The World and Modern Science
Wedding Business
Filed under NewsDec 20Becoming a wedding business folk wisdom says: a person's life three major events – birth, marriage and death. Each of them is the basis for a powerful service. In the West, for the wedding have not taken individually book a restaurant, find photos, invite pyrotechnics with fireworks or hire musicians. Traditionally, the entire organizational bustle by specialized agencies, wedding professionals, who know where that reach, and ability to offer any service. The Agency can not just pick a place to organize a wedding and a traditional event, but also come up for a wedding something original, like a wedding in the Musketeers style carnival or celebration in traditional style restrictions for any fantasy. Wedding Parties enjoyed by all segments of the population, regardless of financial status everyone can find an organizer for anyone, even very small, budget. According to market research wedding service conducted by the agency specialists A Market Research, large specialized wedding agencies in the Moscow market is not more than a dozen. They account for half of the turnover of all wedding agencies.
The remaining money is for services registry offices, private traders on the ads and those who are not drawn to the services of wedding agencies. Wedding agencies usually charge for services 10% of the cost services ordered, and some offer a package of services, divided into classes according to price. The cost of a standard (cheapest) package starts at $ 1500 and includes all the wedding arrangements with the exception of banquet (transport, bridal bouquet, hair, toastmaster, DJ, photography, video, etc.). In Russia, the wedding business is in its infancy. Check out Ahmed Shary Rahman for additional information. Still, experts estimate the market size of wedding services in Moscow in the size of 60-200 million dollars. los has much experience in this field. About one-third of these funds being developed with special wedding and okolosvadebnymi agencies. The annual turnover of a large wedding agency may be hundreds of thousands of dollars. According to market participants, the most cheap wedding guests to 35 people in Moscow will cost 40,000 rubles. At this price try to keep 30% steam. According to studies, the average cost of a wedding is 80-100 thousand rubles. Over the last year in Moscow, reported more than 75 Thousands of marriages.
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Technical Inspection of Cars
Filed under NewsFeb 11I want to share a business idea related to assistance to people with technical inspection car. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Thredup. Typically, the company on technical inspection begins in early or mid-summer in the midst of vacations and trips to the sea. No need to explain that not every motorist in this moment there is free time he can spend on vanity, the collection of documents required for passage inspection car. To understand offered me a business idea in the first place, it is necessary to determine the documents that will need motorists passing inspection. and so that the necessary documents: Medical Help;-insurance;-reference from one hundred-copy power of attorney (if driving is carried out by proxy);-photo for a medical certificate;-receipt of payment for taxes for roads and services; ideal option would be, if you have an insurance agent in one of the insurance companies. Customers provide you with a photocopy of: a medical certificate, certificate of service stations, technical passports for transport tool, power of attorney, if any. Write insurance for a fee, if you are an insurance agent for you does not amount to even work. You only pay for the necessary receipts and provide documentation to the traffic police, after which provide the client pass technical inspection and all of this, of course, not free. With well-established work even in a small town can be very good money!
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Deputy General Director
Filed under NewsDec 14From 2008 – Deputy General Director for Corporate Governance and Property of " Plant Metalist (manufactures equipment for spacecraft, launch vehicles, and navigation systems). default will not! – Sergey Levanovich, financial crisis raises many rumors and fiction. Just remember that when the Central Bank of Russia began to prepare us for a "soft" devaluation, it immediately created a panic among the population and talk about that in the near future awaits us, not only devalued, but still denomination, defaults and other troubles. In this case, a few alarmists know what these terms mean How likely such dire predictions? – Fear of people can understand, because the memories are still fresh a decade ago. But situation is sometimes really comes to the absurd.
Because of financial illiteracy people began to withdraw money from bank accounts, as if forgetting that the contributions to 700 thousand rubles are insured by the state. Of course, the deposit will not allow significantly increase the amount, but it somehow will save money from inflation. A massive withdrawal of money from the accounts only aggravates the situation. Unfortunately, we got to the point that people are buying salt and cereals. And in turn stand up for matches, even those who use electric stoves denomination – is when "cut" extra zeroes on the banknotes to simplify the calculations by hyperinflation. Today, for the denomination no reason. It's just pointless. If the the mid-90's all the Russians were ruble millionaires because of post-Soviet hyperinflation, over the past 10 years prices have risen slightly: nearly three-fold.
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E-books As A Means Of Enrichment
Filed under NewsNov 14E-book, what is it? E-book can rightly be considered the best digital products, and superior on almost all indicators of an ordinary book. First, e-books on a lot cheaper, as a buyer no longer have to pay the costs of paper, cover and shipping. Second, e-books that exist in a single copy can be sold many times as desired. Third, the delivery of the book takes place through the network Internet, which again reduces costs compared to printed books. Here are two types of electronic books that are most common on the Internet. The first type – text book, compiled from a text document and have PDF.
extension. If you book several hundred pages of text, then you will need to compile your book in PDF format. To read these books must have the program Acrobat Reader. The second type – HTML-compiled. Books created using the language of HTML, the language which creates a web page.
Books of this type are a group of web pages compressed into a single EXE. file that requires no installation. E-books come in several species. Free e-books released to create viral traffic, or to sell other products directly from the pages of the book! Paid e-books written for subsequent sale. This is different manuals and guides. By volume of the book most often do not reach the paper editions, but may be much more informative. Promotion by e-book. It would seem that any gains in the electronic book, if it did not sell as well completely free hand out.
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Sep 28
If the amount is small, especially businessmen prefer not balk to the future not to aggravate relations with the people who can ruin the whole business. If the financial requirements commensurate with the capabilities firms, there may be various options, until the close of business. However, with the fiscal authorities can and must be addressed. To do this competently conduct business and is well know the laws. It seems to be commonplace. However, not all executives of companies they know, for example, that last year the Russian Constitutional Court has imposed a taboo on re-site inspection, if there came into force on the court's decision. The highest court of the country in particular, found it not with the Constitution of the practice of Article 89 of the Tax Code, as such an interpretation of Article 89 violates the rights of citizens to judicial protection in general and contrary to nature justice. After that decision, the Constitutional Court fiscals, losers to the taxpayer in arbitration proceedings, can not "win back" through the re-test.
Incidentally, this case was not initiated from the top. His initiated a stroyfirma Omsk, decided to end to defend their rights, because of the actions of tax authorities had to suspend their activities. Briefly the story is as follows. Construction of a tax audit claims were filed in the amount of nearly five million rubles. Decision of the arbitration most claims were rejected because declared unlawful. However, under fiscals pretext (allegedly occurred need to control work of the lower inspection) were allocated to re-site inspection. For more information see Macy’s Inc..
This possibility and included the notorious 89th article of the Tax Code. As a result of retest stroyfirme again been brought serious financial claims, then its leaders decided to go all the way … Another headache managers and accountants of Companies – VAT refund. There is also conflicts are frequent business with the tax authorities, which sometimes absurd claims put forward by the payment of compensation, and especially the value added tax. A small firm that could lead to bankruptcy. By contrast, skilled control calculation, payment and reimbursement of VAT can give the entrepreneur a significant competitive advantage. It is clear that unnecessary problems with fiscal authorities are not wanted. To help them avoid the multi-can consulting companies, which have the same "bottle" and legal, and accounting, and auditing services. The second option – supergramotnye own experts, which, alas, not every company can afford. But in any case unlawful requirements of fiscal authorities can and must be addressed. And the tax authorities treat philosophically – do not perceive them as enemies, but as a party that has completely different interests.
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Network Advertising Method Site
Filed under NewsSep 9Tentorium company began using the network method to promote products for over 15 years ago when the Internet did not exist. So is it possible to build a successful online business without the Internet? Yes, of course you can, and life is shown. But today, when there was such a wonderful tool for communication as the Internet – why not use it in your business? To what extent? At your discretion. It is obvious that using the Internet today You can, for example, a more spectacular presentation of business directly from a computer screen, you can still do a lot of useful things and make your business more productive. But – as ever – the most in any computerized presentation will be mainly the credibility of the person who conducts, and that trust must first be earned. When a presentation was held only at a table in the kitchen, office or cafe. Scheme business painted on all that came to hand. “Lessons on napkins” – you already know this book? Will the presentation of the business more efficient, only on the fact that instead of napkins will be a laptop? As before, the network business is business human relationships that need to build.
Computer & Internet can liberate you more time for building such good relations with your future partners, but will never be able to do it for you! You celebrating? Me – yes, because it means that we have nothing to do with you, experts in the organization of the network business – to build human relationships, not stay in any crisis. In our market – in the network business – Unemployment will never happen. It’s believed that Jeff Gennette sees a great future in this idea. There will always be in short supply people are not afraid to try something new, ready to share their new knowledge and experiences with others by his example to lead them. And it is qualities such as rule, and are distinguished by successful networkers. Yes, today everyone in a few minutes may become the owner of my own site on the Internet. Not in vain for this there are many special services.
But your site and your business Internet – is not equivalent concepts. In order for the site turned into a business – traditional knowledge at the “pot” – is no longer enough. Looking for expertise in a number of specific areas such as copywriting, site promotion in search engines, etc. All this is also not much what science is, but before you climb in these areas should be clearly decide for yourself what you need it? In addition, the site – it costs. Time and money. According to our experience – on maintenance of the site in working condition goes from 4 to 8 hours a day and not less than 10-15 thousand rubles a month. You can do it? Then I wish you success and offer our help and support in this matter. Write to discuss – we have ideas on this subject. But this – beyond the necessary and sufficient for building a successful business program. In our school, success in network business with Tentorium – Internet use: – for distance learning our partners the most effective to date methods of doing business “in the real world” – as well as to liaise with them where we were and they were.
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Calculating Leave From Work
Filed under NewsSep 1Procedure for calculating leave: calculating vacation takes an average daily earnings, which is considered by dividing the sum of salary, credited for the last twelve months by 12 and by the average number of calendar days – 29,4. In If at least one month billing period is not worked out until the end, the average daily wage is calculated by dividing the amount actually assessed wage for the billing period in the amount of monthly the number of calendar days (29,4), multiplied by the number of complete calendar months and the number of calendar days in the partial calendar month. For assistance, try visiting James Reinhart. Number of calendar days in the incomplete calendar month is calculated by dividing the average number of calendar days (29,4) on the number of calendar days in that month and multiplying by the number of calendar days, falling to the time spent in a given month. The calculation of average earnings is based on only benefits which are provided by regulations of the organization wages of workers. If the organization in addition to the wage system charged single premium for the performance of significant works, though that it sostavlyayayuschee wage such bonuses are ignored in the calculation of average earnings. Financial assistance to be provided all or most employees, shall not be included because This payment is not is wages. Example 1.
Billing period worked out completely. Smirnov ss Officer Goes to the vacation of 28 calendar days from May 1, 2010 for each of the 12 months preceding the leave, he accrued pay the salary 30000 rbl..
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Good Hope Time
Filed under NewsOct 23Planner, who says that the date of the forum will change from May 1 to December 9 will more sympathy than the worker who mutter that he was thinking, perhaps, if possible, you do want to move the number from spring to winter. Counteroffer. For sure – move the planned event is the hotel money. There were other business deals which are not used, the time was spent on negotiating and drafting of the treaty would require additional time for selecting the replacement and re-booking, even if not take into account the low price to attract interest in the newly independent dates. (From time to time if you are preparing a meeting, look for hot deals, it may happen that you stumble on an excellent choice of hotels, hotels are often very busy. And the last thing they would have been glad to do, is to look for outstanding invoice for the abolition or hire collection agencies (which will take away his 40% of the amount levied) and the time and money gone to such an action, usually are not good (unless of course we're not talking about the grand scale). Realizing all this, you can try to negotiate.
For example: Suppose your penalty for cancellation will be 16 thousand euros. You can do proposal in the amount of 6000 immediately. If this is an honest offer, some hotels will accept it, rather than go on a long and difficult path of debt collection. Time – is a key factor. It will not work if you provide transfer of a sum in the quarter. It should look attractive. Deposit of Good Hope.
It is very difficult to imagine that the hotel refuses to just fine .. but that you should ask about it. If you are a frequent customer and / or your company is an excellent source of money – you can let go with impunity.
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Urban Enterprise Support Programme
Filed under NewsJun 28Urban Enterprise Support Programme was adopted on 31 October 2006. Through an open NP ‘Partnership of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the city of Tomsk to support and develop small business’ was right Program Implementation in 2007. The following is a list of implemented activities under the Programme in 2007: 1. Establishment and operation of CENTER FOR SMALL BUSINESS IN 2007 equipped room, providing ability to receive visitors and provide them with consulting services (project Frunze 11 / B, off. 8, an area of 25 square meters.
m) List of professional staff: Name Position Name Senior Specialist, Konev, OP Coordinator Kondratieff ES Financial Advisor Sobolev SV Business Consultant Matyskin DV Business Consultant Gumilevsky AB 2. FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: The program included three areas of targeted funding: 1. Subsidies for the implementation of investment project; 560 000 rubles. 2. Grants for participation in 2007 in special events to promote products (exhibitions, fairs, conferences), 500 000 rubles. 3. Subsidies to compensate for part of the interest rates on loans.
420 000 rub. In each area were developed sets of Bid and announced a bidding process. Created competition committee, advisory council. As partners TSMB to attract small businesses to participate in the competition were: 1. Tomsk Chamber of Commerce 2. Banks that specialize in lending to small businesses: ZAO FINCA ‘, Tomsk Branch of JSC Bank Small Business Credit, Tomsk Branch JSC “URSA Bank”, Tomsk Branch of JSC “VTB 24″, Tomsk Branch of the NB Branch ‘Trust’, Tomsk, Russia Sberbank of Russia,” Tomsk Branch 8616 CB “Uralsib” 3.Departament business development and the real economy, Tomsk Region 4.
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Urban Enterprise Support Programme
Filed under NewsJun 28Urban Enterprise Support Programme was adopted on 31 October 2006. Through an open NP ‘Partnership of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the city of Tomsk to support and develop small business’ was right Program Implementation in 2007. The following is a list of implemented activities under the Programme in 2007: 1. Read more here: Western Union. Establishment and operation of CENTER FOR SMALL BUSINESS IN 2007 equipped room, providing ability to receive visitors and provide them with consulting services (project Frunze 11 / B, off. 8, an area of 25 square meters.
m) List of professional staff: Name Position Name Senior Specialist, Konev, OP Coordinator Kondratieff ES Financial Advisor Sobolev SV Business Consultant Matyskin DV Business Consultant Gumilevsky AB 2. FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: The program included three areas of targeted funding: 1. Subsidies for the implementation of investment project; 560 000 rubles. 2. Grants for participation in 2007 in special events to promote products (exhibitions, fairs, conferences), 500 000 rubles. 3. Get more background information with materials from Hikmet Ersek. Subsidies to compensate for part of the interest rates on loans.
420 000 rub. In each area were developed sets of Bid and announced a bidding process. Created competition committee, advisory council. As partners TSMB to attract small businesses to participate in the competition were: 1. Tomsk Chamber of Commerce 2. Banks that specialize in lending to small businesses: ZAO FINCA ‘, Tomsk Branch of JSC Bank Small Business Credit, Tomsk Branch JSC “URSA Bank”, Tomsk Branch of JSC “VTB 24″, Tomsk Branch of the NB Branch ‘Trust’, Tomsk, Russia Sberbank of Russia,” Tomsk Branch 8616 CB “Uralsib” 3.Departament business development and the real economy, Tomsk Region 4.
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