
The World and Modern Science

  • Burnout Syndrome

    Filed under News
    Sep 29

    What does cervical cancer, hypothyroidism, burn-out syndrome and cerebral hemorrhage have in common? A disease the patient indicates where it should go long, but did not. If you look at any disease for which one would think, they have nothing in common. Conventional medicine would probably also so think. But look at the life flow of the client you may come to a different conclusion. We scroll back a few years: 1989: the husband of client dies all of a sudden. Shortly before, it acquired a House which is still quite a bit of debt.

    There is also a 12-year-old daughter. The client tries during the next 9 years the following: to be… a good mother that did it. too arbeitzen to the debt of the House abzuzahlen…das has also managed it. herself and her daughter annually in the year some weeks holiday to gonnen…auch which has she managed. but the remaining 50 weeks in the year, she has worked and spit to cope with it all.

    2006: cervical cancer: everything good run, but 8 weeks sick leave necessary, although mostly 3 weeks will be sufficient. The body benutigte very much peace after years of exploitation. 2007: Thyroid insufficiency: is treated with tablets and is well under control. From an energetic point of view, a thyroid mean underActive body: Hello, when do now finally I you’il with my needs. 2007: Burnout Syndrome: a connection with the Stress and the death of her husband is seen also from here. Now reichts, I no longer can, wants to bring the body to the surrounding. 2008: cerebral hemorrhage: from accidentally, possibly due to the heritage… Alternative medicine sees the following in the cerebral hemorrhage: something (usually in the family or at work) charged me so much, me so very tiring of life juice leaking from me. Summarize and relating the circumstances have all 4 diseases at this client made a core statement: the human being in its entirety and unit gets to the ego. Please please give me rest and relaxation and also beware of my Needs. If you don’t do this, then I have to get the much needed rest on the hard way I… P.S.: This client is my wife, who I love more than anything in the world. And the allopathic medicine has been excellent, she is on the mend and will survive expected to indemnify the disease. And I hope for them and also for me, that she uses these hints of soul and respects more suited to their own needs in the future.

  • Badminton Tour

    Filed under News
    Jan 22

    Go, who wants to be a Dodger a brand new book of badminton has been dismissed just on the free market of the sports book, has been no less, than to acquaint its readers with the high art of technical and tactical Joky. The idiosyncratic author duo Lars Lucke / Christian Schwab, which make up the fun of writing here and there secretly went in planning the tour de badminton two assumptions that should determine the structure of the book: learning from a book is subject to special requirements and should be possible even without corrective trainer. Any athletes or non-athletes”begins at its own level, and learns best in his own way. The typical approach of training, tactics, and technology”as a succession of dry sport knowledge was so not needed here. Rather Lucke / Schwab try with the distribution of the book in three stages, to pick up any reader there, where he is athletic and has desire to enter (so to speak after the bus driver “principle).

    By the selection of material about the first handle position is ideally suited to demanding techniques, such as, for example, the Sidek serve, the tour for beginners unencumbered by any advanced. But also three-quarters experts are undoubtedly still find on the various stages. The entertaining language, tips registered for many like having an also by editing not to deny wink and the vivid photos and graphics the tour de badminton to a highly readable book, and each reader make guaranteed multiple stage winner. Club attitude before the tour price: 12.95 EUR (plus shipping) contact: Lars Lucke funpool 10967 Berlin the sports network Dieffenbachstr.

  • Trainer Pro

    Filed under News
    Jul 26

    The use of the pulse trainer Pro is useful for a number of physical ailments, the body is only slightly stressed during the training mission. Especially elderly or physically limited persons rely on the vibrating plate due to the efficacy of this equipment. Reason enough, one such vibration plate to create pulse Trainer Pro for home. Important question: How does actually such a vibration plate or better: what technology is behind this? The technique was born as a spin-off from space technology. In principle, the technique is simple: a frequency of 25 Hz with an amplitude of about 2 millimeters vibrates or shakes better horizontally as well as vertically.

    This rate of vibration can be variably set or changed sometimes even 40 to about 90 Hertz vibration rates are possible. Gain insight and clarity with Governor Cuomo. What reaction because now the body? The muscles contract at the same rate with these oscillations, which means he works with the movements. Jeff Gennette can provide more clarity in the matter. A special type of muscular strain. The muscular performance of the circulation stimulated and improved in the long term. As a further effect significantly improves the muscular responsiveness in the long term.

    Examining have found that regular vibration plate exercise can increase physical performance. The vascular system as also the muscle strength can be strengthened and stimulated. Others who may share this opinion include Hikmet Ersek. The vibration plate with a no less significant cosmetic problem, the cellulite is suitable Trainer Pro for special efforts for more important information before the purchase of a pulse. The vibration plate’s moving and shaking movement brings the muscle and fibre fabric on the thighs and buttocks in movement and enable fat loss in this problem area in a targeted way. Especially women use this possibility of relief of cellulite. In addition the vibrating plate can”as it is oddly also called indeed support also the effects such as fat loss and detoxification. A further advantage is also that he built very space-saving in the home be and can be stowed. The vibrating plate can be stored even in narrowest spaces such as in the Office or elsewhere on the work. Especially in the important breakfast or lunch, you can train on the vibrating plate. Also no separate sportswear, is required to train on it. The vibration plate was initially a small revolution in the field of fitness training. It was first used in rehabilitation facilities, medical practices or performance-oriented sports facilities. Increasingly, she was also entered the homes of amateur athletes. For a few years, studios increasingly rely fitness on this little wonder device. With it you can selectively warm up, joint-gentle stretching exercises and complete an effective Ganzkorpertrainig. It is important not to overload themselves.

  • Government

    Filed under News
    Jul 7

    Without lyrics, and with a minute in length, will join the slogan listening, asking and explain. Alejo Stivel and his exgrupo, Tequila, already participated in the general elections of 2008 yielding a song for the campaign of Zapatero. Rubalcaba announced candidate in the general election this Saturday in Madrid. The singer of the former group Tequila, producer and author, Alejo Stivel, has composed music which will sound in all acts that put Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba as the PSOE candidate to the Presidency of the Government. The tune without lyrics and it lasts a minute, will accompany the slogan listening, asking and explain the video made for the launch of the candidacy of Rubalcaba, candidate in the Palacio de Congresos, located in the Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I in Madrid. Stivel composer and his group which was for many years, Tequila, already participated in the central acts of the electoral campaign for the general elections of 2008. He was then employed at the start of each rally of the Socialist candidate Luis Jose Rodriguez Zapatero song that the time you do not change. Source of the news: Alejo Stivel composed the harmony that Rubalcaba will accompany in all his campaign events.