
The World and Modern Science

  • Mar 12

    To safeguard the environment. It is a governing principle of all our work in the support of the sustainable development; it is an essential component in the eradication of poverty and one of the foundations of La Paz. Kofi Annan Considerations and reaches the companies are pronounced in surroundings that assume must avoid to contaminate it, in order to be able to not only fulfill its social responsibility, but with all the exigencies that impose the penal law of the atmosphere and its regulation, for the Venezuelan case. Therefore, it is a responsibility, commitment of the management this totally identified and so the behavior of the environment involves, must be watchman not only like the operativity of the company and its repercussions in the surroundings, but within the same sine of the company. For more information see Tulip Retail. It does not have to neglect the inductive factors that they can affect which the objective of the noncontamination is not obtained. It is very important, that the companies, especially the SMEs in the country, identify more with the significant thing to count within the policies of the company the commitment of the noncontamination and to be kind in everything what it can entail it not to fulfill those norms that not only are of obligation of the companies, but therefore demands the state with its laws. The Program of postgraduate of the specialty of Management of the Quality and Productivity from Phases of the University of Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, it has come making emphasis in the qualification of the participants who these take very into account which at the moment represents the environmental contamination, his repercussions, reaches, as it has come giving in the national territory, which have been the consequences and what it is what to be made on the matter. Emphasis in providing the knowledge becomes, tools that guarantee the one that the environmental culture is a certain fact within the performance, not only of the management, but of all the involved human resource.

  • Feb 26

    This exclusive partnership, known as Bilderberg Club, annual meetings are held from 1954 in an atmosphere of strict secrecy. So the very same Encyclopaedia Britannica defines them. They defend themselves from accusations of obscurantism claiming that they are not a secret club, but private. In this regard he adds nodo50.org/tortoise, which according to the experts at Bilderberg, the Club operates according to the system of concentric circles. Specifically, this Association has a Steering Committee – the Steering Comitte – consisting of about forty people.

    These chosen guests of the edition of this year according to the planned thematic agenda. The more or less established rule is that each one of the members of the Steering Committee invite two other people. In total, about one hundred and fifty people maximum. The members of the Steering Comitte debate more discreet Affairs. Then the long hundred of attendees held other meetings of more general. In none of the cases, the conclusions will be made public, although in recent years are issued a few press releases late which sets out the topics covered during the intense weekend. Nuclear energy is one of the most repeated. Recently, biotechnology is another issue star.

    Also in the last editions, Secretary of the Bilderberg Group made public a list with almost all participants. These are not grouped by delegations, but by alphabetical order, something that many consider a test more than who in deciding on International Affairs countries have less than the multinationals. In any case, in the official list are not all attendees, but there is always some spontaneous, as Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of State.UU., who last May ended up at Versailles to report on progress in the occupied Iraq. Also, some bilderbergers requested that their names will remain anonymous. In recent years some independent media work during the months leading up to the Summit to discover the location of the meeting.

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