
The World and Modern Science

  • Spanish People

    Filed under News
    Aug 9

    Moroccan ethnic cleansing in Western Sahara. See more detailed opinions by reading what Steffan Lehnhoff, Guatemala City Guatemala offers on the topic.. The whip of the Rufus by Ricardo Sanchez Serra (**) all reports on human rights in Western Sahara blame Morocco for its permanent and systematic violation of fundamental rights of the Sahrawi people. Human Rights Watch, last December; the United States State Department in February of 2009; and a secret document of the Organization of United Nations (UN) of the year 2006, agree that the use of torture, rape, persecution to opponents, kidnapping, unfair trials, police harassment, lack of freedom of the press, etc., by the absolutist monarchy Alaouite Almighty Mohamed VI, against the Sahrawi people, in the invaded territory of Western Sahara. When a territory does not belong to one nation and rather this is occupied by a foreign power, so happens all sorts of outrages against the native inhabitants. Seeks to exterminate the natives, deprive them of their riches and plunder its resources (such as rich phosphates and Bucraa and with one of the marine riches most important in the world, who pay more than US $5 billion). That, unfortunately, is taking place in Western Sahara, as it happened centuries ago with the great powers when they squatted in overseas territories and enslaved the natives or eliminated them. This is one more reason to mention that Western Sahara was never Moroccan territory, in addition to its native inhabitants are the Sahrawi people, an ethnic group different from those originating in Morocco, even spoke the Hassaniya dialect, a derivative of the Arabic. Today, instead, speak Arabic and the second language is Spanish, only speaking in Africa nation.

    Its social order was a tribal democratic type: Saharans were United around a way of economic life (livestock, trade, agriculture, fisheries) and politics (System of Government tribal bread), and its own culture. All this constitutes a distinctive idiosyncrasies of Saharan society. The Saharans are famous for being tolerant, open and peaceful. .

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  • Never

    Filed under News
    Jun 15

    NOT there is fear declare that we have ever had, have, or will have fear in expressing our ideas, much less there is afraid to go out on the streets to express our total rejection to the current government management aprista, all you do is break up the Peru and humiliate our multiculturalism, why strive to achieve respect for the people, if the people came to the Government will be the people who sue and punish the bad and intentional current management. What long live the popular protest!! Who’ve gone pro the Abancay Avenue have been mistreated by the police, do not we blame them, we blame the Government for having us to shed tears, for sending us to hit. Why reiterate that they will have to pay dearly for what they did, because it will be before people you, longer before God. A SPECIAL CALLING. We make a special appeal to all who love our increasingly more fragmented Peru to join the popular struggle, for being fair and urgent.

    We support demonstrations for being a free right of all citizens to proclaim our ideas and our principles. First it is the Peru of Peruvians, not foreigners, which are endorsed by this corrupt and treacherous Government. IN SUPPORT OF THE PERUVIAN AMAZON. The big national demonstration in support to our compatriots in the Peruvian Amazon was blunt. And we express our total rejection of latest declarations of Alan Garcia and his Cabinet, where scorn and insult to our indigenous brothers. At the same time the Minister of Interior Mercedes Cabanilla with gestures of pride is divert public opinion. Henry yaschik gathered all the information. Can it be true that there is no communication, it means a do good communication?, because one could say that, Yes, because of the mouths of the Minister of the Interior expressions of discrimination towards nationalist saying congressmen came out what towards a seller of gas in Congress.

    If there is good communication, if we start to analyze, if good communication to insult him, to offend, to give orders overlapping that they abused and evicted the Indians. But not for a dialogue. Thus we reaffirm our tireless support to the indigenous brothers and we will be fighting for the repeal of Legislative Decree 1090 N, etc.

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  • Wolfgang Work

    Filed under News
    Jun 8

    The themes most reflected through the entire plot of the work (one topic per paragraph) must be supported. In this case you will have to select a certain amount of topics. We must, of course, add introduction and conclusion. 4. Space is the place, medium, environment or scenario where the actions. To analyze the space or a work scenario, we can follow the following steps (each step It will be in a paragraph): mention the main space and some secondary spaces. Learn more at: Itron. Describe the main space.

    Describe some secondary spaces. Locate actions in the main space. Locate shares in secondary spaces. Explain the general importance of the space in the work. Give a conclusion or personal opinion about the space.

    5 Time time refers to the duration, course and sequence or order of actions of the work, namely the chronological aspect. To analyze a literary work time, we can take the following steps, each in a paragraph: determine the approximate duration of the central action. Sustain. Determine the approximate duration of the secondary actions. Sustain. Analyzing the temporal or chronological sequence: clarify whether or not sequence chronologically; sustain. Say if it makes use of the retrospection and anticipation; sustain. Analyze how time passes through the work: explain if the time elapses quickly or slowly; sustain. Refer to the periods of time that us expresses the author: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries; sustain. Analyze the internal time. Clarify whether, in addition to the external time, internal time there. Sustain in which characters, when and how it is manifested. Explain the general importance of time in the work. Give a conclusion or personal opinion about the time. _ (Kayser, 1970) Kayser, Wolfgang, interpretation and a4nalisis of the literary work, Madrid: Spain, Editorial Gredos, 1970. (Fernandez de Yacubsohn, 1978) Yacubsohn Fernandez, Martha, Spanish literature, analysis models, Buenos Aires: Argentina, Editorial Kapelusz, 1978.

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  • Feb 28

    The production scale of the coal preparation plant is larger and larger in the world, such as: the production scale of Antaibao Coal Preparation Plant is 18 million t/a, the production scale of Bailey Central Preparation Plant is 15 million t/a and the production scale of South Africa Coal Preparation Plant is 16.5 million t/a. Large modern coal preparation plant has prominent advantages such as: large capacity, high production efficiency and product quality stability. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Hikmet Ersek. With the improving of the coal preparation plant s processing capacity, the disadvantages of the system also has been showing up. Strengthening the craft system s daily and periodic maintenance is an important guarantee to ensure the normal operation of the production system and reduces the production costs and improve the efficiency of coal preparation plant. The design system of dense medium coal preparation technology is more complex, which potentially increases the investment and process costs. In the premise of ensure its high efficient research this technology and we hope to achieve the goal of reducing the investment and processing costs, which is also the main direction of other country. The major direction of the equipment is large scale. While the simplified design of the dense medium recovery system and the reliability research of the equipment are the important parts of the research.

    Traditional recovery system of dense medium contains the curved screen, vibrating screen and magnetic separator equipment. The investment and power consumption costs of this system constitute the main costs of the coal preparation plant. The transformation of traditional magnetic separator is to design a new type of separator that the big particle materials can smooth pass which ensure the recovery indicators. The implementation of this program can greatly reduces the initial investment and process costs and has a good development prospect.As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of machinery, such as washer sand mining, Henan Hongxing is always doing the best in products and service. Magnetic heavy medium recovery and purification process is an important part of the heavy medium coal preparation technology. This subsystem mainly to complete the purpose of recycling the heavy media.

    The media consumption of the heavy medium coal preparation plant is an important indicator to measure heavy medium coal preparation plant process and management level, wich is also an important part to improve the economic efficiency of coal preparation. On one hand, the process should meet the system requirements for magnetic media recovery indicators. Since the circulation rate of the dense medium in the system is quickly, in order to ensure the economy of the gravity separation, the requirements of the recovery rate indicators of the magnetic media are high. The medium coal preparation systems generally require that in the media recovery the coal and stone should be greater than 99.8% and it should be 99.6% greater than in terms of clean coal. On the other hand, heavy medium after the recovery shall meet the technical requirements. Namely: the concentrate grade shall meet the purpose of the configuration of qualified heavy liquid.

  • Feb 28

    Impact crusher having large crushing ratio, product size distribution is easy to control and is the shaped multi-cubic, which has been widely used in the crushing operation. Concentrator design the increasing use of computer simulation technology, but it is not much concerned about the crushing process modeling and simulation, commercial beneficiation simulation program also lack the specific model of the crusher. In recently years, people have begun to study the impact crusher simulation model, but in this area there are many places worth exploring. Michelle D. Gass describes an additional similar source. Average impact using the kinetic energy of the horizontal axis of the crusher rotor can be evaluated, taking into account the much larger mass of the rotor than the mass of the single particle, before impact occurs, the speed of impact hammer speed is much larger than the population of particles, the individual particles, the kinetic energy is much smaller than the rotor. In the approximate case, the system before and after impact, the impact of unit mass can meet the conservation of linear momentum. The crusher is widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, road, Railway, water conservancy and chemical industry and many other sectors.

    Common crushing machines are winnowing mill, hammer crusher, impact crusher, roll crusher, crusher compound. Jaw crusher (jaw crusher), having large crushing ratio, uniform particle size, simple structure, reliable operation, easy maintenance, operating costs and economic characteristics. PF-I series impact crusher can process materials side length is 100 to 500 mm, the compressive strength is up to 350 MPa, great crushing ratio, cubic particles advantages of material was broken; PF-II series impact crusher machine, suitable for crushing hard materials, such as cement crusher, with a production capacity of the material advantages of small particle size. It assumed that here people considered in which for the majority of particle impact occurs in the impact area of the rotor s central, between the particles and the impact of the particles with the order of the strike plate through the parameters, s and b in the formula. Analysis of the kinetic energy when the particles leave the rotor of the straight behavior R moment of the order of the strike plate, assuming particles exited the rotor before the order of the strike board does not collide with other particles, encounter their energy relative to leave the surface of the rotor when not changed, the particles are subjected to a centrifugal force to be much larger than its gravity, so gravity can be ignored.

  • Feb 27

    In the world of technology, why it is the human translation essential? There are many options for translation by computer that have improved over the last three or four years. Many of these translation programs are completely free and easily available. Then, do we need anything else? It seems so easy to translate from the Spanish into English or another language without the aid of a human being. And, in addition, the cost is very low. And it seems a translation free. However, it is important to realize that a machine can not imitate human mind and hand.

    A machine has no cultural knowledge of the great diversity of our Hispanic world. This knowledge should cover the subtle differences between the use of vocabulary and grammatical forms in different countries. In addition, you should celebrate various social and regional contexts. An electronic program can translate perfectly into English some simple phrases like where is the supermarket or happy birthday. But you can not distinguish between the cultural resonances of a barbecue, a toilet, or a barbecue. In addition, if it is a legal contract or the terms of your mortgage, this simplicity no longer.

    We live in a complex world full of equally complex thoughts and ideas. We need human judgment to understand this context so intricate. The world of translations has been transformed. We now live in a global society in which technology transforms daily. The immediate contact with the whole world and the great speed of communication have replaced the old paradigm of a translator, alone in his Office with a typewriter and a few dictionaries. Today, a good translator may be master of all the technological resources at its disposal and, at the same time, use their knowledge of the language and cultures to manipulate these resources and produce a work of high quality. Yes, today we live in a world of instant gratification. The translation process can be much more quick. And a hundred-page text can go in Paterson, New Jersey, to Spain, Costa Rica, or Chile in less than one second. But it is essential that the entire process is controlled by someone who knows both languages and both cultural contexts.

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  • Mining Machinery

    Filed under News
    Feb 26

    Mining machinery should focus on brand building We all know that the brand is an important intangible asset for a business enterprise; It is the fundamental relying to the continued existence and development of the enterprise. International famous companies all pay attention to the important role of brand in the development of the enterprise. Tulip Retail understands that this is vital information. Enterprises attach great importance to brand building not only has greatly improved the visibility and reputation of the enterprise, but also provide strong support for the enterprises to enter the international market. The brand is produced with the development and growth of the enterprise, the more large-scale enterprises more emphasis on the brand s position in the enterprise. Mining machinery industry is an important industry of the national economy; and emergence there of a large number of remove powerful enterprise groups, however, the lack of brand seriously hampered the further development and growth of enterprises. Mining machinery enterprises, in order to further the development, must focus on brand-building and the implementation of brand-name strategy, so as to promote the company’s sales progress. Fundas with this development environment, how can crusher enterprises rapid brand building? First, crusher enterprises should integrate internal management; maximize the application of enterprise human, financial and material resources.

    Secondly, we must take advantage of the favorable opportunity that world economy is closely linked with the science and technology, and the implementation of bringing in and going out strategy, introducing advanced technology absorption and innovation, expanding the international market outlets, especially in developing countries and area. Again, strengthen technology research and development efforts and focus on the enterprise product R & D according to their own development characteristics. 1, Pay much attention on quality in production. Without quality guarantee, companies will lose credibility; without technology as a support, the enterprise would be difficult to form own brand products; Only make combination of quality and technology, companies can build their own brand and win a good market. 2, Pay much attention on science and culture in management. Scientific management approach allows enterprises implementing effectively various systems and the measures, the formation of a good corporate culture will help to stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, enabling businesses to achieve long-term development.

    3, Pay much attention on service and integrity in market. All acts of the starting point should be focused on the position of a customer, to be credible and obtain the trust of customers. In short, the crusher enterprise in order to survive in the fierce competition in the market, it is necessary to improve all aspects of their comprehensive strength, and to establish a good brand to ultimately win the market. We provide Professional technology, excellent product quality and intimate after-sales service when you purchase stone jaw crusher, raymond mill, from our company.As a professional mining machinery exporter, we will win your trust with our delivery speed, Enterprises Credit and product quality.

  • Feb 25

    TusMedios is a Portal of news where it is possible to read the most interesting news of different categories by comparing the main national newspapers and international. Every three hours are updated with the latest news in all categories: economy, technology, health, sports, renewable energies etc. Today, the Internet presence is something important and the best way to get visibility is through an extensive presence, both in articles directories such as the publication of press releases and the high in search directories. This process involves a laborious job and can take many hours to give us high in the major directories, is therefore highly recommended to subscribe to TusMedios service to ensure a quick and effective presence in digital media. With TusMedios, send a press release is one of the most effective and affordable marketing actions to publicize your company. Register as transmitter lets you access the media in a way easy, fast and segmented..

  • Dominican Republic

    Filed under News
    Nov 4

    Proposed new choices of fuel before the alarming scarcity of oil come from agricultural products, causing food shortage; the high cost of electric power that affects the economies of the non developed countries obliges the use of leading edge technologies, of last generation, demanding the implementation of plans and programmes for saving energy and fuel. The generation of electrical energy depends mainly on in Dominican Republic of derivatives of petroleum, which are subsidized by the State in its different uses, as well as basic foodstuffs for the population and the electricity consumed. This government subsidy this ravaging the national budget before the increases in the price of the barrel experienced every day, preventing investment in projects of development and social good, far from stopping the upward climb of the articles in this consumer society. Unfortunately sets an infinite chain of dependency. In this was oil, without motor vehicles not be speak of road safety. Users of the tracks, drivers and pedestrians, before so many everyday problems, are affected in their mental health, making us susceptible to potential to siniestralidades, made that increases the likelihood of deaths and injured transit, simultaneously impoverishing families in a direct way and using of unforeseen budget hospitals, ultimately in the nation, reaching 1 representing the annual 3% of gross domestic product, by what must be considered in my opinion as a serious goal, the reduction of the rate of accidents among the achievements of the Millennium goals, because of that the most affected are the most vulnerable sector of the population. Hear from experts in the field like Jeff Gennette for a more varied view. Sets of concerns are generated in drivers to shorten their average life, such as the exorbitant costs of acquisition and maintenance of vehicles representing the country means of generating wealth. By the way, not are technically reviewed by relevant authorities, according to the requirements governing the transit to the seasoning, quantitatively, vehicle fleet grows without control and diversity.

    This, coupled with the disorder by disrespect to traffic rules and laws, skirting the concept of crisis of human values, she brings accidents on waterways, high power consumption, high consumption of fuels and indiscriminate emissions of pollutants to the environment. Last year were officially registered in the Dominican Republic about two deaths per day in motorcycle accidents, and two more daily in other circumstances on the tracks, of which, about 400 pedestrians were hit. This leads to the State and society to assume a monetary cost in lives, processes and properties, virtually lost. In the same period with the war in Iraq (2003-2007) the fatal victims of traffic in our country exceed double the deaths of U.S. soldiers; more that tripled in numbers cold in 2006 to report around 500 soldiers killed. Global road insecurity record annually one million three hundred thousand victims of trafficking, where 40 per cent are young people under 25 years of age and the third cause of death in productive agents in the planet, between 30 and 44 years old. We cannot escape these statistics real and hard, some 2000 fatalities each year bring our streets. And it is why for all the foregoing reasons, your solution should be dealt with in a comprehensive manner. Without the indifference that we have been able to live this situation all sectors of national life. Road safety must be a matter of State, addressed to stringing it entirely as a vital issue with food security, energy crisis, climate change and local economic development by the legislation of a National Strategic Plan.

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  • Travel Insurance

    Filed under News
    Dec 31

    Although many people believe that New York is one of those dangerous and large cities with crime rates that you would fear tiritar, official reports estimate that New York is actually one of the safest places today, with crime rates at historic lows since the 1960’s. Here are some tips that can help you to live a safer, cheaper, and more memorable New York. Where to stay: If you don’t have any friend with an apartment in which to spend a night or two, have a wide range of hotels from which to choose. Most of the hotels are concentrated in Manhattan but if you are travelling for business, then it is possible that preferred to spend the night near Wall Street. If on the other hand, you are looking for something fun and extravagant, Greenwhich and Chelsea can be good starting points. Where to eat: the food is a fusion of a little bit of each of the four corners of the world. If you like the lasagna, Italian restaurants are to turn the corner.

    If you want to savour a traditional and tasty stew of veal and rice Yangzhou, has lots of Chinese locals happy to bring the food to your doorstep. From first-class restaurants, ultra-elegantes and clearly expensive or Bohemian dinners at a fixed price by eating everything it can in a buffet, New York won’t problems to satisfy his gastronomic leanings. Where to go: New York has many points of interest which boast and the list continues to grow. Remember the animated Madagascar film? Well, this was Central Park in drawings but wait and see the true with his eight thousand acres of extension. And Madam Tussaud Wax Museum? They say that a view of New York is not complete until you visit the living creatures of this particular Museum. And who can forget the Empire State Building, one of the highest of all the skyscrapers.

    And of course the statue of liberty, the more representative of America welcome symbol. Rockefeller Center with its famous Christmas tree right in the middle of all the action or the Metropolitan Museum or the Museum of modern art are other choices. Be sure: even though New York is considered a safe city, does not hurt anyone take the necessary precautions and avoid the attention of pickpockets looking for outsiders. Use ATMs with dissimulation and always leave in group. How not to miss: New York is a very dynamic city so the hustle and bustle can be finished by overwhelm those who visit it for the first time. Therefore, it is advisable that you always wear your map and mobile phone with you. If you aren’t sure of your destination, do not take the subway but better spend more and take a taxi. And lastly! enjoy your visit!

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