
The World and Modern Science

  • Aug 16

    Such an event, like marriage, human life is held too often. Many of the individual to marry only a single time. Hikmet Ersek is the source for more interesting facts. And I would like to a special event to remember. Moreover, remained in the memory of the best and most interesting details. View and capture these moments can only master a photograph or a videographer who is no longer a single year moonlights at weddings, and who understands all, without exception, the subtleties of this festival. For this reason, never recommended to save money and hire an operator at a wedding at the cheapest prices. There is a saying: thirsty quality life – Surround yourself with different things.

    Enable this rule is always, especially during your wedding. At least two to three weeks before the event you have to be found photographer for the wedding. Professional photographers are usually in great demand, some turn formed almost six months before the wedding. In order not to be trapped with a photographer at the wedding, check out his personal portal and examine the portfolio. Professional wedding photographers are constantly on the sites placed a large number of photos to clients in the contract were aware that they are paying good money for ordering for excellent quality photographs and interesting compositions. The next step – wedding videography. Here are a few problematic, on the portals operators rarely the best works, because to assess quality of work has to go to work in an office or apartment to the operator and watch samples of the shooting on the spot. View the quality work you need, because that ordering a shooting at a beginner, you will gain as a result of a trembling image unmotivated jumping from one piece to another piece of film and the like.

    Sometimes the cameramen during installation finished shooting the film can be put into the film trite elements in the image of doves, hearts and other rubbish in a low-quality computer effects. If you do not like the ugliness, then save yourself from such operators to those who can truly take off dedicated excellent wedding movies. In moments of how by filming weddings, videographer can regularly ask the bride and bridegroom something done, for example, hold hands, dance, kiss and so on. Such requests need to perform, because that, after all, without exception, these fragments will be captured in the very subject and skillfully made film a wedding. When you call the operator, including not necessary to save money, high quality work is estimated not cheap, but film but you can not disappoint, not only will he be able to entertain you for many years afterwards.

  • Confectionery

    Filed under News
    Aug 11

    What to feed of French bulldog – to decide in the first place to its owners. Yet we can recommend. After all, who, if not a breeder, knows how to grow healthy, strong, beautiful dog. So, we recommend to feed a growing puppy ready to feed. After all, the fact is that for proper development of the body requires a lot of different substances, but their presence in the diet are also important in the proportions in which they are presented. And owners can not always be balanced menu of their animals, what would they have everything you need in the right amounts. But manufacturers of high-quality forage know the needs of our pets.

    All food (and dry and wet) are divided into classes: economy (Economy), for continuous feeding (Regular), premium (Premium) and super premium (Super Premium). This division is based on both the raw material from which the cooked food, and on the number of major categories of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements entering into its composition. You should not feed the animals feed the first two classes, because they do not have anything useful, even tell anymore, they-are harmful. This is explained by the fact that their manufacturing only used the cheapest components and, consequently, the quality of these forages is very low. Feed a premium are more suitable for feeding adult dogs, but for a puppy-optimal variant of super-premium food. By about canned (moist) of feed necessary to say that they use a variety of flavors and fragrances, they are your dog to anything.

    Thus, better opt for quality dry food, which can be given in its natural form, and soaked in the (normal boiled water). In addition, your Frenchman will receive all the material necessary for its proper development, you will not have problems with long-term travel, it’s very uncomfortable, carry a pot of porridge. And to feed the dog in the road pies-harmful and undignified. And not always we have time, that would translate to a dry pet food, but it will take about a week. After a change of diet- great stress to the body (can isporit digestion). But if all you intend to feed the bulldog frantsuskogo natural food, then you know that dog meat to 35% of the total food, cereals, 45% vegetables, 20%. Meat is better to give beef, and lean. It may be given raw, just before feeding can douse it with boiling water. 1-2 times a week can replace meat with fish (without bones), sea can be given in raw form, and the river-just boiled, and the possibility of infection helminths. Of cereals is better to choose wheat and oats (‘Hercules’) at a ratio of 3 / 1. Vegetables provide better raw, but protetymi on a fine grater. Tomatoes are useful even to those that protect teeth from the formation of tartar. In addition useful in milk products, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. And do not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements, the dosage which can be found on the packaging. ABSOLUTELY NOT: pork bones (all-meat, fish, poultry), pork fat, Confectionery, fried, smoked, salted and sugar. Remember that the animal must have constant access to fresh drinking water!

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  • Mexican Gift

    Filed under News
    Apr 19

    Choose a gift for someone else – is not easy. By choosing a souvenir supposed to relate to the responsibility, because the gift is often not just a personality characterized by the giver, but under an hour and form relationships. Necessary take into account the personal characteristics and the donee and his commitment, passion and work. Do not forget about the ethnic aspects. For example, in Russia should not be present knives and other sharp objects piercing-. There belief that future relations will be strained, if not more – “at loggerheads”.

    Germans – the people considered to be punctual and is not recommended as a souvenir present diaries and stationery accessories that can be interpreted as a hint not punctual. Learn more at: Western Union. In Libya, never give living creatures, because it is believed that the soul of the animal communicates directly with the soul master, and if the first one is sick or dies, the soul of a man with something like this happens. China has not accepted to give clock as a sign of the transience of time. A hint of immorality perceived purity items as gifts in Japan. In France did not give women the spirits, since it is considered an insult. Traditionally, such a gift can give a husband. In India, the special restrictions on the choice of a gift is not, but here we need only to present his right hand. As the left is the source of evil. That would offend a Mexican hot enough to give way to the hair, even shampoo for example – is seen as a hint of a lack of hairiness, and as a consequence-masculinity. Great gifts for men – colleagues, bosses, friends, etc. can be found.

  • Baby Shampoo

    Filed under News
    Oct 28

    It is known that children need the same thing as adults, only better. This is true for shampoos. The main difference between baby shampoo – in its composition. Every mother needs to understand that the means to wash your hair baby imposed much more stringent requirements, they can be applied only mild cleaning agents, not irritating the scalp and mucous membranes of eyes and do not cause allergies. They contain mostly natural components.

    In the children's shampoos can be no strong perfumes, dyes, synthetic active ingredients, conditioning additives, which are widely used drugs for adults. The pH of shampoos for adults can be between 7 and above, children's shampoo as it should be neutral. Raw materials specifically tested for the possibility of using children's cosmetics. All these differences in the formulas associated with the peculiarities of the scalp and hair of the child. "If a healthy adult person has a protective film of the acid, which is a barrier to the penetration of microbes, the small children, this protective layer is not yet fully formed. Therefore, the skin of children is much more sensitive: harmful substances penetrate through it much faster than adults "- says Anna Vzdornova, a specialist marketing department Concern" Kalina ". "Primary hair (lanugo), which fall soon after birth, appear in the fetus in the sixth month of prenatal development – says Anastasia Maltsev, a medical consultant Bubchen. – In their place grow secondary (permanent) long hair, vellus hair on the body and limbs, hair bristling eyebrows and eyelashes.

    At birth, the baby's hair soft, thin, weakly pigmented, the depth of the hair follicles and hair papillae over the surface – mostly in the dermis and not in the subcutaneous tissue. " In general, baby shampoo – the notion of a kind. Specialists of foreign companies producing baby cosmetics, shampoos divided into three groups: children under one year, from year to three years and from three to 14 years.

  • Noel Papa

    Filed under News
    Nov 29

    He was what my father said one day of one many last Decembers. I felt the impact of that phrase. now? who goes to help ' ' Noel&#039 papa; '? He will be that it goes to leave this? Then I was imagining a store without movement, with the empty shelves, only with one brinquedinho here, another one there, and one velhinho stopped behind a balcony, seeing the time passing, monotonous. It was my vision of poor Noel. Iglu did not see an old one in the North Pole dying of cold in one. I was accustomed to see the store of the imported electronic Zona Franca full, toys, with a tourist mount entering and leaving. In the Christmas, then, the lights and musiquinhas revitalized everything. Now, Noel was poor, behind a balcony, without merchandises and musiquinha.

    I do not know if it was in the same year, but in an eve of Christmas vi mine two new sisters earning, each one, one joguinho cheap of xcaras of plastic. We costumvamos to gain good gifts. In that year nor he had supper. All year had one, and also visits to the grandmothers. My parents had entered in house with two small ones. I remember in the frustrate way as they had given the small gifts for them. They had said some half thing without skill. For me and oldest, nothing.

    We two are in the patio, looking at we do not know what, without saying nothing, with the faces of tacho. He started to rain, we are one there tempinho feeling the respingos, later we enter and we were to sleep. From that night, I perceived that this business of Christmas and ' ' night feliz' ' he was badly counted. Not for not having earned present, but for having seen the semblante sad of my parents. Then I started to be intent the things on the Christmas that the church does not comment, and I convinced myself exactly that it was everything badly counted, since the date of the birth of Jesus until the ornaments. Until I decided that day 24 of December a good date of confraternizao is pra me, only this, without being with weight in the conscience to be esnobando the anniversary of Jesus, therefore, after all, is not. Happily today the truth on gifts is another one. All year the foot of the tree in the house of my mother is full, overloaded of gifts, but I confess: I continue not believing the Christmas. Nor in the Noel, it mind very.

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