
The World and Modern Science

  • Caetana Teacher

    Filed under News
    Feb 16

    When of mouth in mouth histories are counted, to the foot of the fire, in the quentura of the stove the firewood, them if they become more than histories, with passing of the years, them take body and legend form, all people thus has last legends of father for son and seguidamente. They count older than when in Matinhos everything still was weeds, when everything still was green, sea was for fishes and rivers pra to kill headquarters of people, that pras bands of Caiob, liveed a teacher of Caetana name, that every day came to give lesson where today it is the center of Matinhos, for its locomotion, if it used of a horse, quick nor not very very strong, but that it took care of to the yearnings of the young teacher, leading and bringing in the daily lessons. It was fear of 1900, the city we know as it today nor passed in the mind of the inhabitants, did not have regular roads, the passages were made the side sea and when very, for small ways tracings for the daily use of the caboclo. Learn more on the subject from Publishers Clearing House. Caetana owner as was known amongst all, made this daily passage, almost always solitary, a time that the only danger that if it had of violent death age to fall of the horse or same if to drown in the sea, of this form, day after day, Caetana Teacher mounted in its horse and with its material the strap col, went and vine of Matinhos with the naturalness of that it goes to the market to buy bread. In one of these comings, Caetana owner already arrived close to its house, for advancing of the hour would have to be ones 8 of the night, the covered with star sky and hot, they showed that the summer already was the door taking place of plus a cold winter that if passes. . Marc Lasry may help you with your research.

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  • Aug 21

    Jewelry has a long history – rings and earrings with stones and with no time immemorial. Gold and silver rings, bracelets, necklaces inlaid with amethysts, emeralds, topaz considered a sign of special status and wealth. Made of gold crowns and scepters for autocrats. Suffice it to recall the notorious Crown of , which went down in history as one of the most ancient regalia. The creation of specialists assigned to the top xiv century, it is – the result of work of Oriental masters. History of the creation of jewelry has its origin was from the East.

    Traditionally, there have worked very skilled craftsmen. Jewelry of gold, made a century ago, stored in museums in Italy, India, Japan and other countries. In the Renaissance to the jewels manifested a lot of attention labored over them famous sculptors and painters. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Suna Said Maslin. Creating jewelry and ancestors-Slavs. Before birth of a baby on the council to decide what exactly to choose jewelry. Itron is the source for more interesting facts.

    Neck, the baby was put on a thin thread with beads or shiny beads. It was believed that glittering stones will protect your child from the evil eye and spoilage. From a young age girls started to pass through the ears of earrings. Boys pass through an earring in his left ear, symbolizing protection from disease. Among the decorations of the ancient Slavs can distinguish amulets, talismans, temple rings. All were prepared carefully, accompanied ornament. Each of the people using his technique. Thus, the Egyptians jewelry made from gold and enamel. The Etruscans created a technology that allows you to create sophisticated surround Fig. To this end, the surface overlay of gold beads. In the Roman Empire to parts of the ornaments of silver, gold or precious stones were added. To this day, experts argue – is not there a first born jewelry with diamonds, the most beautiful stones. Intricate shapes and beautiful enamelling characterized Byzantine rings and bracelets. Whatever the year, was not on the court – jewels are constantly under severe attention. Trace the history of these things can be on the pictures of famous painters. In the portrait by the court artist Catherine the Great is depicted with a pearl necklace and earrings. King Henry viii before us in the luxurious costume necklace adorned with stones and a magnificent pendant. Embroidered with jewels, and it takes. Naturally, the decoration of people with lower status are much more modest. Get the best representation of the jewelry ornaments of different ages and peoples can be the museum, which displays the most rare instances.

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  • May 2

    From its appearance for some years, Internet has been growing incredibly. It seems to have a limitless reach. Million people realise purchases or sales, publicitan their products, reserve their trips or study using Internet. Then, because not to use it to secure money? Thousands of people daily take advantage of the enormous potential that offers the network to them of networks to secure money. You may wish to learn more. If so, Western Union is the place to go. And one of the simplest ways is to make money from house with surveys. When affiliating itself with a site of remunerated surveys, it will receive in his electronic mail a form with questions that must respond in honest form, because it is exactly why it is pleased to him: so that of its sincere opinion on some product or service whose originadora company is interested in evaluating. It is this company and not it poll the one that pays by its answer. The company soon would realise an analysis of market with its opinion and the one of thousands of other users, to know as its product works and what things must (or not) change to improve it.

    Nevertheless, if what wishes it is truly to win money from house with surveys, does not reach with answering a survey as much each. It Must be taken as if a true use it was. The best thing is than it is affiliated with whichever sites of remunerated surveys is possible to him. This will cause that the frequency is increased whereupon receives forms, from once each as much to several times per day, which also increases its gains. Generally before initiating the survey it indicates the amount to him (or gift) that it will perceive to complete it. It is important that it does not leave surveys remunerated without answering, by small that are the remuneration.

    The frequency with which it will receive surveys very well payments (of $50, for example), is low in relation to the surveys of $2 – $5, that will even receive on a daily basis and several times to the day. Many small ones will not take him more than minutes and they will pay safe the same to him or more than a survey than it has been one hour to him to answer.

  • Surveys

    Filed under News
    Apr 28

    Can you give your work to make money with surveys? The short answer is no. Even so, paid surveys are not a fraud. By the same author: Areva Group. Paid surveys are a way for people to earn a little extra monthly money. It is not much money but the truth is that you get paid for doing almost nothing, or you need special technical knowledge. Polls are not what want you to believe the sites that offer lists for sale. You will not earn $5000 each month. You can not complete them when you want it as they say the ads you must be invited to participate. They decide when they send you surveys.

    The most common is to receive multiple invitations per day, but don’t expect receive 500 invitations in a single day. It is very difficult to earn a living to earn money from surveys. When a website allows you to register for your program for free and they have members who are happy with their pay, and pay on time, rest assured that it is not a fraud. If you plan to register on a first paid surveys website must make a thorough investigation on the background of the company with which you want to register. When surveys are always fraudulent there are a signal that betrays them, and you always have to be aware of this if you don’t want to be deceived. Most importantly, know if they want you to pay them for being a member. There are legitimate sites that charge you to register but are not really so good and not worth working with them. The second thing you must take into account is their privacy policy.

    Some don’t you cheat directly and openly if not taking your email address and your personal information and sell it to the highest bidder. You must be very careful with these network sites. To begin to fill out paid surveys and earn money in the easiest way possible, please Click here.

  • Mar 10

    The commercial navigation in the River Tocantins starts to be explored in ends of century XVIII, in the end of the auriferous cycle in the north of Gois. In this period if a series of expeditions for the rivers Tocantins and Araguaia has beginning begins, it of official character, promoted for the governors and later for particular, taken the handle for initiatives of how much in such a way goianos paraenses traders. The discovery of mines in the Captainship of Gois took great amounts of migrantes for the regions central offices with the promise of easy wealth. All the ones that went for Gois if dedicated almost that exclusively to the mining, this made with that the food production was minimum, forcing the importation of this type of sort the high costs as Aires Couple (1846) detaches in its Corographia Brazilica; ‘ ‘ It made to rescue as much people, that the sufficient provisions that daily arrived not ero for the subsistence. Everything if vendia for hum price exorbitantissimo. Hum alqueire of maize cost six and seven eighth of oiro; of cassava flour ten: huma vacca of milk two metal pounds the same ‘ ‘ Being dependent of the importation of foodstuffs, the decline of the production of the mines added to low the agricultural productivity, Gois tried moments of deep crisis in its towns.

    In this manner the search for less onerous commercial routes had been studied while the goiana economy looked for to be based on an agriculture of added subsistence the cattle creation, even so still was tried to reerguer the mineradora company. The perception of the Amazonian space was very current in this period as a demographic emptiness.

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  • Sep 28

    The body of such cars was a carriage "Fiacre", where the passenger portion was closed and the driver was in front of the open part of the body. This allows passengers to comfortably communicate with each other and not be distracted by extraneous noise, and the driver have full view of the road and communicate with pedestrians, police and other drivers. Such a device body influenced the shape of a taxi driver while he was dressed in a leather coat tightly buttoned, and on his head was a hat similar to the military. In World War I also played a taxi lead. So in 1914, when the Germans broke through the defense of France and moved to Paris, the French troops did not have transportation to throw reserves to defend the capital. Then with the help of a taxi in 1200 for one night, that nowadays there are 6500 soldiers, who stopped the German army. This taxi was given the name "marnskie taxi" and they were then devoted to statues, their pictures were decorated with restaurants, pubs mugs, dining cloth, etc. In England, the official taxi is the famous 'black cab', it can be compared to Big Ben or the famous red double decker bus.

    History cabs began in 1639 when it was introduced license carting, then used is not very maneuverable four-wheel carriages, "Hackney," have begun to be replaced by 1840 two-wheeled gigs more maneuverable, "kebami." In the days of mechanical devices began sunset horse cab, in 1907 the streets of London rode specially designed cars taxis. But for several decades been the most popular kebom "cab Unique," which was produced French company, and only in 1932, they began to displace British cars. To date, these firms are London Taxi International, Hooper and Asquith. But ever since the construction of British taxi has not changed, all the passengers also sit behind a screen, put the suitcases next to the driver, the color black cabs are also symbolizing the honor and dignity.

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  • Western European

    Filed under News
    Aug 21

    The church became part of the state in the format branch (synod) to neutralize the previous cultural layer and deprive him of his ability to resist. Became copied Western architecture, music, art, the device state machine. After the October revolution were destroyed earlier cultural layers in the form of remnants of the Byzantine church and Western European monarchies. But for model development was taken over Europe. Began to impose European materialist philosophy in the second half of the 19 th century, European industry, European architecture (there is noted that it was probably Russia's vision of European architecture factories, railways, high-rise building with apartments for the workers).

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union for the model were taken the United States, the idea of democracy and liberal market economy, is copied to American fashion, music, architecture, polity. That is, it turns out, wherever you look, everywhere in Russia, something borrowed whether it be a church, aristocratic estates architecture, or clothes two-headed eagle, the architecture of the Kremlin or St Petersburg. And would like to note that the example of the twentieth century shows that the sample was taken for "psevdozapadnoe. Marx himself would seem to me, never called ussr communist country, for a total ideological control is hardly provided in a purely materialistic system of government. For me personally, as there is an idea that tinkering with Russia under the Europe by Peter or by Byzantium at the baptism of Rus was too "psevdoevropeyskim. "In a radical Westernism of the Russian intelligentsia has always been very much not only the perfect Russian, alien to the West, but also completely Asian. .

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  • King Fernando

    Filed under News
    Nov 24

    With colbertistas principles mercantilistas, the Crown aimed at to finish with certain autonomy them Hispanic regions that came if accomplishing since century XVI (PEREZ, P. 15). These reforms of scope politician, economic and university, will go to cause dissatisfactions with some social classrooms. To exemplificar this affirmation, Frank evidences an antagonism of interests between the Spanish Crown and the Creoles, that is, while these last ones inhaled to the magnifying of its markets, to pay to little taxes and economic autonomy, the Metropolis aimed at the domain of the state apparatus, that is, the control of Estanco, Customs, the Army and the Fiscal Incomes (FRANK, 51). According to Hapirin Donghi, these conflicts do not have to be exaggerated the point to think soon about rupture of the colony with the metropolis, but they in show some to them of the antecedents of the process of the crisis of the monarchy and the colonial system. The author remembers in them that year of 1795 is basic to understand the starting point of the disaggregation of the monarchy, a time that, at this time, occurs to the alliance of the Spanish Crown with France, unchaining a mentality, even though of more the fidiciary offices to the king, who the annexation of Spain to the Napoleonic advance, would correspond to an almost irreversible process (DONGHI, P. 120).

    Of this form, in the five first years of century XIX, a true economic crisis in the colonies is noticed, reflecting in the isolation and naval inferiority, then, some social classes will identify the colonial bond as a disadvantage. The Napoleonic advance made possible a forced abdication of the King Fernando VII, being substituted for Jose Bonaparte, older brother of Napoleo Bonaparte, implying in the formation of provincial meetings that would eliminate the cabildos that had been substituted by state legislatures. Being thus, Joo Pablo Pepper will affirm that the impediment of the monarch to the power, the creation of the Meetings and the dissatisfaction of social classrooms make possible the independence wars that had appeared from 1810 (PEPPER, P.

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  • The Brazilian

    Filed under News
    Sep 29

    From 1952 Getlio Vargas it stimulates the nationalization and formation of an industry automobile in Brazil, the starting point would be a document of the subcommission of jeeps, tractors, trucks and automobiles, establishing that the vehicles ' ' they could only enter in Brazil total dismounted, and without components that already were manufactured this way ' '. Already in administration JK in 16/06/1956 FROSTS it was created it from decree 39,412, aiming at to establish referring plans and initiatives to the industrial park automobile Brazilian. As we can observe the great automobile industries since the beginning of sc. XX already if they had installed in the country marking its presence and dominating the market. Competing places did not exist that dared to pierce this hegemony of the great multinationals of the sector that they mounted its vehicles here. Exactly proportionally, the Brazilian market being irrisrio with regard to the great markets of the countries central offices, the presence of these companies represented a strategy above all to be present in the market, aiming at to discourage the sprouting of possible competitors. stimulatons aiming at to the nationalization of the manufacture of automobiles objectified the substitution of importation.

    The governments Vargas and JK waved capital foreigner to it to establish industrial bases in the domestic territory, them already they dominated the market widely, and it did not have plans in average stated period that if instituted projects of some technological autonomy. Perhaps obviously, this was the only alternative for the installation of the automotiva industry, therefore beyond not having technological domain, it did not have national capital of great taken over on a contract basis available transport for this great one. The Brazilian state granted incentives is companies to construct its industrial parks to them in the country and to reproduce its technologies here. If of a side it together has an essential role assumed by the foreign capital companies with the Brazilian State in the implantation of the automobile industry, of another side had a species of marketing impermeability to the appearance of national competitors.

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  • Latin America

    Filed under News
    Mar 29

    The critic to the positivismo on the part of the atenestas young people initiated a new period in the history of the philosophical ideas in Mexico. Two of the most important philosophers of the Athenian, Antonio Caso and Jose Vasconcelos influenced in the national philosophical life laying the way for the approach to the philosophy, in the same way that became in Europe. Its merit is to have formed new generations that were scattered by different philosophical territories. Of the thought currents with which the atenestas were affiliated, a very distinguishable one, was the one of the philosophical spiritualism. Caso and Vasconcelos are personalities completely different in their way to live the philosophy, but united in a tendency to look for the way to philosophise by the way of the spiritualism that was reinitiated in Europe. In opposition to intellectualism characteristic of the positivismo that indicated to the reason like an important faculty of the knowledge in union to the experience, the atenestas were antiintelectualistas and loaded the balance towards the intuition and the emotion, that in his opinion completes the work of brings back to consciousness. More of the thought currents with which they were affiliated it was the indeterminismo of the nature, that they extracted of the French philosophy.

    These currents of the philosophy and others more, influenced to give a direction him different, richer and intense from the history of the philosophy in Mexico and Latin America. Return a the Metaphysical preoccupations, the extension of the human experience, the affirmation without hesitations of the freedom like foundation of the spirit; to sum up, the glorification of the man, is what gives to the conferences and to writings of the atenestas that tone of Christian optimism and generosity, freedom, affection by the town, distinguishes that them of texts of the positivistas authors. In 1912 the grouping changed the name to become the Athenian of Mexico. Nevertheless, the murder of Log in 1913 gave a dramatic turn him to the events. The Athenian vanished and each of its members took different courses: Some went of the country like exiled or to realise studies; others committed more in the policy of the moment and others were dedicated to the chair, the test and the artistic creation.