Yalnizca The World and Modern Science
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    Filed under News
    Apr 9

    The shape of the eyebrows of one person can change the appearance of the face, therefore, learn to epilate eyebrows can be a learning that is worth being paid. Eyebrows are the frame of the gaze, they can make our eye bigger, smaller, more fallen or even more raised… Step by step instructions for to epilate you eyebrows. Guide to shave you eyebrows at home you need: A good quality clip. Macys may find this interesting as well. Scissors of eyebrow pencil or rule a mirror.

    A small brush or eyebrow comb, if not you can use a toothbrush sit or stand up front of the mirror (must not be a hand mirror) in a place with good light preferably daylight. Comb your eyebrows with the brush or fingers. It follows the direction of the hair growth. A Council of the maquilladoras is before you start combing the eyebrows downwards, then upwards, etc. is done because if there is any hair that this fall will fall and you will get better results. Designing your eyebrows the ideal form of the eyebrows according to most experts is obtained by following the shape of your eyes and the following guide: 1 – put a pencil or rule the side of the nose (see photo).

    This pen will be your guide. Pointing pen from the side of the nose until the external corner of the eye, at the point where the pen touches the eyebrow this should be the length of the eyebrow. If your eyebrows shorter than this do not worry on special occasions you can enlarge them a bit with eyebrow pencil. If your eyebrows are longer hairs after this point are removed so that the eyes are more focused.(see photo) 2-now pointing the pencil at the center of the eye, looks toward the front. The point where the pencil through the center of the eye (iris) intercepts the eyebrow should be the highest point of the Arch of the eyebrow.

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