Detach and include them in the articles does not seem excecivo guys a TV show like the Simpsons for example, are 4 or 5 attachments that could safely be in the article – Beco (Talk) 17:07 21 dec 2008 (UTC ) Quite the contrary, I find that certain content is preferable to segregate non-dragging annexes and articles too. Saludos ) wikisilki iklisikiw 17:09 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Truth Nos how the counter items, but must have 50,000 in my view attachments that are useless – Beco (Talk) 17:19 21 dec 2008 ( UTC) Anda, without the slightest relevance of the number, I think the namespace is unnecessary. Perhaps a list would be better. Netito777 17:43 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Regardless of the name or place, I think we must determine what is allowed and what is not annexed: in theory they are attached to a particular article, in practice have become a bag without thoroughly and without rules.Mercedes (Gusgus) messages 17:56 21 dec 2008 (UTC) If I am not saying remove all attachments, that some are necessary, but, for me, all attachments of the chapters in a season of a television program, these are useless – Beco (Talk) 18:23 21 dec 2008 (UTC) I think that the chapters are clearly a season annexes that complement and deepen general information raised in the article in the series. That is, the article should describe everything about the series, referring to both the existence and general content of their respective seasons (plus details such as what dates were thrown, burned, how many chapters are in each, etc. .), and annexes specifies how each chapter was discussed, or whatever. I think in this case is justified Annex, in others clearly not.Another type of “annexes” I do not know whether to call them, because they were not themselves as beings created to support a particular article, however, support a particular theme. As an example, is an attachment that I created in my early days of wikipedian: Annex: Coins of independent India. You may want to visit Thredup to increase your knowledge. Farisori message 18:46 21 dec 2008 (UTC) For Annex I put parce ahi me more than interesting because I know the currency used in Chile, but an annex on the chapters of The Simpsons and Ben 10 are little encyclopedic – Beco (Talk) 19:04 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Annexes may be more or less relevant depending on which subjects are, but more importantly from my point of view is that in the article of The Simpsons (to give an example) if we put the current 20 seasons will occupy too much space to annex this article is not long innecesareamente.- Ravave (Talk) 19:14 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Not really, Ravave, the annex is invented to escape to the lists we had almost forbidden (I say almost because the ban is not acceptable) and that the lovers cease to annoy these lists and give many problems that were. It sends the list as an annex and see it published, as they wanted. But for everything there is abuse, even for attachments, so you have to invent a subterfuge as cleaning and then another, and so on. Merry Christmas. Lourdes message here 19:43 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Pacoperez6 You’re right, I take that back. Not all schedules respond to that idea I had. I apologize Lourdes message here 22:14 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Lourdes, I do not correct your comment, it sounds to cover mouth and everyone is content and happy, I feel like I’d been given a handout to take the hand to see if it rains.Each annex published conveys information better or worse, but information that may be useless for some but for many it is absolutely necessary. Would try to restrict the wood doors. Pacoperez (Talk) 20:37 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Excuse me, can I get some examples of attachments “irrelevant” outside the context of fiction (episodes, characters ,…) Are not I have an idea exactly what annexes dealing with this topic beyond the lists of episodes (if I am relevant, albeit with reservations) Thanks and regards, Eric – Contact 20:44 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Lourdes has their right to speak and nothing seems to want to shut some mouths with your comment, we both have every reason to think that we, as the annexes, should be considered as a list of different subjects are independent of the respective articles like .. . Drama series, geography, or on the national currencies of such country.- Ravave (Talk) 23:34 21 dec 2008 (UTC) For Eric, here I leave the category of Annexes, that example does not give so I give you all – Ravave (Talk) 23:49 21 December 2008 (UTC) jeje is that this is it: SRA annexes are normally eliminated, so Eric asked for examples, believing that there is no alarm on this issue.