
The World and Modern Science

  • Aug 16

    THE IMF warns of major global consequences if problems of the peripheral countries spread to Central European countries. The agency requests that monetary support measures are maintained as long as necessary and to broaden the capital of banks. Areva has much to offer in this field. The Eurogroup meets on Thursday to seek a solution to the Greek crisis. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged Tuesday the euro zone to act urgently to contain the crisis and has warned of major global consequences if the problems of the peripheral countries extend to core countries of the region. An intensification of the crisis in the euro zone, especially if the tension is wide central area, could have major global implications, has warned the Fund, which has published its annual report on the euro area economy this Tuesday. The delays in the resolution of crises could be costly for the euro area and the global economy, has insisted the IMF. To prevent a worsening of the situation, as It now threatens to spread to Italy and Spain, the Fund requested that the adjustment programs in Greece, Portugal and Ireland are fully implemented. That implementation must be accompanied by adequate funding that supports, said the Fund, the viability of debt and solutions based on the private sector to the banking problems.

    The Executive Council of the IMF dndio, moreover, after analysing the conclusions of the report, which kept the monetary support measures all the time that would be needed and that expands beyond the requirements of Basel III bank capital. In that sense, Luc Everaert, responsible policies for the eurozone of the IMF, has Senate this Tuesday at press conference phone that most banks should strengthen their capital coffers because that would strengthen confidence in the ability to overcome potholes like this. Improve coordination the senior official also indicated that it is likely that Europe need to increase the resources of the European Fund for financial stability (EFSF, in English) to assist countries with financing problems. .

  • Aug 10

    EFE Iberia has pledged not to accept the offer and maintain 45,85% of the share capital of Vueling, which owns. The announcement of the takeover bid occurs one day before the IAG, the fusion between Iberia and British Airways presented its results in the first nine months of the year. Iberia looks to launch a takeover bid for 100 percent of Vueling. International Airlines Group (IAG), fruit of the merger of Iberia and British Airways, will launch a takeover bid for 100% of the airline Vueling 209.3 million euros, the group reported this to the Commission national del Mercado de Valores (CNMV). However, Iberia has pledged not to accept the offer and keep 45,85% of the share capital of Vueling, which it is the owner, so the offer is extended to 16.193.297 shares representing 54,15% of its share capital, valued at 113.3 million euros. The offer shall apply to all actions of Vueling, accordingly to all owners at a price of 7 euros by contacting title, which represents a premium of 27,97% over the current quote, which, at close of the session on Wednesday, stood at 5.47 euros in the Spanish stock market (EUR 163,5 million). The announcement of the takeover bid occurs one day before the IAG present their results in the first nine months of 2012 and expected report of the feasibility Plan of Iberia.

    The offer, which is expected to be completed during the spring of 2013 and has no obligation to obtain authorization from any other administrative authority Spanish or foreign different from the CNMV, shall be made by nimble Holdco, a subsidiary wholly owned by IAG, exclusively in the Spanish market, which is the only one where traded the shares of Vueling. IAG intends to maintain the management of Vueling as a society independent operator, with a business model different from the rest of societies operators group., as well as the current management team of Vueling, chaired by former Minister Josep Pique and Chief Executive Officer, Alex Cruz. It is expected that the integration of Vueling in the UK holding reinforce the geographical diversification of the group, reaching a position of leadership in Barcelona and growth in the rest of Europe. Likewise, the operation will allow group have a low cost platform, generate possible synergies in procurement and financing, costs although is expected are not significant; and result in an increase in the consolidated net profit of IAG since the first year of integration. See more: the takeover of Iberia about Vueling could amount to 209 million.

  • Jan 26

    Men have 31 years and 25 women, his work is possible and the Administrative Assistant is that more repeats. Here, Thredup expresses very clear opinions on the subject. To come up with adequate housing, visit an average of six buildings and take 24 days if you look on the Internet. Perhaps check out Jeff Gennette for more information. The time of stay in housing is two years. Mileurista young and unmarried. This is the usual profile of the search of an apartment for rent in the cities. They tend to be Spanish, with casual work (the Administrative Assistant is that more repeats) and take 24 days to find the desired floor if they are looking for on the Internet. They are data from a study on the profile of the tenant in Spain. The study’s conclusions the opinion of rental insurance, on the profile of the tenant in Spain in big cities urban s (June 2011), defines the tenant as a worker of 31 years for men and 25 for women, of Spanish nationality, unmarried who live together as a couple in fact and services in small and medium-sized enterprises working in the sector, with a seniority which is less than 2 years (1.7 years).

    Mileurista with precarious contract on the other hand, the wage which perceives this urban tenant profile found in population called mileuristas sector (modal value of wages: 13.790 gross per year). Financial economic data also described the profile of this tenant as a user of banking, with a debt ratio of 45.36%, who have asked for a personal loan from 6.560 and funding to the consumption of 990. Visit six floors to stay with one regarding the habits and behaviors related to rent, tenants usually pay with debit card, make it search for rental through the Internet and take about 24 days to find housing. Until they find housing, visit approximately 6 properties, spend about 1.8 hours per week to the search and nearly two visits makes final decision to rent housing. In the prrencias in the final option for housing, tenants have clear priorities: housing found near the job. These priorities are linked to some resignations, in this case the number of bedrooms. Finally, the average time of stay in a home is 2 years. Source of the news: Mileurista, Spanish, young and single, profile of the person you are looking for rentals in the city

  • Government

    Filed under News
    Jul 7

    Without lyrics, and with a minute in length, will join the slogan listening, asking and explain. Alejo Stivel and his exgrupo, Tequila, already participated in the general elections of 2008 yielding a song for the campaign of Zapatero. Rubalcaba announced candidate in the general election this Saturday in Madrid. The singer of the former group Tequila, producer and author, Alejo Stivel, has composed music which will sound in all acts that put Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba as the PSOE candidate to the Presidency of the Government. The tune without lyrics and it lasts a minute, will accompany the slogan listening, asking and explain the video made for the launch of the candidacy of Rubalcaba, candidate in the Palacio de Congresos, located in the Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I in Madrid. Stivel composer and his group which was for many years, Tequila, already participated in the central acts of the electoral campaign for the general elections of 2008. He was then employed at the start of each rally of the Socialist candidate Luis Jose Rodriguez Zapatero song that the time you do not change. Source of the news: Alejo Stivel composed the harmony that Rubalcaba will accompany in all his campaign events.

  • English

    Filed under News
    Nov 17

    There are guilty. There are solutions. Leave us without future will have its corresponding translation in English and German to highlight the European character of this mobilization. Demonstrations will take place in all the capitals of provinces. It is the second general strike of the year and the ninth of democracy.

    The banner header of the manifestation of the general strike for next Wednesday is putting together in Pinto, measured 14 meters in length and will take part of the slogan translated into English and German. Spokesmen for the two unions organizing the strike, Nuria Manzano (UGT) and Manuel Fernandez Albano (CCOO), have visited this Monday graphic arts SIP workshop which is being prepared on canvas banner that vibrate, among others, trade unionists, Candido Mendez, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, Jose Ricardo Martinez and Javier Lopez. In its 14 m length, on background red and white printing be read the slogans of the call for the general strike: leave us without a future. There are guilty. There are solutions. For the first time, a part of the text, in particular leave us without a future, have its translation in English and German to highlight the European character of this mobilization, said the spokesman for CCOO. Fernandez Albano has stressed the social character of the general strike on Wednesday that will culminate in the demonstration which will depart at 18.30 hours of the glorieta de Atocha. The representative of UGT has advanced that at 20.30 hours of Tuesday will take place the traditional concentration of pickets that will start the general mobilization of 14-N. Manzano has considered that there are more reasons to never support this strike and has returned to demand the Government calling a referendum on the measures being imposed and which were not included in the electoral program of the PP.

  • Corporation Duo

    Filed under News
    Jun 19

    EP the comedy duo will return with a new space of humor to the 2. His last television appearance as foam was in 2008. Comedians Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser, or what is the same thing the humorous duo Gomaespuma, they will soon return to television with a new project, specifically in La 2 of Television Espanola, as confirmed by the chain, of has prrido not disclose at the moment data on the content or name space. Cano and Fesser, known as foam rubber for his radio show, again so back to TVE after Gomaespuminglish and programs passing Olympically, both also issued on the second channel of the Corporation. In space passing Olympically, the famous duo told in humorous key, from the same Chinese capital, the news of the Olympic Games of Beijing 2008 from Monday to Friday in the Strip in the late night. A year earlier, however, Juan Luis Cano and Guillermo Fesser is premiered on the small screen after leaving the radio with Gomaespuminglish, a program that created the character of the illustrious academic don Eusebio. In addition, in 2009, Guillermo Fesser, already in solitary, introduced section La Pintada, in the program of the 1 59 seconds, in which the journalist and humorist selected and analysed a phrase to stop opining on a topical subject. Source of the news: foam returns to television

  • Spanish Population

    Filed under News
    Oct 25

    I G. RODRiGUEZ there are 4.5 million women older than 65 years in Spain. Nearly half are widows, and most prefer to live at home, even if it is alone. They see older from 70 26.7%, At risk of poverty. Perfectly located, undertakes the tasks of the home, the food though, humble, acknowledges that only helps his daughter. In addition, has two passions: his great-grandchildren. Cared for one of them Christian, now of 8 years 24 hours a day during their first two years of life. When Maruja, well know it familiarly, Asturias he left to go to Madrid because the child’s parents worked and asked if I wanted him and I couldn’t take care of it.

    Maria Pilar Cano, of 77 years, is one of the 4.5 million women (almost 10% of the Spanish population) who are above 65 years. A collective society that deals with women over in Spain report, prepared by the Ministry of health. Contextualizing. He resides in one of three Spanish households at least one person older than 65 years, mostly, women. And of these, more than 40 per cent are widowed. 85% Prriria live in your House. But only 15% of women between 65 and 69 years do, percentage that climbs to 31% in the range of 75 to 79 years and 35% in women over 80.

    However, this solitude is smaller than in other countries of the European Union (EU). Poverty risk while on the one hand this trend demonstrates the independence of the collective, also reveals that woman profile, mayor and one-person household is one of the most vulnerable: in Spain the risk of poverty for older people is around 25%, although it has decreased almost by five points since 2004. Currently, for them is 21.8%, and for them, 26.7%. Pensions is tremendous. I, because I have my daughter and people behind, if not would them pass abodes, says Maruja.

  • Barca Real Madrid

    Filed under News
    Oct 22

    Soccer generates many denials. This time paid it the Madrid: not always wins the strongest, which plays better. Axiom which, moreover, has been a constant in his adversary. But Barca last night wasn’t the boat that provides the results from the game. For once, the boat had more punchy than football.

    The Catalan team, with another pace in pre-season, was presented at Chamartin faded like never before. Without Praetorians as Pique, Puyol, Xavi, Busquets and even Pedro. PEP Guardiola has planned the course with the headlights. Why didn’t you make debut at Alexis in a duel with both Fang or give Thiago reel. It wavered nor by enlisting a massif central set, with Mascherano-Keita Xavi, a short circuit to the Catalans, whose essence inalienable is GAB to the ball, colonize the game with the ball as Holy Grail. Source of the news:: El Real Madrid gives life to Barca

  • Oct 20

    AGENCIES took the opportunity which should be subjected to some tests to be operated. Pele had a small problem in the hip that has already been corrected. The medical part won’t be diffused at the express request of the family. The former footballer Pele underwent a hip operation and in the next few hours will be commissioned of the Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo where he was intervened, explained this Tuesday an adviser of the Brazilian. According to the spokesman, Pele took advantage that it should be subjected to a few tests to fix a small problem of hip.

    The three-time champion of the world with the selection of Brazil was admitted to the hospital last Saturday. He’s okay, everything is controlled, he stressed. For its part, the Centre Hospitalier only confirmed the hospitalization of former football player, for 72 years, and said that it not released medical reports at the request of the family. The 10?, considered one of the best players of all time, went down in history by their 1,088 goals in 1,114 parties. See more: the former footballer Pele is hip successfully operated in Sao Paulo

  • Real Madrid Faster

    Filed under News
    Aug 21

    The Victorian has been presented as the new coach of Real Madrid. It has a contract for the next two seasons with the white club. He hoped to be able to get titles with one of the best budgets. Pablo Laso, which Wednesday was presented as the new coach of Real Madrid for the next two years, made it clear has no doubt about its purpose in the white club: build a team, above individualities, which stands out for its speed and aggressiveness dnsiva. We have to be a very aggressive team in dnsa so that we can run, because if with the players we have we are not fast, if we are predictable, we will not remove all the advantage we have with the players we have, said Laso.

    The Vitoria acknowledged, in this sense, that you are obsessed with the idea of forming a team able to capture on the track and transmit to fans the traditional values of Real Madrid, the effort and sacrifice. An obsession for me is to make a good team, regardless of the players that we have. Thats my obsession, transmitting equipment that works and that strives, to express the values of the Cristiano in the field, added the new white coach. For this purpose, Pablo Laso should form a template which, as acknowledged, at the moment there is excess Interior men, but without hurry, since there are still three months for the first game and it already has a group capable of competing with any. We now have a very large indoor players battery and abroad we are fairer. This is something which we must work, but I repeat, right now, we could compete with anyone, he added. To make the template, the new Real Madrid coach will, as stated by the director of the section, Juan Carlos Sanchez, with one of five or six highest budgets, as maximum the seventh European basketball. A responsibility that does not intimidate new white coach, convinced of their ability to cope with the demands of a club as the Real Madrid, which already campaigned as a player between 1995 and 1997.

    If I have chosen it means that after the conversations that we have had have you thought that I am the right person, said Laso, that it downplayed the alleged lack of experience that are blamed from some sectors. Some speak of experience and I speak of capacity. Most importantly feel capable of doing things, added the preparer, who don’t want to mark any minimum in your new journey in the Madrid club. If we won the Supercup, will want to win the Cup, then the League and then the Euroleague, the maximum is wanting to win everything, it will be difficult, but we are going to try, said Laso. Ambition with which the new coach wants to win to the fans of Real Madrid, which has not hesitated to show their discontent with the direction of the section, after a campaign full of vicissitudes in recent months. I know the fans of Real Madrid and when a hobby is concerned it is good, because it means that cares about the team, and I am convinced that people will want to come to see this team and support this team, concluded Laso. Source of the news: Pablo Laso wants a Real Madrid faster and more aggressive