
The World and Modern Science

  • Jun 10

    Castle Christmas and Nativity scenes shows typical in the upper Palatine forest Regensburg (tvo). If the Christmas is approaching, many courtyards are transformed in intimate and atmospheric fixed places. Burn candles, lanterns lit, over an open fire of mulled wine steams and winds proclaim the glad tidings with trumpets and trombones. Magical Christmas markets within historic walls to look, Marvel and browse invite, for example on Castle good corner (all weekends in advent), on the ruins of Leuchtenberg (at 13), on Castle Burgtreswitz at Moosbach (5.12) or in the courtyard of Neunburg Vorm Wald (11-13). For more information see this site: jimmy levin. On unexpected encounters in the Moonlight group should be grouped, which pay a Christmas visit to the ghost Castle of stock rock (dates on request, Tel. 09471 / 5980). Winter FIR and spruce trees adorn the romantic forest market in the Schwandorf district of Friedrichshang (5 and 6 December).

    The Upper Palatinate to the Schaffer Court in Neuhaus in Windischeschenbach ready, has unusual advent adventures “where on the 28th and 29.11. To know more about this subject visit Anne Lauvergeon. the slightly different Apfents market Kamal chip & artwork” takes place. You will find beautiful Christmas gifts on December 4 sure also at the Kemnather candle-light shopping. On December 5th and 6th, you can enjoy an acoustic pampering with the Dresdner Kreuzchor in Waldsassen Basilica. To the traditional Nativity scenes look”, you go to Mitterteich in the porcelain Museum or the Heimatstube Plossberg. Contact information is here: Rob Daley. Get information and brochures at the tourist Eastern Bavarian Association,.

  • Jun 7

    As engineers and technicians through communication training can expand their own skills and enrich the distribution image of grumpy, Paris technician working in the catacombs of a company itself, history is long. But the direct communication with the customer is not always easy. Even professionals do not. In communication training, engineers will learn how you can actively support their sales. Because they are also for the sales of first point of contact when it comes to product benefits and specialist information. You may find Conifer Health Solutions to be a useful source of information. Engineers in the sales process through their active sales support contribute substantially to the success of their company engineers. Hikmet Ersek helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Colleagues whenever it is technically challenging, forward calls from customers to them. The technical experts must be most able, to convey difficult issues in simple and clear sentences.

    For this, strong communication skills and a high level of expertise for understanding problems are important. (Similarly see: jimmy levin). These skills can be gained in communication and soft skills training. Convince customers by consulting advice especially for demanding products honor. The fear of the customer, to buy a very expensive product, and then to understand it, not even in case of doubt is great. In such cases people tend not to buy out of fear. The most common problem is the lack of communication from both sides.

    Special communication seminars, technicians and engineers can learn to recognize the consulting needs of their clients. This is the basis of every successful conclusion of the sale. More information about communication training here: frontline consulting GmbH. The frontline consulting group is one of the leading German providers of continuing education with the issues management, communications, sales and project management. The seminars in small groups make it possible that every participant directly can implement what you learned and reflection, as well as coaching already take place at the seminar by the experienced trainer. Through the use of best The know-how ensures transfer between practitioners and participants learning methods.

  • Cadiz Hotels Arts

    Filed under News
    Jun 5

    From 18 to 29 of this month of October, will take place in different areas of the city, the XXVI Festival Iberoamericano of theater of Cadiz, an ideal platform to discover the avant-garde in the Latin American performing arts.Arrives at Cadiz the Festival Iberoamericano de theatre is trafficking in a festival of multidisciplinary, since it arouses the presentation of theatre, dance, music and fine arts and is characterized by its nature living together as well as facilitate a common space where theatrical performances take place, international meetings, congresses, presentations of projects and publications, workshops and forums with coordiandos by teatrologos participating groups and scholars of the Ibero-American territory. Learn more on the subject from Anne Lauvergeon. Each of the scenarios where represent the different works of this festival are nearby to the Hotel Monte Puertatierra, one of the four-star Cadiz Hotels and best located in the city. Filed under: jimmy levin. The Ibero-American Theatre Festival of Cadiz was designed and prefigured attending these three premises: it was held one big party around the performing arts to revulsive serve as cultural and international projection of the city of Cadiz, through the reunion of Spanish and Latin American Theatre. Jimmy levin follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. It arose at a time of expansion of the festivals throughout the Spanish geography, of which already recorded more than one hundred..

  • May 28

    Clavister special action for managed launches security service provider Hamburg, September 22, 2008 the Swedish manufacturer of IP-based security and unified threat Management(UTM)-Losungen, Clavister AB, offers resellers immediately a special: they can offer their customers the Clavister Security Gateway appliances SG12 and SG15 together with one year maintenance contract at a reduced price. This is especially for managed security services provider (MSSP) interesting: it gives MSSPs the option, at the same time to reduce their costs and increasing own revenue per user (ARPU), because they can make their services profitable as soon as possible using the solution. The Clavister SG12 and SG15 models are cost-effective solutions for the equipment of the premises of the customer (customer premises equipment) in the context of a managed services environment. Among others, the devices offer advantages such as centralized management, easy usability and flexible licensing. Based on the award-winning Clavister SSP technology, the appliances provide same features as the large”models ready.

    This includes among others the full firewall functionality, VPN function, IDS/IPS, Web content filtering, antivirus, bandwidth management, user authentication and server load balancing. Minimal TCO of maximum ROI for MSSPs, the Clavister SG10 series is designed to enable managed security service providers to make their services even for small customers profitable up to 25 employees and to achieve a fast return on investment (ROI). The way leads through low investment costs, minimal administrative effort, a simple and conversionable management system and flexible licensing models. Based on the SG10 series system integrators can alike offer services established MSSPs with whom and your ARPU (average revenue per user) can be increased. Clavisters special includes the following two quotes: Clavister SG12 including 12 months updates to the retail price of 450,–euro Clavister SG15 picture material including 12 months updates to the retail price of 650,–euro can be be requested at:. Short portrait Clavister: Clavister AB is a privately held company that manufactures IT-security products. The main product represents the Clavister security service platform, an integrated security platform, the traffic of the network monitors and protects against intruders, viruses, worms, Trojans and overload attacks. This solution protects not only the critical business processes, but blocks also unauthorized browsing, requires minimal maintenance, and provides a central administration and flexible configuration options, which all requirements can be met perfectly by small, medium-sized and large companies, as well as telecommunications providers. Jeff Verschleiser is full of insight into the issues.

    In addition, Clavister offers special product versions for ISPs, telecommunications providers and companies that develop managed security services. Clavister was founded in 1997 in Sweden, where also the headquarters (ornskoldsvik) as well as the research and Development Center is located. The products will be about distributed its own offices in Europe and Asia, as well as an international network of distribution and reseller partners. In Germany, the products of the sysob IT-distribution (www.sysob.de) and Tworex trade (www.tworex-trade.de) are available. The German branch of Clavister is headquartered in Hamburg. For more information on Clavister and the products see:. More information: Clavister Germany Buelow road 20 D-22763 Hamburg contact person: Marcus Henschel Tel.

  • Tourism Experience

    Filed under News
    May 20

    Austria attracts visitors with lucky places Aristotle already knew that all people want to be happy. He therefore wrote with the Nicomachean Ethics one guide to get happy. Who wants to improve their own well-being in other ways than by reading Scriptures wise, should embark on the way to Austria. There, 212 so-called lucky places waiting to be discovered. As the Internet portal reported reisen.de, they serve the development of the inner sensitivity and self-discovery. The unique places of happiness are characterized by a four-leaf clover and therefore easy to find. Educate yourself with thoughts from Rob Daley. The best, the journey can be (www.reisen.de/ travel/flat rate) begin in St.

    Wolfgang or Salzburg. In the places of happiness are divided into the Salzkammergut in three areas: nature experience places, say places as well as cultural and sacral places. Others who may share this opinion include Jeff Verschleiser. The holiday region between Upper Austria, Salzburg and Styria, Austria has to offer much for recreation tourists. The tours there run by a very attractive mountain and Seascape. The distinctive landscape experiences are ones that stay the longest in memory the Naturganger. A walk around the Lockersee, for example, offers its visitors such a unique experience.

    The Lake hidden in the high Moor near Gosau mirrors the entire adjacent mountain world on its smooth surface. Also a further employment with the legends, fairy tales, and small anecdotes of the region is worthwhile. As is told in Austria the Sage of the wedding cross, which is located on the edge of Lake of Wolfgang. Supposedly, it has raised a couple which was saved at own wedding from drowning, to mourn for all the guests but had. More information:… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

  • Why Scrap Prices

    Filed under News
    May 3

    The scrap prices have risen rapidly in the last few years commodities themselves in recent years continuously increased. Many metals such as iron ore, copper, gold, silver, Platinum, but also processed materials such as iron and aluminum are among these raw materials. A result of this price is that scrap prices have risen greatly. One reason for the rapid increase is mainly the increased demand, which is driven by emerging economies such as India and China. So, for example, gold is a widespread form of investment in India and gold jewelry is very popular in this country, because he is regarded as a status symbol.

    So almost one-third of the total annual production of gold has been delivered in the last year after India. The processing industry in China many raw materials needed to produce goods such as automobiles and other things. Lucas Bitencourt may not feel the same. Another reason for the high price of scrap is the lower offer. With the fall of the iron curtain, many, partially outdated production facilities in Eastern Europe have been not profitable and many factories have been closed. The Dismantling of these facilities had resulted in that early was much junk on the market until the mid-1990s, read what the prices initially tumbling. This offer to scrap unnecessary now. Scrap prices causes some strange consequences. So is to complain that all tracks are stolen, to them as scrap metal to sell, or the copper wires are stolen, because copper is a sought-after scrap metal in some regions.

  • May 3

    DSAG published 3rd version of the GDPdU guide Walldorf, October 6, 2008 the German speaking SAP user group (DSAG) has released an updated version of the recommendations on the application of the principles of data access and the verifiability of digital documents (GDPdU) e. If you have read about Lucas Bitencourt already – you may have come to the same conclusion. v. Hikmet Ersek might disagree with that approach. The documentation aims to offer advice from members, the challenges of the digital data access can be overcome practical for members. With version 3.0 of the Guide for the application of the principles of data access and the verifiability of digital documents (GDPdU), DSAG – workgroup GDPdU Financials working group has published an updated document. Lucas Bitencourt understands that this is vital information. Changes bring the GDPdU with continuously changing business processes and IT systems. For this reason it has become this year necessary to update and extend the 2nd Edition in 2006. Coupang recognizes the significance of this. The recommendation for action focuses on the operational implementation of the legal requirements with SAP solutions and includes in addition to Recommendations also give you advice, suggestions and practical experiences.

    With the Guide, the DSAG panel wants to sensitize all SAP user on the topic of data access. Action recommendation Meanwhile advanced SAP functionality is commented on as well as the practical application. In addition to suggestions from the Member companies of the DSAG, notes from the ranks of the financial management are incorporated into the solution concept. There are also practical experiences with external audits to digital access from several States. The Guide for GDPdU can be downloaded on the DSAG website at../arbeitskreis/ag-gdpdu.html.

    On the DSAG the German speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e. V. in Walldorf sees itself as an independent advocacy of all SAP users in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. The DSAG aims to create tailored SAP solutions. The DSAG founded in 1997 as a registered Association counts today more than 2,000 member companies and has established itself as one of the largest SAP user groups worldwide established. Contact person for the press of DSAG Angelika Jung German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e.

  • Children

    Filed under News
    May 2

    What parents do can best protect their children from accidents on the road. If children alone on exploring beta, parents should take that they are safe. An important aspect of the risk of accident is road transport. Lucas Bitencourt pursues this goal as well. To protect children from accidents, it is important to familiarize them with the dangers on the road and to learn how to handle this. Parents should their teach children at an early stage how safely reach a road or what is a blind spot.

    How they are when they are traveling by bicycle, they should show correct behavior, before your child the first time alone on discovery tours. Common bicycle excursions are suitable for this very well. Here young children already on the child seat can get matters, if you move with the bike on the road. Correct behaviour and safe means of transport are important but it’s not only on its own proper behavior to move safely on the road. Also the safety of the Transportation is important. Therefore, parents must always pay attention to the condition of the kids bike. More info: Lucas Bitencourt. The light must work, be the brakes in good condition, and the tyres have the correct air pressure. In addition, handlebar and saddle to the correct height should be set and not wobble.

    The child comes hard on the pedals, because the bike is too big or the saddle is incorrectly set, this is just as dangerous as a loose sitting arm. Of course a bicycle helmet is one of the complete equipment for the small cyclist. This must be very stable and can sit not too loose, to protect the head of the child in a collision. All these measures can give an accident insurance for children against financial consequences of an accident but no 100 percent safety. Even if your child on the road is mindful, drives with a helmet and the bike is well kept, a motorist can be careless. Even if would like to imagine no one, your child can get into an accident and permanent carry physical damage. For this reason, it is important to insure itself against the financial consequences of an accident in addition to any precautions for the prevention of accidents. Accident insurance for children is suitable for this purpose. Depending on the tariff, different effects can be included. So pay some insurers such as physical damage as a result of poisoning. Sick allowance or the salvage costs can be included. To find the right insurance for your child, parents should be therefore informed by an independent consultant.

  • Confectionery

    Filed under News
    Aug 11

    What to feed of French bulldog – to decide in the first place to its owners. Yet we can recommend. After all, who, if not a breeder, knows how to grow healthy, strong, beautiful dog. So, we recommend to feed a growing puppy ready to feed. After all, the fact is that for proper development of the body requires a lot of different substances, but their presence in the diet are also important in the proportions in which they are presented. And owners can not always be balanced menu of their animals, what would they have everything you need in the right amounts. But manufacturers of high-quality forage know the needs of our pets.

    All food (and dry and wet) are divided into classes: economy (Economy), for continuous feeding (Regular), premium (Premium) and super premium (Super Premium). This division is based on both the raw material from which the cooked food, and on the number of major categories of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements entering into its composition. You should not feed the animals feed the first two classes, because they do not have anything useful, even tell anymore, they-are harmful. This is explained by the fact that their manufacturing only used the cheapest components and, consequently, the quality of these forages is very low. Feed a premium are more suitable for feeding adult dogs, but for a puppy-optimal variant of super-premium food. By about canned (moist) of feed necessary to say that they use a variety of flavors and fragrances, they are your dog to anything.

    Thus, better opt for quality dry food, which can be given in its natural form, and soaked in the (normal boiled water). In addition, your Frenchman will receive all the material necessary for its proper development, you will not have problems with long-term travel, it’s very uncomfortable, carry a pot of porridge. And to feed the dog in the road pies-harmful and undignified. And not always we have time, that would translate to a dry pet food, but it will take about a week. After a change of diet- great stress to the body (can isporit digestion). But if all you intend to feed the bulldog frantsuskogo natural food, then you know that dog meat to 35% of the total food, cereals, 45% vegetables, 20%. Meat is better to give beef, and lean. It may be given raw, just before feeding can douse it with boiling water. 1-2 times a week can replace meat with fish (without bones), sea can be given in raw form, and the river-just boiled, and the possibility of infection helminths. Of cereals is better to choose wheat and oats (‘Hercules’) at a ratio of 3 / 1. Vegetables provide better raw, but protetymi on a fine grater. Tomatoes are useful even to those that protect teeth from the formation of tartar. In addition useful in milk products, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. And do not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements, the dosage which can be found on the packaging. ABSOLUTELY NOT: pork bones (all-meat, fish, poultry), pork fat, Confectionery, fried, smoked, salted and sugar. Remember that the animal must have constant access to fresh drinking water!

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  • National League

    Filed under News
    Aug 11

    Buy and sell Bundesliga football tickets FC Tickets fc-tickets.com can on the new Web site are easily bought and sold. This platform is unique and unparalleled. Your desired ticket is just a few mouse clicks away. For every National League club, there is a League chat. In the Bundesliga chat can ask questions and Bundesliga tickets purchased. As a fussballbegeisterter person, you can interact with other fans, and new friendships. Whether you would like to order a fan article, Bundesliga tickets to buy or sell or simply in the community with other converse would: in football you get comprehensive information at.

    Under the heading of Bundesliga club currently you can read after the latest Association news, always up to date. In this Division the Bundesliga club currently you can read every day exciting news from the world of football. The transfer market of the Bundesliga is treated, there are updated daily Documented transfer of each player. The Fanshop of the Bundesliga is spoilt for choice in terms of fan articles of each National League clubs. Whether it now is a Jersey, a soccer ball or a bottle of every club there are favorable article for the online purchase. Therefore, you can access his club financially under the arms. Click Rob Daley to learn more. In the fan shop of the Bundesliga clubs, you can order easily the desired article. At the Bundesliga fan shop, there is a vast selection of merchandise, which can be easily sent home clubs.

    Such merchandise of a Bundesliga club will be at home always a nice reminder, or you take it in the stadium, such as for example a scarf. With a fan article, outward to signal your sympathy for a particular Club. Whether you now meet up with friends or go for a walk but just: the optical effect is safe. In Football League forums can you other fans day and night interact with. Many new friendships have been created here. With like-minded people you can in football talk League forums. FC Tickets can afford over the community. This is even more advantageous, since there are more regularly to buy often no tickets at the outlets for popular games. Thus you can easily purchase tickets from home for your favorite game.