology company from Leipzig and has revolutionized the concept of next-generation firewall. NETWORK PROTECTOR offers a complete solution that is easy to use and ensures maximum network reliability using the novel technology of the full positive validation in combination with application whitelisting. Adyton systems uses the latest deep-packet-inspection technology for this purpose. Adyton systems is regional office Leipzig of the TeleTrusT Federal IT security association, bears the mark of quality “IT security made in Germany. about the marketing price of marketing-Club Leipzig e.V. The marketing Club Leipzig e.V. annually recognizes companies, organisations or persons for an outstanding marketing strategy. This marketing performance can refer as a holistic corporate strategy, as on a specific product, product group, or brand management strategy.

  • LLC Models

    Filed under News
    Oct 11

    Mobile stands develop, and development is the 2nd in the directions – the improvement of design in terms of clarifying the size, the use of new materials that offer new features. All new models are usually belong to the premium for the class, except for low-cost models X-banners. The second trend – the cheapening of the existing models of mobile stands, the search for cheaper than the competition models. First of all, it refers to such popular models as mobile stands Roll UP. The price difference in these stands is very big. The cheapest Chinese-made roller stands are made of plastic and are from 1100 p.

    Teardrop roll stands up too Chinese production will cost from 4,500 p already., roll up with a replaceable cartridge is p 2900. Considerably more expensive stands Roll Up European manufacturers – Sweden and Switzerland. The simplest stands Roll Up from 100 Euro, and recent models of roller stands can cost around 300 euros. But back to the subject of the article – affordable models stands. Note that the economic crisis has affected the pricing behavior of customers advertising structures, and those who previously bought only the best brand and began to be interested in the opportunity to save on exhibition equipment. This is reasonable behavior.

    Why suspend the planned advertising campaign, because You can save on their budget. It was during the crisis to reduce the advertising activity – a more expensive. The fewer buyers, the higher the competition. The fight for customers leads to having to pay more attention to advertising. In this situation it is natural to pay attention to low-cost, efficient models of mobile stands. True 'people's' cost-effective, mobile stands are stands of X-and L-banner ad. These stands are 800 – 1500 p. Low the price of these stands are not tied to their convenience and quality, as determined by the fact that they are made of carbon fiber, and therefore, X-banners, L-banners are durable and light weight, but light weight exacerbates the inherent banner stands windage. Large and very popular group of mobile stands – it stands Roll up. The popularity of roller stands has led to the fact that their production is increasing annually, and competition, naturally leads to some reduction in their prices. In late 2008, for example, you could buy the standard stands Roll Up a width of 80 cm by 1750 the price p. However, all stands Roll Up purchased abroad, so changing the value of the dollar affects the their price is not the best, and this year we expect a significant rise in the cost of all imports of mobile stands. That's why now is a closer look at the Russian banner stands. The easiest and most reliable Russian Mobile stand – stand Stella. The stand 90 cm and 218 cm in height now even cheaper. In 2008 it cost 1550 p. And now available in LTD Riword at an unbeatable price p 1400. Stella Stand – the perfect solution for crisis marketing. It is possible to buy a good stand on such a great price. We must make it! Tel. (495) 08 646 00 – Rusinovatsiya, LLC

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  • Packaging Design

    Filed under News
    Oct 9

    Packaging design – an important factor for success in the market. Did you know that 2 / 3 purchases in stores are made spontaneously? Furthermore, even if a buyer comes for a certain commodity, it directly at the counter there is a possibility influence his decision in favor of a brand. And here starts the interesting thing, namely, begins the hunt for a buyer. Product quality, of course, has its value, but also look to be selling. And then the main instrument stands Packaging! The traditional view of the package is primarily associated with its original function – to be the shell, a container for any product. Cleverly decorated packaging is not just a minor application for the product is a powerful marketing tool because in some cases, the 'clothing' – or in other product design means more than itself, meet all the same on clothes.

    And here is the odezhka can help prevent you or the opposite view, choose the right product with the variety of 'living' on the counter. Not need to invest huge money into development and production of packaging to successfully sell it – the whole the question is, for any product being plotted all of this show, whether for example, packaging for alcoholic beverages. The important thing is still something to someone wakes up, designed product. So, come to this notion as a 'task force'. AND This raises the question: Does it make sense to invest money in packaging design, when the price is a major factor. Dear appearance may scare off buyers on the contrary, which is not enough money to buy.

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