The World and Modern Science
Money Answering Simple Questions
Filed under NewsMay 2From its appearance for some years, Internet has been growing incredibly. It seems to have a limitless reach. Million people realise purchases or sales, publicitan their products, reserve their trips or study using Internet. Then, because not to use it to secure money? Thousands of people daily take advantage of the enormous potential that offers the network to them of networks to secure money. You may wish to learn more. If so, Western Union is the place to go. And one of the simplest ways is to make money from house with surveys. When affiliating itself with a site of remunerated surveys, it will receive in his electronic mail a form with questions that must respond in honest form, because it is exactly why it is pleased to him: so that of its sincere opinion on some product or service whose originadora company is interested in evaluating. It is this company and not it poll the one that pays by its answer. The company soon would realise an analysis of market with its opinion and the one of thousands of other users, to know as its product works and what things must (or not) change to improve it.
Nevertheless, if what wishes it is truly to win money from house with surveys, does not reach with answering a survey as much each. It Must be taken as if a true use it was. The best thing is than it is affiliated with whichever sites of remunerated surveys is possible to him. This will cause that the frequency is increased whereupon receives forms, from once each as much to several times per day, which also increases its gains. Generally before initiating the survey it indicates the amount to him (or gift) that it will perceive to complete it. It is important that it does not leave surveys remunerated without answering, by small that are the remuneration.
The frequency with which it will receive surveys very well payments (of $50, for example), is low in relation to the surveys of $2 – $5, that will even receive on a daily basis and several times to the day. Many small ones will not take him more than minutes and they will pay safe the same to him or more than a survey than it has been one hour to him to answer.
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Latin America
Filed under NewsMar 29The critic to the positivismo on the part of the atenestas young people initiated a new period in the history of the philosophical ideas in Mexico. Two of the most important philosophers of the Athenian, Antonio Caso and Jose Vasconcelos influenced in the national philosophical life laying the way for the approach to the philosophy, in the same way that became in Europe. Its merit is to have formed new generations that were scattered by different philosophical territories. Of the thought currents with which the atenestas were affiliated, a very distinguishable one, was the one of the philosophical spiritualism. Caso and Vasconcelos are personalities completely different in their way to live the philosophy, but united in a tendency to look for the way to philosophise by the way of the spiritualism that was reinitiated in Europe. In opposition to intellectualism characteristic of the positivismo that indicated to the reason like an important faculty of the knowledge in union to the experience, the atenestas were antiintelectualistas and loaded the balance towards the intuition and the emotion, that in his opinion completes the work of brings back to consciousness. More of the thought currents with which they were affiliated it was the indeterminismo of the nature, that they extracted of the French philosophy.
These currents of the philosophy and others more, influenced to give a direction him different, richer and intense from the history of the philosophy in Mexico and Latin America. Return a the Metaphysical preoccupations, the extension of the human experience, the affirmation without hesitations of the freedom like foundation of the spirit; to sum up, the glorification of the man, is what gives to the conferences and to writings of the atenestas that tone of Christian optimism and generosity, freedom, affection by the town, distinguishes that them of texts of the positivistas authors. In 1912 the grouping changed the name to become the Athenian of Mexico. Nevertheless, the murder of Log in 1913 gave a dramatic turn him to the events. The Athenian vanished and each of its members took different courses: Some went of the country like exiled or to realise studies; others committed more in the policy of the moment and others were dedicated to the chair, the test and the artistic creation.
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