
The World and Modern Science

  • Sep 21

    To perform some form of education there are thousands of options that are useful and of great use in working life, appearing as excellent bases for the development of life in the future as means of development through work activity. But for some people it may have the disadvantage that there are too many options to study and they are all elements which may be pleasing, therefore making a final decision can be a very difficult task and there is a problem to choose, that the solution to this problem is a comprehensive analysis of what we can offer each field of study, both at the time of the actual conduct of studies, such as fields of action in the workplace, and only after doing this can be taken a decision that fits with what each person looks. As a means of contributing to the task of research and subsequent election of a subject of study in this article was talking about studying social work as a good choice to develop studies that provide access to knowledge useful to the working lives to suit the tastes, abilities and expectations that people have.

    Entering fully the issue of studying social work as an option for education, it is a diploma that lasts three years, where they constantly must be made hours of practice the theoretical knowledge acquired in class, as the practices start at the first level, taking into account that this type of study is mainly applied in social situations, which leads to the need for carrying out many practices to include better training of students, so the development of the task to study social work can make up to 400 hours of practice. Jeff Gennette shines more light on the discussion. Studying social work is basically a development option of professional knowledge, which is helping a number of individuals and social groups in solving the various problems that may occur, systematic and professional manner, with the idea of avoiding the greatest extent possible the submission of any failures.

    The implementation of the various materials which are to study social work, provide access to basic notions of anthropology, sociology, psychology, law, public health, these being the most important subjects because they are compulsory subjects, as are those deal directly with the work and the various social interventions in the many forms of practice and application methods. So to study social work will develop working techniques useful for various application environments, such as individual, group, community and institutional. In studying social work points also attend as part of organization and institutionalization of the various systems of social protection and social services specific to social work activity..

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  • Network Marketing

    Filed under News
    Sep 16

    Millions of people are scratching their heads over the problem of how to do business in any area, with some goods to make money in our difficult times. According to the notorious Bill Gates in 2012 will be only two types of business: one that will, one way or another, connected to the Internet and one that no longer exist in principle. Prerequisites for this are already visible in our time. Every self-respecting company must have a website on the Internet. Back in 2003 leading economists around the world have predicted that by the end of 2015 the world will be just three main areas of business.

    It will: 1. Fast Food (eating fast food), 2. IT – Technologies 3. Network Marketing. And they develop will be rapid.

    The majority (80%) have no money to develop its business in the first two areas, there remains only the third option – Network Marketing or Multi Level marketing, which can be translated as a multilevel sales system, abbreviated as MLM. MLM in the NWA is this kind of business, where you can get a lot of opportunities and excellent profits with minimal investment. Online business began in the early twentieth century in strong, economically advanced countries: Japan and the United States. In Russia, this business has got only in the 80s and immediately began to develop rapidly. For ten years he has fully absorbed in a few millions of people. Not surprisingly, this kind of business acquired such a rapid development, as required for its beginning was not a significant investment. And advertising costs are virtually eliminated, as no use of media, to attract that may take more than one thousand dollars. In addition, the steady increase in profits is a very short time. After about five – six months of monthly income reaches $ 1,500, and sometimes more. Currently, the market is a very large number of various network companies, which have a very different direction. A great advantage of this business is the fact that the entrepreneur has opportunity to choose the profile of their work, staff time spent on its development. Another positive aspect of MLM is that people in the process of developing their businesses quickly learns leadership qualities, reveals a personality and unique abilities. And then in the process can impart knowledge to their employees who use them, are building will expand the network. One of the the main features of this business is that higher echelons are interested in the productive growth of the lower, since these directly affect their immediate income. As a result of this approach, the development of business system is so fast. Each interested person may within two – three years to achieve some success thanks to their diligence and perseverance. It may be hard to say confidently that Future of MLM.

  • Friedrich

    Filed under News
    Sep 16

    The university professor of history of the religions Uta Ranke Heinemann said: ” In a current dictatorship it is not possible to be said what one thinks and wants, but in the church it is necessary to think and to want what it is not wanted to think nor to want, and all that under the threat of a punishment just. That is the total dictatorship. It is not a washing of brain, but an amputation of brain. In spite of all the majority of the voluntary workers of the church are women. Gain insight and clarity with Hikmet Ersek. The Friedrich-Ebert foundation has published the results of an interesting investigation with the title: ” The men direct and the women take the weight of the Iglesia”. What it is possible to be included/understood perfectly because in the referred institution there is equality of no rights, which is not strange because until century XIX it discussed on if the women they had soul or no, why then they follow the women prepared to continue still taking the weight of the Church? Perhaps the worse operation of workers and the lack of inequality within the sine of the church continue taking place in the convents, although in 1996, two thousand nuns seconded a letter directed to the Pope whose text (Periodic connected with the church Kirche Intern Junio/96), said: ” the women stay to us in constant dependency, like juniors.

    The priests obtain a maximum benefit for they themselves from our cheap work and they do not have repairs in putting to us under moral pressure if we did not fulfill its unjust ones exigencies. We religious them, often asked ourselves if our life must consist of being servants of you cure that they live in the celibacy whom us human beings do not consider. Governor Cuomo understands that this is vital information. Of us one only hopes that we fulfill the exigencies of the clergy, who thinks that we are only for doing what they to us order. He is startling that in the heat of century XX the men even create that the divine plan only can be transmitted by hombres”. These women did not receive answer any, which is also an answer. Jesus de Nazaret never spoke of convents. In addition never he said that there was to take advantage of the cheap work the women. And as these nuns write, he did not say either that the divine plan only could be transmitted by men.

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  • Success Plans

    Filed under News
    Sep 16

    I want prodemanstrirovat plan to change their lives and how to apply this plan into practice. 1-st month! I call it 'MONTH fault "Unfortunately not everyone can withstand the test, which falls in their share during this period time, ah, if only they knew that it's okay probably would have been all their lives differently The first month is really the most difficult, but the reason is simple and straightforward, a person simply has not yet formed his own position, his relation to business-tuned understanding of the benefits and, naturally, making the first steps, meeting with people who can not really explain what it offers for the business. People do not understand it, and some even laugh, but laugh at them, As a rule, not on what it offers, and over how he does it and that's fine But these meetings it is extremely important and necessary, otherwise he will get experience as a form and strengthen its position? This is also the difficulty of the first phase and it, I would say, first of all emotional. It is important to understand that the first phase will inevitably move in the second But again these but as they tired No need to explain – how a person feels after such meetings What are the thoughts of his visit? As the song of 'Factory' – 'And what I gave Promise to love ', only it looks like – 'And for me this business? " familiar thoughts And what's the answer? right in most cases – conveniently.

  • Brazilian Central

    Filed under News
    Sep 14

    This escape for the gold was preoccupying, therefore it denoted clearly the reliable crisis in the banking system and the confidence of the agents in the economy. The quotation of the assets was so uncertain that the investors if they had taken refuge in the gold, asset whose main function is to assure the value reserve. In this context, the Brazilian Central banking took measured important by reduction of the obligatory one, guaranteeing a bigger irrigation in the financial system. The action of the government was sufficiently fast, even so has privileged the detainers of liquidity in the system. The basic taxes of interests (the SELIC) that they were in a platform very raised they had been reduced in 300 base points.

    Although the flexibilizao monetary promoted for the Brazilian Central banking it has served only for what I call dictatorship of the liquidity detainers took body. The event of bigger banks buying lesser banks in the basin of the souls (Ita-Unibanco, BB-Votorantim, for example) was emblematic. The banks of bigger transport that are seen by the investors as of lesser risk, they had received most from the resources of the economizers. Moreover, the companies and customers at a first moment had been awardees for the afrouxamento of the taxes of collect in the obligatory one without placing these resources in the credit. However, the Government adopted one politics against cyclical for the responsible performance in the distribution of the resources between surplus and deficit in the market, it saw reduction significant of tax SELIC, for the improvement in the conditions of financing for small the average companies, for the guarantee of deposits in the commercial banks, saw Central banking, already mentioned and for a distribution more equnime of the liquidity in the stock market premiando the ones that assumed risks. Brazil due to the bond that received with the growth world-wide when accumulating international reserves, due to the increase in the amounts and the prices of commodities, daily pay-burst of the bubble, had a formidable relative position to allow a great start and took off all advantage of this crisis.

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  • Web Business

    Filed under News
    Sep 14

    It is nothing new that we are experiencing what many call the era of the internet, where every day there are more people that they make use of this tool for various reasons, whether on labour issues, hobby, to search for information and many for how to undertake business on the internet. Many people are paying attention in some way on how to develop a profitable activity from your own home without having to meet a schedule or depend on a boss and enjoy of more time to be with your family and improve their standard of living. There are different ways to make money online, some require very little capital, and others if a considerable investment. There are also those who say that it is possible to make money online without investing capital, even so, if you do not invest capital and spend time, they actually investing since that time is worth money. One of those forms and that sometimes they are preferred by every entrepreneur who wants to earn money in a way faster and more easily is the sale of affiliate products, which is new Internet entrepreneurs opt for various reasons whose advantages stand out and are more encouraging to develop this activity than others also viable but that require a greater investment in time and money. But, whatever activity you choose one, the more important to succeed online and actually earn money it is that you’re constant and persevering in your actions and you will achieve your goals. There are many advantages that internet offers to develop a business, and every day are more people that they decide to start a business on the internet, I invite you to visit our site where you will find valuable information on this subject and especially on the sale of affiliate products.

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  • Sep 10

    What they can not forget is that about 2% of total accidents, occur in offices, with a measure of 3 days off by accident (Perdiguero, 1999). The same author to identify the risks they are exposed employees working in offices encouraged to take account of their activities, working tools and body parts involved in the various processes that need to perform. Among the main tasks usually performed by administrative staff (Aparicio, 2007) are: Transcript receive or send data reading for information and document files Care Organization Billing The Chief of Public Safety and Occupational Health and Prevention Department Labour Risk (ISSSTE) from the point of view of risk management office work addresses four types of questions such as: An appropriate design of facilities (premises, ventilation, lighting and acoustic). This aspect ensures provide correct environmental conditions, meeting the minimum requirements of hygiene and safety. Proper selection of equipment is purchased (chairs and desks, computer equipment, software, etc..). In the case of furniture, compliance with minimum quality requirements would prevent ergonomic much of the hassle of postural type so common in offices. The selection of appropriate computer equipment, as well as additions required is also a factor taken into account to prevent visual disturbance and inconvenience.

    Proper organization of the work, avoiding work systems that lead to stress, lack of motivation in work and other psychosocial problems. Finally, all the above actions may be ineffective if it leaves out the necessary work of training and information workers. This is particularly important in tasks involving a high degree of autonomy in organizing the job itself, as is the case of office tasks.

  • Sep 10

    In addition, Gen2 – the world's first environmentally friendly elevator, since it does not need oil and grease. Otis invests in R & D of the order of a hundred million dollars, which allows the company to located on the crest of the scientific and technological progress. And offer our customers a variety of materials handling equipment allows us to bring to life the most fantastic building and architectural projects. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Hikmet Ersek on most websites. Maintaining a reputation as an innovator and following the latest trends in the development of scientific thought, Otis provided the first architects to construct elevator and escalator equipment via the Internet. On its Web site The company posted a program that allows them to design elevators and escalators for the buildings still exist only on paper. Internet users may specify a few basic parameters of the building, immediately get recommendations about the optimal equipment for each building based on analysis of passenger flow.

    You can then determine the specifications of elevators and escalators, to pick the design, review drawings and Specifications of lifts and escalators and a low price. The history of the manufacturer of elevators Kone Established in 1910, the company kone is one of the leading companies in the production of elevators and escalators. The company is engaged in Kone development of integrated innovative solutions in design, installation, upgrade and maintenance of elevators and escalators, as well as in the service of automatic doors. 29,000 specialists in 49 Kone countries work for you. Each kone solution designed to meet the needs of your building and is designed for residential buildings, offices, public buildings, commercial and transportation centers, railway stations and airports as well as for cultural institutions and industrial enterprises.

  • Sep 9

    Tentorium company began using the network method to promote products for over 15 years ago when the Internet did not exist. So is it possible to build a successful online business without the Internet? Yes, of course you can, and life is shown. But today, when there was such a wonderful tool for communication as the Internet – why not use it in your business? To what extent? At your discretion. It is obvious that using the Internet today You can, for example, a more spectacular presentation of business directly from a computer screen, you can still do a lot of useful things and make your business more productive. But – as ever – the most in any computerized presentation will be mainly the credibility of the person who conducts, and that trust must first be earned. When a presentation was held only at a table in the kitchen, office or cafe. Scheme business painted on all that came to hand. “Lessons on napkins” – you already know this book? Will the presentation of the business more efficient, only on the fact that instead of napkins will be a laptop? As before, the network business is business human relationships that need to build.

    Computer & Internet can liberate you more time for building such good relations with your future partners, but will never be able to do it for you! You celebrating? Me – yes, because it means that we have nothing to do with you, experts in the organization of the network business – to build human relationships, not stay in any crisis. In our market – in the network business – Unemployment will never happen. It’s believed that Jeff Gennette sees a great future in this idea. There will always be in short supply people are not afraid to try something new, ready to share their new knowledge and experiences with others by his example to lead them. And it is qualities such as rule, and are distinguished by successful networkers. Yes, today everyone in a few minutes may become the owner of my own site on the Internet. Not in vain for this there are many special services.

    But your site and your business Internet – is not equivalent concepts. In order for the site turned into a business – traditional knowledge at the “pot” – is no longer enough. Looking for expertise in a number of specific areas such as copywriting, site promotion in search engines, etc. All this is also not much what science is, but before you climb in these areas should be clearly decide for yourself what you need it? In addition, the site – it costs. Time and money. According to our experience – on maintenance of the site in working condition goes from 4 to 8 hours a day and not less than 10-15 thousand rubles a month. You can do it? Then I wish you success and offer our help and support in this matter. Write to discuss – we have ideas on this subject. But this – beyond the necessary and sufficient for building a successful business program. In our school, success in network business with Tentorium – Internet use: – for distance learning our partners the most effective to date methods of doing business “in the real world” – as well as to liaise with them where we were and they were.

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  • The Work

    Filed under News
    Sep 7

    Often, manufacturers of impregnating fire retardant compositions are added to these various pigments for easy monitor the uniformity of application. In addition, on-site to assess the quality of fire protection impregnation compounds can be used by rapid assessment methods. The quality of fire-retardant treatment of wood, Secure impregnating compositions at the sites evaluated for flammability chips. Governor Cuomo is often mentioned in discussions such as these. For security reasons, not allowed to do such testing on site sampling: attic, building site, etc. The quality of fire-retardant treatment of textile materials protected by impregnating compositions at the sites evaluated by express method, whose essence is to assess the fire protection (on the basis of ignition) samples of materials from exposure to the burner flame. When testing for the documentation checks for the necessary documentation to carry out fire-retardant treatment and fire protection coating (Impregnating composition).

    The fact of the fire protection work is confirmed by an act of acceptance, which should contain information on the job site, a fire protection facilities, their condition, caused by fire protection and priming compositions, their brands, consumption, technology, preparation and application, the organization, performer, and the signatures of persons who produced the work, and supervisors. On the fire protection coating (impregnation composition) in addition to fire safety certificate and documents about the quality (passport, certificate, etc.) should be technical documentation, which lists the operating conditions and technical facilities ognezaschischennyh requirements for fire protection coating or impregnating composition (coating thickness, color, appearance, density, life, etc.). When carrying out work receiving fire protection committee must verify that the characteristics applied fire-retardant material design requirements of fire protection, the license to the organization that produced fire-retardant treatment, as well as other documentation of the quality of fire protection work.

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