
The World and Modern Science

  • Dec 25

    One year it is nearing completion; days make cold, schools are prepared to suspend courses and the streets begin to glow with lights of all colors already almost is Christmas. At this time it is customary to make family gatherings or celebrations among loved ones and that for one reason or another have been separated during the rest of the year and many times this involves travel to distant places with the promise of a warm welcome. While it is true that the winter holidays have a sense most familiar (unlike the summer, for example), this does not mean that alcohol consumption decreases, with the consequent risks that this may involve numerous drivers and, in some cases, for entire families. More information is housed here: SYPartners. It is for this reason that the insurance companies have created packages of insurance adequate to the level of protection that you want to be given to his car, his person, his family and others. At this time would be a good time to apply for information to insurers in your area, so you know the types of car insurance available, its coverage and other important details, you can choose the most suitable for your needs and budget. Talking about car insurance you should already know that there are many plans offered by all insurers in the market, and that the process of reviewing each of them, so it is useful to know the tools that will help you compare them quickly and in one place is sometimes tedious.

    This type of comparison insurance now, does them through its web site. Who is Ahmed Rahman has many thoughts on the issue. Just fill out a form with some basic as your postcode or zip data, for example; Once done, you will have access to a list of insurance companies in your area, offering you quick and practical information about the type of insurance or car insurance that is of your interest. Additionally you will have in your computer screen a comparison among different insurance plans and other insurers, allowing you to choose the insurance that best suits your needs and with the most competitive price. In this still missing moment a little more than one month for the arrival of Christmas, and you found time to find a car insurance that protects you and your loved ones during this holiday season, and even during the whole year or a lifetime. We invite you to enter our website specialized in obtaining recent and reliable information from insurance companies or insurance car for you. Happy holidays. Original author and source of the article.

  • Aug 16

    The Duino Elegies by Rainer Maria Rilke different presents: the well known actor Ulrich Reinthaller plays freely as philosophical soliloquy. Up close, authentic and deeply poignant. Frequently Western Union has said that publicly. After successful events in various cities of in Austria, in Germany, Ulrich Reinthaller first lists his Rilke interpretation of Rainer Maria Rilke’s birthday on December 4th in the Dresden Frauenkirche. “” “Ulrich Reinthaller is known from the TV series Hi Uncle doc” and the doctor from Lake Worthersee”, from the movies try it with a younger” and now only right “or from guest appearances such as in the series of the best-selling”. Ulrich Reinthaller initiated a literary musical program.

    He freely submits the texts of the Duino Elegies I-V and they accompanied acting-wise. While he is accompanied by an other artist. It is not reading, but a deep in the word and acting staging that opens worlds of their own imagination. Who, when I cried, heard me do?” The Duino Elegies are a philosophical piece of literature dating back to 1922, yet it remains timely. Rilke’s unique language style and his somnambulistic security in the metaphorical expression are a timeless work of human life and general interpretation. “, explains Ulrich Reinthaller the fascination emanating from the work for him. Suna Said has compatible beliefs. The show Spier describes the effect of the words of Rainer Maria Rilke as follows: more and more, I observe that the Duino Elegies are true mirror for people.

    His own inner workings to bound potential will be about these texts. It can be shocking. And healing to the Innerste.” “Premiere in Germany: in the framework of a series of literature in the Church of our Lady” December 04th, 2008, 20:00, Frauenkirche Dresden, entrance free background information: Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) began work on the ten Elegies, which itself lasted over ten years at Duino Castle near Trieste and completed it in 1922 in the Rhone Valley. Ulrich Reinthaller, 1964 as the son of an architect born, made his acting studies at the Max-Reinhardt-Seminar in Vienna in 1984. This was followed by engagements at the theater in der Josefstadt, the folk theatre and at the Burgtheater in Vienna, where he was member of the ensemble of eight years. His big-screen debut Ulrich Reinthaller with the title role in Maria Knillis drama dear Charles”, was awarded the 1985 with the Federal film award. It was followed by numerous film and television commitments. Breakthrough television came with the role of Dr. Markus Kampmann in the TV series Uncle doc”Ulrich Reinthaller, who him 1995 introduced the BAMBI TV Award for the best main role. “” Consecutive Reinthaller was in many films, E.g. try it with a younger”with Senta Berger in front of the camera, was the inspiration and main character now only right” with Peter Weck and played in the bestseller “Ottfried Fischer and Gudrun Landgrebe. Press contact Ulrich Reinthaller: RITTWEGER and TEAM Werbeagentur GmbH Katrin Sommer Schleusinger Strasse 33 98527 Suhl phone: + 49 (0) 3681-8033.0 fax: + 49 (0) 3681-8033.22 eMail: Web: press contact for the event on Dec 4, 2008: Stiftung Frauenkirche Dresden press and public relations Mandy Dziubanek Georg-faithful-Platz 3, 01067 Dresden phone: + 49 (0) 351-65606.119 email: Web:

  • Aug 10

    EFE Iberia has pledged not to accept the offer and maintain 45,85% of the share capital of Vueling, which owns. The announcement of the takeover bid occurs one day before the IAG, the fusion between Iberia and British Airways presented its results in the first nine months of the year. Iberia looks to launch a takeover bid for 100 percent of Vueling. International Airlines Group (IAG), fruit of the merger of Iberia and British Airways, will launch a takeover bid for 100% of the airline Vueling 209.3 million euros, the group reported this to the Commission national del Mercado de Valores (CNMV). However, Iberia has pledged not to accept the offer and keep 45,85% of the share capital of Vueling, which it is the owner, so the offer is extended to 16.193.297 shares representing 54,15% of its share capital, valued at 113.3 million euros. The offer shall apply to all actions of Vueling, accordingly to all owners at a price of 7 euros by contacting title, which represents a premium of 27,97% over the current quote, which, at close of the session on Wednesday, stood at 5.47 euros in the Spanish stock market (EUR 163,5 million). The announcement of the takeover bid occurs one day before the IAG present their results in the first nine months of 2012 and expected report of the feasibility Plan of Iberia.

    The offer, which is expected to be completed during the spring of 2013 and has no obligation to obtain authorization from any other administrative authority Spanish or foreign different from the CNMV, shall be made by nimble Holdco, a subsidiary wholly owned by IAG, exclusively in the Spanish market, which is the only one where traded the shares of Vueling. IAG intends to maintain the management of Vueling as a society independent operator, with a business model different from the rest of societies operators group., as well as the current management team of Vueling, chaired by former Minister Josep Pique and Chief Executive Officer, Alex Cruz. It is expected that the integration of Vueling in the UK holding reinforce the geographical diversification of the group, reaching a position of leadership in Barcelona and growth in the rest of Europe. Likewise, the operation will allow group have a low cost platform, generate possible synergies in procurement and financing, costs although is expected are not significant; and result in an increase in the consolidated net profit of IAG since the first year of integration. See more: the takeover of Iberia about Vueling could amount to 209 million.

  • May 2

    From its appearance for some years, Internet has been growing incredibly. It seems to have a limitless reach. Million people realise purchases or sales, publicitan their products, reserve their trips or study using Internet. Then, because not to use it to secure money? Thousands of people daily take advantage of the enormous potential that offers the network to them of networks to secure money. You may wish to learn more. If so, Western Union is the place to go. And one of the simplest ways is to make money from house with surveys. When affiliating itself with a site of remunerated surveys, it will receive in his electronic mail a form with questions that must respond in honest form, because it is exactly why it is pleased to him: so that of its sincere opinion on some product or service whose originadora company is interested in evaluating. It is this company and not it poll the one that pays by its answer. The company soon would realise an analysis of market with its opinion and the one of thousands of other users, to know as its product works and what things must (or not) change to improve it.

    Nevertheless, if what wishes it is truly to win money from house with surveys, does not reach with answering a survey as much each. It Must be taken as if a true use it was. The best thing is than it is affiliated with whichever sites of remunerated surveys is possible to him. This will cause that the frequency is increased whereupon receives forms, from once each as much to several times per day, which also increases its gains. Generally before initiating the survey it indicates the amount to him (or gift) that it will perceive to complete it. It is important that it does not leave surveys remunerated without answering, by small that are the remuneration.

    The frequency with which it will receive surveys very well payments (of $50, for example), is low in relation to the surveys of $2 – $5, that will even receive on a daily basis and several times to the day. Many small ones will not take him more than minutes and they will pay safe the same to him or more than a survey than it has been one hour to him to answer.

  • Mar 12

    To safeguard the environment. It is a governing principle of all our work in the support of the sustainable development; it is an essential component in the eradication of poverty and one of the foundations of La Paz. Kofi Annan Considerations and reaches the companies are pronounced in surroundings that assume must avoid to contaminate it, in order to be able to not only fulfill its social responsibility, but with all the exigencies that impose the penal law of the atmosphere and its regulation, for the Venezuelan case. Therefore, it is a responsibility, commitment of the management this totally identified and so the behavior of the environment involves, must be watchman not only like the operativity of the company and its repercussions in the surroundings, but within the same sine of the company. For more information see Tulip Retail. It does not have to neglect the inductive factors that they can affect which the objective of the noncontamination is not obtained. It is very important, that the companies, especially the SMEs in the country, identify more with the significant thing to count within the policies of the company the commitment of the noncontamination and to be kind in everything what it can entail it not to fulfill those norms that not only are of obligation of the companies, but therefore demands the state with its laws. The Program of postgraduate of the specialty of Management of the Quality and Productivity from Phases of the University of Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, it has come making emphasis in the qualification of the participants who these take very into account which at the moment represents the environmental contamination, his repercussions, reaches, as it has come giving in the national territory, which have been the consequences and what it is what to be made on the matter. Emphasis in providing the knowledge becomes, tools that guarantee the one that the environmental culture is a certain fact within the performance, not only of the management, but of all the involved human resource.

  • The Hair Irons

    Filed under News
    Feb 29

    Thanks to the advancement of technology, we can now enjoy at home in fabulous look daily changes, without having to go to the hairdresser. Visit American Cancer Society for more clarity on the issue. What is fashionable today is a smooth look, which usually does not always have naturally, very few women are born with this benefit. For this reason, existing hair plates to leave our hair completely smooth and without spending much money, time or by subjecting it to straightening creams and other treatments, that the only thing that will damage you hair and quemar you it. These plates come with elongated ceramic plates, usually, and when heated, when they come in contact with the hair, this acquires the smooth shape that has the plates. And at the same time protect your hair. James Woolsey Jr. is likely to increase your knowledge.

    They are ideal for styling your hair in the way that want it, curls, wavy, smooth, fringed, and everything you can think of. There are plates of all sizes, large, small, medium-sized, ideal for the home, beauty salons and even to carry in the bag or to carry it when we travel. Never be ironed hair when This wet, because we run the risk of damage to our hair. Today, it is almost that essential to have an iron at home, why you should buy the best plates of hair there in the market. They will help you to have a better physical appearance and your hair is vera spectacular, as you’ve always wanted it to have.

    Another tip I give you, is that as well as cuidas your hair you must care for and clean the plate. Therefore, always by the amount of products we use in hair lacquer, creams, and many more; they come in contact with the plates plates and at the end end up damaging our hair because it is is hitting us all waste that they have there. The plates of the hair, always should be cleaned when they are cold. You should try to clean them at least once a week with a clean, dry cloth, if suddenly there any difficult to remove surface, you can use with a slightly damp cotton to make it easier. And even if these group of women who use too many products for the hair before ironing it.

  • Web Business

    Filed under News
    Sep 14

    It is nothing new that we are experiencing what many call the era of the internet, where every day there are more people that they make use of this tool for various reasons, whether on labour issues, hobby, to search for information and many for how to undertake business on the internet. Many people are paying attention in some way on how to develop a profitable activity from your own home without having to meet a schedule or depend on a boss and enjoy of more time to be with your family and improve their standard of living. There are different ways to make money online, some require very little capital, and others if a considerable investment. There are also those who say that it is possible to make money online without investing capital, even so, if you do not invest capital and spend time, they actually investing since that time is worth money. One of those forms and that sometimes they are preferred by every entrepreneur who wants to earn money in a way faster and more easily is the sale of affiliate products, which is new Internet entrepreneurs opt for various reasons whose advantages stand out and are more encouraging to develop this activity than others also viable but that require a greater investment in time and money. But, whatever activity you choose one, the more important to succeed online and actually earn money it is that you’re constant and persevering in your actions and you will achieve your goals. There are many advantages that internet offers to develop a business, and every day are more people that they decide to start a business on the internet, I invite you to visit our site where you will find valuable information on this subject and especially on the sale of affiliate products.

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  • Latin America

    Filed under News
    Mar 29

    The critic to the positivismo on the part of the atenestas young people initiated a new period in the history of the philosophical ideas in Mexico. Two of the most important philosophers of the Athenian, Antonio Caso and Jose Vasconcelos influenced in the national philosophical life laying the way for the approach to the philosophy, in the same way that became in Europe. Its merit is to have formed new generations that were scattered by different philosophical territories. Of the thought currents with which the atenestas were affiliated, a very distinguishable one, was the one of the philosophical spiritualism. Caso and Vasconcelos are personalities completely different in their way to live the philosophy, but united in a tendency to look for the way to philosophise by the way of the spiritualism that was reinitiated in Europe. In opposition to intellectualism characteristic of the positivismo that indicated to the reason like an important faculty of the knowledge in union to the experience, the atenestas were antiintelectualistas and loaded the balance towards the intuition and the emotion, that in his opinion completes the work of brings back to consciousness. More of the thought currents with which they were affiliated it was the indeterminismo of the nature, that they extracted of the French philosophy.

    These currents of the philosophy and others more, influenced to give a direction him different, richer and intense from the history of the philosophy in Mexico and Latin America. Return a the Metaphysical preoccupations, the extension of the human experience, the affirmation without hesitations of the freedom like foundation of the spirit; to sum up, the glorification of the man, is what gives to the conferences and to writings of the atenestas that tone of Christian optimism and generosity, freedom, affection by the town, distinguishes that them of texts of the positivistas authors. In 1912 the grouping changed the name to become the Athenian of Mexico. Nevertheless, the murder of Log in 1913 gave a dramatic turn him to the events. The Athenian vanished and each of its members took different courses: Some went of the country like exiled or to realise studies; others committed more in the policy of the moment and others were dedicated to the chair, the test and the artistic creation.

  • Oct 20

    AGENCIES took the opportunity which should be subjected to some tests to be operated. Pele had a small problem in the hip that has already been corrected. The medical part won’t be diffused at the express request of the family. The former footballer Pele underwent a hip operation and in the next few hours will be commissioned of the Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo where he was intervened, explained this Tuesday an adviser of the Brazilian. According to the spokesman, Pele took advantage that it should be subjected to a few tests to fix a small problem of hip.

    The three-time champion of the world with the selection of Brazil was admitted to the hospital last Saturday. He’s okay, everything is controlled, he stressed. For its part, the Centre Hospitalier only confirmed the hospitalization of former football player, for 72 years, and said that it not released medical reports at the request of the family. The 10?, considered one of the best players of all time, went down in history by their 1,088 goals in 1,114 parties. See more: the former footballer Pele is hip successfully operated in Sao Paulo