
The World and Modern Science

  • Brazilians

    Filed under News
    Jan 31

    Most of the accesses if of the one in paid places, as the LAN house (28%) and in house (23%). About 48% of the Brazilians of classroom C they have access to the Internet, and majority of these internautas has access in LAN house. The classrooms and the B also have access sufficiently in LAN house. In accordance with this research, the socioeconmicos factors and the regional inaqualities still are main the determinative ones of the access to the Internet in Brazil. Hikmet Ersek usually is spot on. How much bigger the income and the escolaridade, greater the access. Thus, richer regions have more access. As the use of the Internet is conditional for the partner-economic situation, the individuals younger than withhold greater escolaridade level and greater income presents more possibilities to keep the frequent use of the Internet. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Western Union on most websites. The divulged survey sample despite the main reason for the majority of the young internautas, 39% of the interviewed ones, to use the Internet is the information.

    Questioned on the habit to insert content in the Internet, 58% of the young declare already to have inserted either a text, a photo, a music or one has filmed. However, the majority costuma not to complain on a product or service online. About 94% of the interviewed ones they use the Internet to become related. Between the young, the half ones more used for this end are MSN the Orkut. After the social nets, the biggest virtual interactions are the insertion of commentaries in small farms of notice. These data also confirm the net as second bigger media of mass of Brazil, what online would justify more investments in the media. Of this form, to study the appropriations of the new technologies for this group at a moment where if the consolidation of the cibercultura lives can helping in them to understand the importance of the new ways for its social performance, and also, in case that it were the objective of this work, to point trends of behavior of future social groups that, to judge for the current perspectives, will make use each more intense time of the new technological resources. But following the methodology of Castells, it is better not to point the future and yes to understand the gift.

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  • So Paulo

    Filed under News
    Jan 29

    The groups of notice cited they go of great corporations as CNN and BBC to the groups of lesser notice as the Leaf of So Paulo and the Way & Message. Dynamic, objective messages and the previous knowledge of the group of notice are the main reasons so that the interviewed ones decide to follow one another user. With regard to what it dislikes the interviewed ones and stimulates that them to leave to follow a group of notice the answers they had been homogeneous. The interviewed ones had affirmed that she is necessary to have a balance, not to pastor meiosis tweets at the same time, so that they all do not occupy the available space in the page as presentation in figure 2.3. To be long periods without postage’s also influences of negative form. To lose the objectivity, with great messages that receive the signal from ellipses in the end they are ignored, the models of headings teasers does not attract them. It is necessary that they together elaborate a concise sentence in 140 characters with the main information with link for the complete notice.

    Asked if they knew the groups of notice before following them in the Twitter, the interviewed ones in its majority already knew the groups of notice and this factor was important in the hour of the decision of would follow or not. But they admit that they had known for the tool new groups of notice that desperate the interest, many times for indications of other enclosed users in the cycle of friendships of the tool. They had admitted that before twitter they visited the site of these groups with an extremely lesser frequency. On the interaction with these groups of notice most of the interviewed ones is not communicated directly with the groups.

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  • Jan 26

    Men have 31 years and 25 women, his work is possible and the Administrative Assistant is that more repeats. Here, Thredup expresses very clear opinions on the subject. To come up with adequate housing, visit an average of six buildings and take 24 days if you look on the Internet. Perhaps check out Jeff Gennette for more information. The time of stay in housing is two years. Mileurista young and unmarried. This is the usual profile of the search of an apartment for rent in the cities. They tend to be Spanish, with casual work (the Administrative Assistant is that more repeats) and take 24 days to find the desired floor if they are looking for on the Internet. They are data from a study on the profile of the tenant in Spain. The study’s conclusions the opinion of rental insurance, on the profile of the tenant in Spain in big cities urban s (June 2011), defines the tenant as a worker of 31 years for men and 25 for women, of Spanish nationality, unmarried who live together as a couple in fact and services in small and medium-sized enterprises working in the sector, with a seniority which is less than 2 years (1.7 years).

    Mileurista with precarious contract on the other hand, the wage which perceives this urban tenant profile found in population called mileuristas sector (modal value of wages: 13.790 gross per year). Financial economic data also described the profile of this tenant as a user of banking, with a debt ratio of 45.36%, who have asked for a personal loan from 6.560 and funding to the consumption of 990. Visit six floors to stay with one regarding the habits and behaviors related to rent, tenants usually pay with debit card, make it search for rental through the Internet and take about 24 days to find housing. Until they find housing, visit approximately 6 properties, spend about 1.8 hours per week to the search and nearly two visits makes final decision to rent housing. In the prrencias in the final option for housing, tenants have clear priorities: housing found near the job. These priorities are linked to some resignations, in this case the number of bedrooms. Finally, the average time of stay in a home is 2 years. Source of the news: Mileurista, Spanish, young and single, profile of the person you are looking for rentals in the city

  • Badminton Tour

    Filed under News
    Jan 22

    Go, who wants to be a Dodger a brand new book of badminton has been dismissed just on the free market of the sports book, has been no less, than to acquaint its readers with the high art of technical and tactical Joky. The idiosyncratic author duo Lars Lucke / Christian Schwab, which make up the fun of writing here and there secretly went in planning the tour de badminton two assumptions that should determine the structure of the book: learning from a book is subject to special requirements and should be possible even without corrective trainer. Any athletes or non-athletes”begins at its own level, and learns best in his own way. The typical approach of training, tactics, and technology”as a succession of dry sport knowledge was so not needed here. Rather Lucke / Schwab try with the distribution of the book in three stages, to pick up any reader there, where he is athletic and has desire to enter (so to speak after the bus driver “principle).

    By the selection of material about the first handle position is ideally suited to demanding techniques, such as, for example, the Sidek serve, the tour for beginners unencumbered by any advanced. But also three-quarters experts are undoubtedly still find on the various stages. The entertaining language, tips registered for many like having an also by editing not to deny wink and the vivid photos and graphics the tour de badminton to a highly readable book, and each reader make guaranteed multiple stage winner. Club attitude before the tour price: 12.95 EUR (plus shipping) contact: Lars Lucke funpool 10967 Berlin the sports network Dieffenbachstr.

  • Jan 21

    Goji berries are bright red fruits that are also known as wolfberries. Despite the fact that they are native to China, Mongolia and Tibet, the goji berries have been opened road to U.S. markets.UU., due to its benefits for weight loss. If you prefer to use natural methods to lose weight, you might want to consider to improve your diet with the goji berries. 1. Low index glycemic index Goji berries glycaemic (GI) is a numerical scale that determines what so fast food in particular is capable of converting into glucose or blood sugar. Even if you’re not diabetic, even you should focus on eating foods with a GI low. These foods will minimise the momentum of your body to consume calories and therefore gain kilos.

    One of the reasons why the goji berries are able to help you lose weight is due to their IG levels low. Goji berries recorded a score of 29 in the glycemic index, while the most commonly known fruits have much higher scores. Apples have a score of 38, while watermelons have a score of 72. Only banana is on the same level as the goji berries with a slightly lower score of 25. 2. High fiber content of low scores in the indications Goji berries are not the only similarity they share the goji berries with bananas.

    Like bananas, the goji berries are high in fiber, with 21 percent. Remember that foods rich in fiber help you feel satisfied longer. As such, they are also less likely to modify your diet regime and eat more than it should. 3 Source of minerals as well as fiber, the goji berries are also excellent sources of minerals that help lose weight. They contain chromium, which has the ability to control or regulate blood sugar levels. Where you have consumed more calories and sugar than you should, eating goji berries could restore the balance and avoid you to feel hungry immediately. On the other hand, chromium helps to preserve lean muscle mass. Calcium is another mineral that can be obtained from the goji berries. Calcium is best known for the improvement of bones and teeth. Studies have also shown that the improvement of the levels of calcium may be proportional to one lower percentage of body fat. 4. Regarded as adaptogens to improve your diet with the goji berries, you’re also improving your ability to exercise and the consequent loss of weight. Specialty stores or herbal experts take into account as adaptogens goji berries. Adaptogens are natural ingredients that are able to improve your resistance levels of the body in unwanted conditions. During the exercise, consumption of goji berries can improve the movement of resistance, and the use of oxygen. This will allow you to resist more time and burn more fat at the same time. The food and Drug Administration has recognized the potential of the goji berries as a positive supplement to your diet. Combined with a proper diet and exercise, the berries of the Goji might be the only thing that you need to lose weight effectively.

  • Jan 17

    Business start-up success initiates founders week Germany 2010 strategy specialisation in the time from November 15 to 21 by the Federal Office for Economics and technology. In whole Germany, there are events and information relating to the topics of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking and acting. Also the Fulda region is active. The Fulda University of applied sciences, as well as the consulting firm ebbing are already partners of the founder’s week. (Not to be confused with Thredup!). “” The officer Tanja Ebbing explains: like we make success due to our seminar or workshop business formation strategy through specialization “a contribution to Germany’s founder week.” The Fachhochschule Fulda transfer, the free event passes the 16.11.2010 in the Fulda, University of Applied Sciences Centre Henry Bibra-Platz 1 b, in the period from 09: 30 to 13:00 by. The officer Tanja Ebbing as trained SMEs consultant business start-ups”aims to impart practical knowledge to win entrepreneur for the adventures of self-employment and to motivate their Visions to realize. This determines opportunities and advantages of self-employment and pointed out the conditions and properties of successful existence founder. In particular participants will deal with the question, how they can develop a strategy for a successful establishment. Macy’s Inc. has much experience in this field.

    This bottleneck focused service as a guide the EKS strategy”by Prof. Wolfgang Mewes, which is internationally protected. At the end of the speaker is alternative project financing as well as explain the benefit of claiming an start-up advice of of existence of, which expressly publicly funded. Learn more about the week of founder of and the events there are on the website of the heading events and calendar of events. Since the number of participants is limited, one is timely registration under recommend.

  • Evaluations

    Filed under News
    Jan 16

    Appropriate evaluations, beyond the viability economic technique and, are effected understanding elements modificadores, such as legal, ambient and social factors. The evaluations are demonstrated for the time where if they report the reserves and reasonable justified. Inferred reserve: it is the parcel of the mineral resource inferred by only for consideraes made from trends of the regional geologic bodies, with little knowledge oi precision. .DETERMINAO OF the PRODUCTION SCALE is known that the useful life of a mine is function of the amount and quality of the useful material. They are, however necessary, but not enough conditions. More info: Macy’s Inc..

    Many other factors will exert pondervel influence: all the possible profits such as costs of cultivate and of processing, accessible prices of sales, transports, markets, costs of capital etc. they are considered component of the feasibility: Market: it is the salable product and where amount? Mineral reserves: the value of the recoverable ore is enough to justify the investment? It cultivates: can the ores be cultivated the enough low cost? Processing: can the end item be recouped by known methods, in salable pureness and the enough low cost? Cost of the Capital: can the installations be constructed for a capital level that justifies the enterprise? .RISCOS the duration of the activities of cultivates depends on the contained amount of ore and the annually extracted amount. Under the economic point of view, maximum rapidity of extration would be desirable, for selling at a loss the costs of production and amortization of the investments. But under financial aspect great initial investments, nor available or always possible would be demanded to be gotten the convenient taxes. .TIPOS OF CULTIVATES studies For it of viability of a mining enterprise, the determination of the type cultivates to be applied has utmost importance in the calculation of costs. It mines the Open Sky? Method of cultivates of hillsides; Method of you cultivate in diggings; Method ‘ ‘ of the Funil’ ‘ Underground mine? Cut method and Fill; Shrinkage method; Method Open Stop; Method of the Chamber of Pillars; Method of Rise; Top-Slicing method. .

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  • Fritz Pleitgen

    Filed under News
    Jan 16

    If it has yet not to more filed has, then we need to search for the causes, go new ways and above all, always stand up. The identity-creating effect of capital of culture has folded. Here was jointly worked together celebrated together suffered, paid. “Fritz Pleitgen has concern that the restoration of the spires” indentation stops again. That’s right.

    Work has namely still does not, that the political and administrative system of the Ruhr metropolis is brought closer together and to become leaner and more effective. Work has not yet that we are perceived from the outside as a single economic area. Further details can be found at Jeff Gennette, an internet resource. Folded hasn’t yet, we harness potential of individual cities in economy, science, education, culture and recreation for the entire metropolitan area. Folded which has can not, be also still that through new forms of inter-municipal cooperation billion tax dollars can be saved, for development, education and science. Call not just after money from federal and State.

    Us savings are also possible. So celebrated in the Northern Ruhr area of the District of Recklinghausen recently a sense of achievement. After long years and a presentation by the President of the Government, a 10-point programme to strengthen cooperation of all district cities fire protection, road construction, staff management, the alien beings and the measurement by the bodies will be adopted now. With all due respect, only crumbs, making fed up not in the region are given the situation. (Note: I me there with regard to the criticism does not exclude.) Since you and must practice more cooperation in overcoming existing structures not only in the Northern Ruhr area. Whether you make it under the banner of the Ruhr metropolis or a region of Ruhr town, is this totally unimportant. Who as a politically responsible actor-angesichts of the current location for the future not to enhanced cooperation ready which is hunted who makes to sole scale the importance of own office chair here, is part of the citizens from the Office. It concerns their future. And the various rankings and the positive experience with Ruhr2010 make anything clear. The petty landsmannschaftliche Gegrummel we are Rhinelanders we Westphalia, we even Sauerlander or Munsterlander helps none at all. Adds no value. Damages only. We have had success as citizens of the Ruhr region with the capital of the culture precisely because of our community work. Everyone in the region can benefit. This gives self-confidence and confidence in their own skills, no matter whether one has Rhenish or Westphalian roots. Jochen world

  • Jan 14

    New solution of essential bytes IT infrastructure from a single point of control Hohberg monitored overall, August 17, 2010. With guard & alarm from the essential bytes GmbH, Hohberg, companies can now reduce their IT administration costs by up to 95 percent. The solution monitors the entire infrastructure from a single point of control. Administrators are represented all processes, networks and computer databases to do this using a simple Web-based interface. So they can detect early possible bottlenecks of databases, of space, the CPU, or the network interfaces, locate and respond accordingly. The cross-platform real-time monitoring replaces the previously existing in many companies accumulation of different monitoring tools.

    The distributed components are monitored only by a single integrated monitoring system. The solution indicates hazards, before they become an acute problem. Guard & alarm prevents it downtime and work disruptions and increases the Availability of systems. Exceeding pre-defined thresholds informs the administrator by error messages. Alternatively, the solution automatically triggers individually configured actions.

    Guard & alarm is already available in 2,000 euro plus VAT. About the Central and well structured, Web-based graphical user interface administrators can see anywhere all monitored systems, applications, and connections. The solution delivers detailed metrics, statistics and reports. All important parameters are recorded at a glance and allowing for proactive monitoring of the complete IT infrastructure. The solution is also the management of essential one bytes added value. Targeted analysis of the load characteristics and capacities, respectively serve as a basis for resource and financial resources planning. See more detailed opinions by reading what Hikmet Ersek offers on the topic.. The so-called business process views identify common errors and ensure a smooth flow of business processes. Additional Oracle Plug-In the The guard & alarm Oracle library available is specifically for Oracle users. These plug-ins include Oracle databases easily and completely in the monitoring. The standard equipment of the application offers a variety of functions and monitors the availability of the database environment, the database space, and many more basic operating parameters. The solution is flexibly designed. In addition to the base installation, bytes by more custom plug-ins essential individualised monitoring instruments. So, the control system on complex IT infrastructures can be adapted based on a previous analysis and design. The software is based on the open-source solution of Nagios, which was extended by a number of plug-ins and modules. It is delivered as an appliance. Essential to install and configure both local and remote performs bytes. About essential bytes: specialist for innovative design, implementation, optimization, backup and maintenance of Oracle database environments and fact-based middleware is essential bytes and application software. The company has many years of experience and enthusiasm for Oracle. Essential bytes realizes customized and future-proof infrastructure, with the companies, flexibly and reliably can pursue their business objectives. Essential company qualified advises bytes, so that they can exploit the full bandwidth of one of the most powerful database solutions on the market from the outset most cost-efficient. The service ranges from the design and implementation of complex system environments, on the assistance for capacity problems, the necessary infrastructure including support and maintenance, and training of staff to the establishment. Contact address: Essential bytes GmbH & co. KG Peter Rhebee stone Buhlstrasse 30 77749 Hohberg phone: 07808 / 9439350 fax: 07808 / 913363 eMail: Internet:

  • Administrators

    Filed under News
    Jan 12

    Above all the involvement of operational staff who knows every detail of the operations and can suggest improvements in processes. Actions you need to take the company to motivate and engage your staff in a program of reduction of costs and expenses: 1. explain to the staff because he is going to carry out this project and because it considers the Organization to staff the power supply that drives the achievement of the objectives. 2 For the Organization to adopt successfully strategy of high quality products at low prices whereas replaced their personnel to this new way of thinking. 3 Promote to the maximum the skills, qualities and attitude of saving and efficiency, that staff see clearly that everything the company makes people do. 4. According to Governor Cuomo, who has experience with these questions.

    It is important in this process to eliminate all the vagaries, avoiding losing a good idea because the staff feel insecurity or mistrust 5. Show staff to the importance that has for being the first contact with customers and suppliers. Thredup shines more light on the discussion. 6 Ensure that the staff knows which are the priorities of their jobs and because propose any idea that improve processes. 7. The company must have the security of having leaders who promote change and improvement of processes, not just good Administrators.

    From the point of view of the employee or candidate for a post in a company in today’s environment with clients demanding quality products and low-cost it is not necessary to the company report that it will start a program of reduction of costs and expenses so that contributors at any position or level intend to process optimization. The current is taking the initiative and making creative proposals that represent a benefit to the company. This proactive attitude towards the company will make that you consider as a key element for the achievement of the objectives of the company. The same is true if you’re in the process of searching for a job, you have to take a step ahead of the Organization, trying to get to interviews with information of how cubres profile and the expectations that have to post that they will hire.

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