
The World and Modern Science

  • May 28

    Clavister special action for managed launches security service provider Hamburg, September 22, 2008 the Swedish manufacturer of IP-based security and unified threat Management(UTM)-Losungen, Clavister AB, offers resellers immediately a special: they can offer their customers the Clavister Security Gateway appliances SG12 and SG15 together with one year maintenance contract at a reduced price. This is especially for managed security services provider (MSSP) interesting: it gives MSSPs the option, at the same time to reduce their costs and increasing own revenue per user (ARPU), because they can make their services profitable as soon as possible using the solution. The Clavister SG12 and SG15 models are cost-effective solutions for the equipment of the premises of the customer (customer premises equipment) in the context of a managed services environment. Among others, the devices offer advantages such as centralized management, easy usability and flexible licensing. Based on the award-winning Clavister SSP technology, the appliances provide same features as the large”models ready.

    This includes among others the full firewall functionality, VPN function, IDS/IPS, Web content filtering, antivirus, bandwidth management, user authentication and server load balancing. Minimal TCO of maximum ROI for MSSPs, the Clavister SG10 series is designed to enable managed security service providers to make their services even for small customers profitable up to 25 employees and to achieve a fast return on investment (ROI). The way leads through low investment costs, minimal administrative effort, a simple and conversionable management system and flexible licensing models. Based on the SG10 series system integrators can alike offer services established MSSPs with whom and your ARPU (average revenue per user) can be increased. Clavisters special includes the following two quotes: Clavister SG12 including 12 months updates to the retail price of 450,–euro Clavister SG15 picture material including 12 months updates to the retail price of 650,–euro can be be requested at:. Short portrait Clavister: Clavister AB is a privately held company that manufactures IT-security products. The main product represents the Clavister security service platform, an integrated security platform, the traffic of the network monitors and protects against intruders, viruses, worms, Trojans and overload attacks. This solution protects not only the critical business processes, but blocks also unauthorized browsing, requires minimal maintenance, and provides a central administration and flexible configuration options, which all requirements can be met perfectly by small, medium-sized and large companies, as well as telecommunications providers. Jeff Verschleiser is full of insight into the issues.

    In addition, Clavister offers special product versions for ISPs, telecommunications providers and companies that develop managed security services. Clavister was founded in 1997 in Sweden, where also the headquarters (ornskoldsvik) as well as the research and Development Center is located. The products will be about distributed its own offices in Europe and Asia, as well as an international network of distribution and reseller partners. In Germany, the products of the sysob IT-distribution (www.sysob.de) and Tworex trade (www.tworex-trade.de) are available. The German branch of Clavister is headquartered in Hamburg. For more information on Clavister and the products see:. More information: Clavister Germany Buelow road 20 D-22763 Hamburg contact person: Marcus Henschel Tel.

  • May 3

    DSAG published 3rd version of the GDPdU guide Walldorf, October 6, 2008 the German speaking SAP user group (DSAG) has released an updated version of the recommendations on the application of the principles of data access and the verifiability of digital documents (GDPdU) e. If you have read about Lucas Bitencourt already – you may have come to the same conclusion. v. Hikmet Ersek might disagree with that approach. The documentation aims to offer advice from members, the challenges of the digital data access can be overcome practical for members. With version 3.0 of the Guide for the application of the principles of data access and the verifiability of digital documents (GDPdU), DSAG – workgroup GDPdU Financials working group has published an updated document. Lucas Bitencourt understands that this is vital information. Changes bring the GDPdU with continuously changing business processes and IT systems. For this reason it has become this year necessary to update and extend the 2nd Edition in 2006. Coupang recognizes the significance of this. The recommendation for action focuses on the operational implementation of the legal requirements with SAP solutions and includes in addition to Recommendations also give you advice, suggestions and practical experiences.

    With the Guide, the DSAG panel wants to sensitize all SAP user on the topic of data access. Action recommendation Meanwhile advanced SAP functionality is commented on as well as the practical application. In addition to suggestions from the Member companies of the DSAG, notes from the ranks of the financial management are incorporated into the solution concept. There are also practical experiences with external audits to digital access from several States. The Guide for GDPdU can be downloaded on the DSAG website at../arbeitskreis/ag-gdpdu.html.

    On the DSAG the German speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e. V. in Walldorf sees itself as an independent advocacy of all SAP users in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. The DSAG aims to create tailored SAP solutions. The DSAG founded in 1997 as a registered Association counts today more than 2,000 member companies and has established itself as one of the largest SAP user groups worldwide established. Contact person for the press of DSAG Angelika Jung German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e.

  • Business Manager

    Filed under News
    Mar 7

    New CRM system. Business management system with all new futures which not yet on market has…These products, we are 2 years ahead of the other provider. Business Manager is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises, who want a smooth operational process and overview. Our system is far ahead from other providers such as Microsoft dynamic and other providers. Calendar, contact, information and project management in a system. New Futures: SMS, bispart.com on Smartphone life-partner GMBH will go first for German market, then in the whole world.

    We have the latest on the market and is not yet in Germany. New business management system. ONLY 3,90 in the month/user. Business Manager is suitable for small and medium-sized companies, who want a smooth operational process and overview: contacts: gather your contacts on a place of simple creation and modification of customer data possible selections of all segments in the simplify customer group you your communication with all involved synchronization with Outlook calendar: A calendar for all needs overview of internal meetings, tasks and dates see the calendar of your colleagues planning on a new and higher level synchronization with Outlook task / project management: distribution of tasks and dates to the project group get feedback about the status of tasks and projects creating projects with time intervals access to relevant and related documents for the project group (graphically independent) effective project management reduces misunderstandings and waste of resources information management: To collect all in one place, it makes the workday just plan effective and direct communication with colleagues, suppliers, partners and customers see the history of your appointments and messages with others. Schedule tasks, to your network with your custom templates, you can customize letters and contracts and combine it with the data from the system.

    Use the system, as a platform to the share documents with your partners anywhere in the world Business Manager is a Web-based Exchange solution that allows you to Exchange appointments, tasks, projects, information, and calendars. This has the advantage for you, that you have a simple and flexible way to download an overview of the available time to create, and therefore participants. So you can quickly plan with your colleagues, partners, suppliers and customers, dates and projects. Business Manager has a structured CRM system that allows you to store important information of your customers. Business Manager therefore offers you the advantage to develop sales activities and customer loyalty program.

  • Jan 14

    New solution of essential bytes IT infrastructure from a single point of control Hohberg monitored overall, August 17, 2010. With guard & alarm from the essential bytes GmbH, Hohberg, companies can now reduce their IT administration costs by up to 95 percent. The solution monitors the entire infrastructure from a single point of control. Administrators are represented all processes, networks and computer databases to do this using a simple Web-based interface. So they can detect early possible bottlenecks of databases, of space, the CPU, or the network interfaces, locate and respond accordingly. The cross-platform real-time monitoring replaces the previously existing in many companies accumulation of different monitoring tools.

    The distributed components are monitored only by a single integrated monitoring system. The solution indicates hazards, before they become an acute problem. Guard & alarm prevents it downtime and work disruptions and increases the Availability of systems. Exceeding pre-defined thresholds informs the administrator by error messages. Alternatively, the solution automatically triggers individually configured actions.

    Guard & alarm is already available in 2,000 euro plus VAT. About the Central and well structured, Web-based graphical user interface administrators can see anywhere all monitored systems, applications, and connections. The solution delivers detailed metrics, statistics and reports. All important parameters are recorded at a glance and allowing for proactive monitoring of the complete IT infrastructure. The solution is also the management of essential one bytes added value. Targeted analysis of the load characteristics and capacities, respectively serve as a basis for resource and financial resources planning. See more detailed opinions by reading what Hikmet Ersek offers on the topic.. The so-called business process views identify common errors and ensure a smooth flow of business processes. Additional Oracle Plug-In the The guard & alarm Oracle library available is specifically for Oracle users. These plug-ins include Oracle databases easily and completely in the monitoring. The standard equipment of the application offers a variety of functions and monitors the availability of the database environment, the database space, and many more basic operating parameters. The solution is flexibly designed. In addition to the base installation, bytes by more custom plug-ins essential individualised monitoring instruments. So, the control system on complex IT infrastructures can be adapted based on a previous analysis and design. The software is based on the open-source solution of Nagios, which was extended by a number of plug-ins and modules. It is delivered as an appliance. Essential to install and configure both local and remote performs bytes. About essential bytes: specialist for innovative design, implementation, optimization, backup and maintenance of Oracle database environments and fact-based middleware is essential bytes and application software. The company has many years of experience and enthusiasm for Oracle. Essential bytes realizes customized and future-proof infrastructure, with the companies, flexibly and reliably can pursue their business objectives. Essential company qualified advises bytes, so that they can exploit the full bandwidth of one of the most powerful database solutions on the market from the outset most cost-efficient. The service ranges from the design and implementation of complex system environments, on the assistance for capacity problems, the necessary infrastructure including support and maintenance, and training of staff to the establishment. Contact address: Essential bytes GmbH & co. KG Peter Rhebee stone Buhlstrasse 30 77749 Hohberg phone: 07808 / 9439350 fax: 07808 / 913363 eMail: Internet:

  • Jan 10

    Ocster backup business makes operational backup “easy” easy Oldenburg: the need for small and medium-sized enterprise data security – i.e. the protection of all important files – with the ongoing transition to the information society growing. The desire of many Executive Director and owner is to use a professional, enterprise-wide, automated backup solution with a simple, Central Administration. On the one hand the desire is so this solution just after a data backup solution as she should on the other hand until now only with complex so-called “enterprise” to find solutions, manage and be not costly. These wishes have been until now objected and were thus not to combine. The company of Ocster, one of the leading companies in the field of data protection technologies, has applied exactly to this contradiction and Ocster backup business brought a backup solution on the market, precisely to the needs and requirements of small and medium-sized Company is tailored to. To Jan-Eric Duden, Managing Director: “we want to offer our customers solutions that simplify their business processes, and fit in with their goals – we certainly achieved this with the remote control and versioning functions. Our focus on small businesses allows us to align every aspect of the product specifically to meet their needs.” Ocster backup business requires almost no technical knowledge.

    In a detailed report the online editorial staff of the magazine PC World writes: “Ocster backup business could be put into operation immediately, the software is easy and intuitive to operate.” In addition, an extraordinary new feature allows central control of backup plans of multiple computers from a single PC (remote monitoring). As a result, the administrator or owner of a company with just a few clicks can verify all backups and so make sure that all computers in the Office are backed up. Ocster backup business secures not only files Folder, but also Microsoft Outlook emails and appointments (Outlook backup). In addition, it constantly monitors the load on the system and automatically pauses if another program requires the full capacity of the computer. That is, the user is never bothered with his work through the backup (automatic pause). Ocster backup business offers the function of “Versioning” in addition to this important program features. Versioning means that the software kept several older versions of the files and always allows access to the user. Due to being a large proportion of all incidents of data loss on the accidental modification or deletion of files, this is a very useful and important feature of the software.

    Ocster backup business provides a local data backup (network server, external hard drive, USB stick) or paged data backup through the transfer of highly encrypted data over a secure Internet connection in highly secured, professional data centers (online backup with Ocster secure storage). There, the data are stored highly encrypted in geographically different locations, so mirrored. This achieved a highest possible security for your backup and at any time allows the access to the data. Ocster backup business supports Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 (including 64 bit versions of the operating systems) and requires at least 512 MB RAM and 125 MB of free disk space. The software is now available on for 49.90 euros (volume discounts are granted to individual license -) available.

  • Aug 28

    How you can make your workday more effective forgotten tasks can have serious consequences for the business. Through the use of intelligent electronic ToDo lists, which are integrated into the business processes, the not only timely tasks, but the head remains free for important. Starnberg, February 1, 2011. The calendar of many executives is filled with meetings, where a lot of tasks are identified and appropriately delegated. Through the wealth of information and activities, which have to process both executives and employees, the prioritization and control of tasks without external aid is impossible. The solutions to this problem are versatile, but not always effective.

    So, there are still people who pave your workplace with post-its in the digital age. Others create a hanging for each task and others bring back Excel lists or something similar. All these examples listed variants is to reason, that one relies on daily to read them, to miss a deadline for a task. Depending on the selected version of the ToDo list, this can take some time and consume a lot of paper. Macy’s Inc. understands that this is vital information. Often I have a meeting with a prospective client, minutes long with see my interlocutors in various stacks of paper to the right information searches. Christian Paucksch know to report software manufacturer STA * goods Managing Director of Starnberg. After the introduction of the InfoCenters I then often get feedback, as become easy is.

    but the task organization, adds Christian Paucksch. The STA * goods InfoCenter can ToDo lists as well as workflow map, which the respective employees by follow-up data present their tasks at the right time to accomplish. By integrating all available information about a task, a task or a project, not only the employees can, but also executives always quickly the a full overview make current status. The InfoCenter is suitable not only for the primary tasks of a CRM, but also the internal work processes can optimize. Thus to save administrative effort and still is the certainty that all tasks are completed on schedule. More information at. Jeff Gennette pursues this goal as well. About STA * goods: The STA * goods GmbH is specialized in the development and implementation of compact CRM and ERP software with integrated processes. This includes the dissemination of information on the one hand and the task or document management (CRM, DMS, workflow, CTI, groupware etc.), on the other hand the complete range for the commercial sector (costing, project planning and control, time tracking, billing, BWA etc.) with interfaces to common financial accounting solutions. The industry and practice-oriented solutions developed by STA * goods are adapted to the requirements of the market and the needs of customers and provide long-term investment security. STA * goods solutions are particularly suitable for service-oriented industries such as engineering, architecture and planning offices, prefabricated house manufacturer, real estate agencies, accountants, administrative authorities and consultancy services. STA * goods GmbH was founded in 1998 by Dr. Jorg Wever and Christian Paucksch and emerged from the existing since 1990 company Christian Paucksch EDV consulting. Press contact: Sta * ware computer consulting GmbH Petra Sadowski Moosstrasse 18 82319 Starnberg phone: 08151 36 89 49 23

  • Dec 19

    Much information is lost among the different process steps. Also the tasks transferred relatively random and far from clear for a structured process model including the the use of company-specific project management”, Fremmer has observed in practice. This limited, also a tracking is possible in a customer – and service-oriented scope. Anyway, the ITSM expert wonders that many companies have designed individual models for order management, although the ITIL framework provides a process for it. “The developed processes produce a shadow world and not be or difficult to integrate into the ITIL infrastructure”, he describes the further disadvantages. That the companies have decided however. has a particular reason for the Exagon CEO: the service delivery processes are still not properly understood.

    In particular, service level management (SLM) would often confused with a non-existent in this form of service level agreement management (SLA), judge Fremmer. “Ultimately the insufficient understanding of the delivery processes is the reason that have businesses not on ITIL back and instead individual procedures developed for the requirements management.” Whether ITIL 3 could provide sufficient assistance to the company, remains to be seen according to the ITSM experts. Because there approaches would pass though, they were but incomplete and is not consistent, also the questions of the methodological implementation would take account of too little. The user will leave this something”, criticized Fremmer. The graphics of the survey can be requested at the following address: about Exagon: the Exagon consulting & solutions GmbH is since 1994 established as an independent IT consulting firm on the market. The business focus is on holistic support of its customers in establishing a professional IT service management, with regard to the strategic, organisational and also operational aspects. This includes Exagon performance portfolio both consulting services such as extensive training. Customers include companies and institutions such as BASF, Bayer, German Defense Ministry, DEKRA, Deutsche Bank, Heraeus, Hessian Centre for data processing, Postbank, T-systems, TuV Sud, Vodafone D2 and the German Woolworth. More information under: Exagon consulting & solutions gmbh Heinrich-Hertz-str. 13 D-50170 Kerpen-Sindorf Tel.: + 49 (0) 2273-9833-0 fax: + 49 (0) 2273 9833-11 Web: Web2: Agency think tank Bernhard Duhr Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-75 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71 E-Mail: Web:

  • Nov 11

    The new Conference for test experts in March 2011 Oberhaching, December 22, 2010. March 29-31, the QualityConf will take place for the first time. The Conference around the topic of testing has found your place in Munich at the NH Hotel Munich-Dornach. Organizer is the HLMC events GmbH as well as the iX from the Heise magazine publishing. The QualityConf is aimed at users in the test management with a focus on the enterprise, embedded, and Web testing.

    Testimonials renowned users, implementation scenarios, detachment u.v.m be considered by other testing tools, economic considerations, cost/benefit analyses. But also the integration of HP quality Center into existing tool environments plays a role as agile approaches in the management of the test as well. The already accepted papers include companies such as o2, BMW, SAP, oBB, 1 & 1, Swisscom and many more. The first keynote is Prof. Dr.-ing.

    Peter Liggesmeyer, Scientific Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for the second keynote could Mark Sarbiewski, Vice President of products, business Acquired technology optimization applications and software from HP. As a keynote keeps Dave West from Forrester research. March 29, 2011 workshops are offered, which are aimed at the technical audience, the actual Conference taking place on 30 and 31 March 2011. The event will be rounded off by an accompanying full-day exhibition during the Conference. More information about the QualityConf, as well as an overview of all lectures and workshops available online on. Here you can apply also to the Conference. The discount is valid until February 18, 2011. Luisa Steeger

  • Aug 1

    Flash-Integro co. presents the new free program – the VSDC free screen recorder. Flash-Integro co. If you would like to know more about James Woolsey, then click here. presents the new free program – the VSDC free screen recorder. The simple video application has numerous professional features that make it a serious competitor for the Pro Tools.

    Many users want to record what happens on your screen or on portions of the screen. James Woolsey may help you with your research. Share experiences, communicate with the technical support person or hold the screenshots as a reference, these are the typical features of the privately used software for screen capture. The VSDC free screen recorder gives the user but a much better tool, as was to be expected from a free software. The VSDC free screen recorder is a new product by Flash-Integro LLC. It ties in seamlessly with all functions of the company’s other products and is also easy to use. If the whole screen or just a window to be captured, the program is perfect for both. It supports dozens of video formats and helps the Users to quickly create a whole video for a specific purpose.

    It is also amazing that accesses the recorder with audio and video codecs, which are already installed in the system. That has stable quality to the result, that the establishment of the programme’s minimalist easy and the quality of playing videos. The custom comments are among the many startling effects of the program and accompanying notes, the mouse and hotkey. Also a special pen mode allows drawing on the screen literally during recording, to highlight important elements of the film material. The VSDC free screen recorder not bogged down and not all promises. He is focused on its main function and offers at the same time many options for creating video tutorials, exercises, and how-tos. Prices and availability of VSDC screen recorder is free and compatible with Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Win7/Win8. Links product link: de/free screen recorder download link: services/download.aspx? ProductID = 27 Web: de / the developer Flash Integro co. is a software company that specializes in the development of audio and video editing programs. The company’s products are including VSDC video editor, VSDC audio converter, VSDC audio grabber. All products are free of charge.

  • BitDefender

    Filed under News
    Jul 12

    The following three threats each occupy the same position as in the previous month and have only minimal changes in their infection rates: Win32.Sality.OG (2.65) is a polymorphic file infector, which its encrypted code from exe – and injects scr files. “It (1.97) and Worm.Autorun.VHG (1.65) follow with Trojan.Autorun.AET two types of malware, the like their comrades” on square two Windows autorun feature spread. The last place which takes Win32.Worm.Downadup.B (1.25) BitDefender top 10 a further Conficker variant a. This is however clearly harmless as Downadup.Gen, because the number of blocked anti virus sites is low. Another newbie decides the last E-threat – ranking of the year 2009: Trojan.Script. 236197 with 1.08 Percent.

    The Trojan lists small, disguised as MSN Messenger messages pop up window that once infected websites are called. Then inviting the user to chat with someone allegedly in the same region as he even living. Top ten of the BitDefender-E-threat report in December 2009: position name share in % (previous month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Exploit.PDF-JS.Gen Trojan.AutorunINF.Gen Trojan.Clicker.CM Win32.Worm.Downadup.Gen Trojan.Wimad.Gen. 1 Win32.Sality.OG Trojan.Autorun.AET Worm.Autorun.VHG Win32.Worm.Downadup.B Trojan.Script. 236197 other 12.04 (3.23) 8.15 (8.45) 7.90 (7.87) 5.85 (5.62) 4.57 (5.00) 2.65 (2.57) 1.97 (2.05) 1.65 (1.59) 1.25 (newbie) 1.08 (newbie) 52,85 (60.97) about BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally of certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe.

    BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English at. Press contact: BitDefender GmbH Robert-Bosch-str. 2 D-59439 Holzwickede contact person: Hans-Peter Lange PR Manager Tel.: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-330 fax: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-499 email: PR Agency: Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact: Fabian Sprengel Tel.: + 49 (0) 2661 91260-0 E-Mail: