
The World and Modern Science

  • Jun 10

    Castle Christmas and Nativity scenes shows typical in the upper Palatine forest Regensburg (tvo). If the Christmas is approaching, many courtyards are transformed in intimate and atmospheric fixed places. Burn candles, lanterns lit, over an open fire of mulled wine steams and winds proclaim the glad tidings with trumpets and trombones. Magical Christmas markets within historic walls to look, Marvel and browse invite, for example on Castle good corner (all weekends in advent), on the ruins of Leuchtenberg (at 13), on Castle Burgtreswitz at Moosbach (5.12) or in the courtyard of Neunburg Vorm Wald (11-13). For more information see this site: jimmy levin. On unexpected encounters in the Moonlight group should be grouped, which pay a Christmas visit to the ghost Castle of stock rock (dates on request, Tel. 09471 / 5980). Winter FIR and spruce trees adorn the romantic forest market in the Schwandorf district of Friedrichshang (5 and 6 December).

    The Upper Palatinate to the Schaffer Court in Neuhaus in Windischeschenbach ready, has unusual advent adventures “where on the 28th and 29.11. To know more about this subject visit Anne Lauvergeon. the slightly different Apfents market Kamal chip & artwork” takes place. You will find beautiful Christmas gifts on December 4 sure also at the Kemnather candle-light shopping. On December 5th and 6th, you can enjoy an acoustic pampering with the Dresdner Kreuzchor in Waldsassen Basilica. To the traditional Nativity scenes look”, you go to Mitterteich in the porcelain Museum or the Heimatstube Plossberg. Contact information is here: Rob Daley. Get information and brochures at the tourist Eastern Bavarian Association,.

  • Jun 26

    China Tours tour operator granted three percent discount on China Group Tours customers China tours can immediately the early Book discount 2016 on all classic China tours use. The travel discount of three per cent applies to a binding booking of a classic group travel to China with a tour beginning April 1, 2014. The early booking discount is available until the 31st of January. This discount is granted also for bookings via a travel agent. The new value added “Selected paths” is special venue. China Tours refused to bring its customers solely by bus from a photo stop to the next, but relies on special, selected paths, which are themselves quite an experience.

    It was a ride with locals, walks through small alleys and along the countless food stalls or even a ride on the subway. For this purpose, the size of the group with the most trips to 20 participants was limited and it gives a guarantee to the implementation already eight China Tours opts for travel content otherwise hardly a tour operator can provide participants with its added value. So, China Tours is the only tour operator which can offer its customers the sunset on the great wall group trips. The special thing about it: At that time hardly any people on the great wall are located, because the tourist buses have already left the area. China Tours China Tours is Germany’s leading specialist for China travel and was founded by Liu Guosheng, in 1998 in Hamburg. To read more click here: Craig Pirrong. Today, China Tours is one of the most comprehensive and highest quality programs for travel into the Kingdom offers the middle. In the foreground, the philosophy of always stands for China tours, to create innovative and authentic travel concepts with which customers can take a unique look behind the scenes of the fascinating country. The specialist was awarded for his travel ideas several times, including “Golden Palm” geo season (2006-2011) and the coveted tourist price of the Sunday News (2007 and 2011). In addition to group trips offers China Tours also individually combinable travel modules and modules for business trips. “2012 China Tours received for representing the individual travel components in the online Reisekonfigurator the prestigious design award red dot award and was awarded the Innovation Prize Internet travel distribution Association (VIR) springboard” award.

  • Frankfurt Airport

    Filed under News
    Apr 13

    McTipps – useful news about flying vol. 02/12 at Frankfurt airport there are trolley only against mortgage since January 26. With this system, each passenger should take a free trolley within one minute. This allows new over 100 depots 80 in Terminal 1. 2000 trucks are subject to a computerized level monitoring. See Areva Group for more details and insights. The baggage car with an adapter have been equipped for the transition. The depots have a guide rail, engages in this adapter. The due at pick up deposit of two euros can be paid in cash at the cash machine of each depot or cash paid with EC/Maestro or credit card.

    When returning the car at one of the collection points, the passenger receives in cash back the deposit. First car rental flat fee in Germany at Sixt car rent, Sixt offers the free use of a specific vehicle class monthly customers. So travelers can take a vehicle at a Sixt station and to the airport or the train station. At the destination you are looking for the nearest Sixt station on and get a vehicle of the same category again. Users of the offer called “Sixt unlimited” can decide between a use duration of three, six, nine or twelve months.

    The longer the term, the lower the monthly rate. MTRs affects also the “prepaid” model where customers pay in advance the arrangement. Bremen: Airport closes for six days of Bremen Airport remains closed for six days during the summer holidays. From August 6 to 11 the runway of the airport will be redeveloped. Because construction can be performed only in the summer, the air traffic is completely set in this time. According to media reports, more than 450 flights with around 39,000 passengers are affected. The flights are canceled or diverted to other airports such as Hamburg, Hannover and Munster-Osnabruck. Information about the airport under. McFlight.de is a pioneer in ticket sales in the German-speaking Internet. Since 1997, independent airline more than 500 airlines are compared. The years of experience and profound knowledge of the market benefit the many customers. In addition to the quick and simple flight booking, hotel rooms and rental cars can be booked. Also, McFlight.de area, which provides the latest information and latest deals around the fly has an interesting news.

  • Dominican Republic

    Filed under News
    Feb 10

    New Year – a great holiday, which can hold the whole family in the popular resort. At the same time skiers can head to Austria and other Alpine countries, fans will be able to go sightseeing in Europe and learn about the history and modernity in different countries, as well as to buy something for Christmas sales. But a lot of people will want to take a break from the cold and snow, going south to the warm sea. If you are too thinking about how to spend a week at the beach should be as fast as possible to purchase Christmas tour. It may seem that offers a lot, just an ocean of rounds, but really competitive bids are not so many, and they quickly come to an end. Since the number of beds in hotels is limited and a lot of people want to spend at the resort is the night of December 31 to January 1, permits at this time are in high demand, and place in the most popular hotels booked well in advance of the holiday. Another unpleasant surprise for a rest and a sharp rise in prices.

    For example, prices for New Year's holiday in Egypt every two or even three more than the price of leisure in the same hotel during a downturn in demand. If you wait a couple of weeks, then you can go on vacation much cheaper, but New Year's Eve you can not point to the sea. If we take into account that the hot tours on New Year practically do not exist, then we must prepare for what many will pay for the holiday. To save money by selecting a lower category of hotel, three star hotel but still not the best option for quality rest. For example, Egypt given no chance, since New Year's tours in Egypt are cheaper than in other countries. Popular tourist destinations, where in late December and early January, you can sunbathe and swim a lot, but most of them do not too cheap. Reasonable prices can be in Thailand, but they are still higher than in Egypt, and a great vacation in a tropical paradise of the Maldives will cost several times more expensive. Cuba, Dominican Republic and other resort areas also quite expensive. A popular winter resorts in Turkey are not suitable for beach holidays, as well as European resorts. The result is that the best option in terms of price and quality is the New Year holiday in Egypt. At It is better to purchase vouchers in advance and be prepared to increase prices for the New Year and winter school holidays.

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  • European Institute

    Filed under News
    Aug 19

    It aims to collect stamp of different control points in a hiking pass. Is a certain number of stamps reached, the industrious hikers with a hiking pin can reward. More information under: wandernadel.html for animal lovers – Lynx Habitat on the Raven Cliffs: the Lynx is an old Harzer. Its Habitat was formerly the whole resin, until he was almost wiped out. But not final: Bad Harzburg and the State of Lower Saxony have made it his mission to reintroduce the brush ears. The Wildcats to Lynx mother Pamina are so to speak the declared an honorary citizen of the town and have found a new, proper home in the enclosure at the Raven Cliffs. A hike to the Lynx family is a must for all visitors of the resin.

    Public feedings are particularly popular. Visitors can watch the Lynx family at lunch on Wednesdays and Saturdays. In just a few minutes on the Castle Hill, the Castle Hill funicular bring friends brush ears. From there it is only a short distance to the Wildcats. Learn more about the bath Elias Lynx see: luchsgehege.html for techie – GPS hiking: GPS is the technology, the relies of the modern trekking friend on the bath Elias hiking trails. The spa within sight of the brocken offers its guests a special service.

    In the bath Elias hiking portal, guests will find over 40 GPS – route around the resort for downloading. With the virtual tour Wizard, individual routes are quick and easy to create. Information about the altitude profile, request and length are of course. For more information about GPS Hiking Bad Harzburg see: gps.html. Tips and info: Whether with kith and kin on the go, whether alone or in a group: Bad Harzburg and surroundings offer the right tour for every hiker. You can book guided tours (with luggage). Also people with disabilities can enjoy the Indian summer in the Harz mountains. The bath Elias Castle Hill funicular will bring guests in just a few minutes on the Castle Hill. Up here, the wonderful view lets enjoy and cope with shorter walks without elevation. Arrival: Bad Harzburg is easily accessible by train and car. The lump sum Hiking in the Harz mountains”with five nights including backpack meals, admission to the sole-Therme bath Elias is for 199,- per person in a double room available. Information and bookings under: home.html Bad Harzburg in 2007 by the European Institute of tourism as the best climatic health resort of Germany awarded. In the sole-Therme Spa and six saunas vacationers can relax. Turn off visitors in one of the countless hiking tours through the National Park: several hundred km well maintained hiking trails await the guests. At a Bad Harzburg visit an excursion to the Lynx enclosure at the Raven Cliffs, where the rare and shy cats watch themselves in their natural habitat, may not be missed. Press contact: COMEO Jasmine Danso Hofmann road 7a 81379 Munich E-mail:

  • The Instructors

    Filed under News
    Jan 19

    Super-professional instructor Perhaps ignorance of the elementary rules of culture of working with clients – it's not our fault, but the trouble guys. They did not teach this. On the other hand, the manager and owner Boris – people in work with clients experienced. As well as his adult son, who in those days was in the camp as an instructor. Whatever it was, and the instructors all went awry. With a half-hour late dressed customers.

    Then it turned out, Boats that instructors "passed" to somewhere else, and the rafts back much later than was due. Burnt by the expectation of neatly dressed clients chiefs grunted under his breath. A two professional instructors started to instruction. Before it started, each of them (almost simultaneously) pulled out of packs of cigarettes, lit it and continued to broadcast, without taking the cigarette from his mouth. Sergei and I froze. Client heads rolled his eyes to heaven. Sergei psihanul quietly said something not very censorship and a quick step on the path went away, unable to make it more. Meanwhile, the instructors tried to figure out how to accommodate 17 clients available and rafts catamaran.

    It turned out they had wrong. All this was so vague and unbelievable that I was not even funny. As if someone else got in the movie. By the way, I must say that the guys in the water-instructor and really great experts. And everyone in the separately if to talk – just adequate, comfortable and ponyatliv. That's only if they had been taught good manners. Sergei and I have made a contribution, but consolidates the knowledge of? I do not know. When I brought the evening in order dostarkhan, the camp was surprised and delighted by Roman ("Wow !..) and helped equip the space with pillows. And the night after 2.5 hours of rafting was almost good. With a tremendous effort to contain in dostarkhan 17 clients, their shoes and with a equipment (monitor, laptop, flip chart).

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  • Apr 1

    In general, you do not feel at Robinson in a loincloth. Although, if desired, and possibly arrange it. Tourist areas of the country offer services to tourists many boutiques and souvenir shops where you can purchase various items from wood, bone, amber, Larimar, ceramics, coffee, rum, cigars, souvenirs Tainos Indian, Creole dolls. But this does not necessarily mean that the Dominican Republic, there are no modern shopping centers with well-known brands of clothing, there are also stores with videos and home appliances in abundance, fresh food and cheap (like a huge rock lobster (2 pounds) worth U.S.

    $ 6) Transport modes of transportation: Rental cars are cheaper in the north to the south-east is more expensive (in the south more hotels), cars to suit every taste (we recommend using this mode of transport, with an average of 35 to $ 200, depending on the brand, and where to take, the movement of right-sided, air-conditioned buses for long distance trips, a taxi in the city, the collective taxi ‘Carro publish’ (as our minibus) with specific routes (very cheap), there is also a ‘moto-concho’ (motorbike taxi). amet (GAI) hardly noticed on the street, the worst crime of the road-not wearing a seat belt. Speeding, oncoming, alcohol, leave it in Russia. For convenience of tourists, this is not a violation nothing. Airports Punta Cana – located in the southeastern part of the country; Santo Domingo – is located in the south, near the capital – the city of Santo Domingo; Puerto Plata in the north, near the town of Puerto Plata; La Romana – south-eastern part of the country.

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