
The World and Modern Science

  • Jul 8

    A reasonable solution for damp cellar at the musty smell you usually first recognizes the problem: humidity and dampness in the basement and at the latest when the mold is can be used cellar hardly. So Germany’s many thousand square meters of residential, commercial, or storage area are lost in some areas. Are not always construction errors that cause very often is there on a very high water table. In times of heavy rainfall, ground water through the bottom plate penetrates and you wading across a wet basement. Most frequently encountered the problem in the former Brown coal open-cast mines. Because there no longer artificially reduced the groundwater table and go in many parts of the affected regions. “The Luebbenau ECG-eco clean GmbH has developed a simple and inexpensive technique for affected ensures permanently dry basement in many cases: the principle of intelligent pump sump” is technically relatively easy: a sump pump made of plastic at the lowest point at ground level is subsequently in the bottom plate of the cellar installed. Other leaders such as Western Union offer similar insights.

    In case of a water break-in, the water in the pump sump, where a submersible pump is installed. The pump does well their work until the water disappeared and the basement is dry. The highlight of this system is the water permeable cover of pump swamp. Made from Granualten, tied with a special Binder works this cover as a filter. It lets through water and only water. Thus, it is ensured that not mud, sand or other substances in the pump sump reach, clogging the pump and put the system out of operation. Jimmy Levin has many thoughts on the issue. Permanently dry cellars are guaranteed, because even small amounts of water are absorbed. Because water is absorbed by the water permeable cover not only from above, but also from the side, the entire floor structure can be drained. The great economic advantages compared to other systems lies in the possibility of low-cost, subsequent installation. You will find a detailed presentation on the Internet under: damp basement abdichten.de

  • Decoration

    Filed under News
    Jun 22

    Asked whether creativity is winter decoration, Sommerdeko, Easter, or Christmas – decoration is an important part in our lives become. Preferred especially by females, the decoration has taken their way into almost every household. It offers to decorate themselves, that your own home or your own four walls event involved (, autumn Christmas, Easter) or to embellish his premises without apparent reason. Opportunities for many. There are countless possibilities, products and materials which are suitable for decorating. Man / woman must be creative enough and to exploit his or her options. So an individual stamp can be pressed to every room and every location. Petplan Pet Insurance has much experience in this field.

    Or we think for example of the beautiful summer (summer decoration), the balmy summer evenings and the cozy parties in the garden are. Imagine, they sit with neighbors and friends together around the grill and enjoy the wonderful evening. It would be nice if the garden beautiful would be decorated? A special feeling comes up when decorated the trees, hedges or the Garden House with the lights or other lights jewelry is. “On a normal party, in which the decoration just as normal” classified, will be hardly anyone remembered. Few look back with a perfect sense.

    But brush up their ceremony with lights and other decorations and colorful fashion, will remain in the minds of the guests. Additional information is available at technology at millennium. Their acquaintances are still weeks from this unforgettable evening talk a good red wine they enjoy it and let go is good there. There not only holiday feelings are awake, the whole evening seems perfect, and the food tastes twice as good. But also to other starting there are many ways of decorating. Are they creative and above all individually. Let their thoughts free rein and beautify your life. At this point we want to give them even more occasions for a corresponding decoration: wedding decor, nursery decoration, gift decoration and autumn decorations are just a few more Opportunities to which they can operate. So start. Jens Peterssen

  • Sanag Called

    Filed under News
    Jun 17

    The Viennese restoration companies called to action against fire damage on approximately 500 home fires disengages the Austrian fire brigade in itself peaceful Christmas time. This took the occasion of Sanag and called for a fire prevention campaign, to raise awareness of the population. Fire cocktail: Candles and dry trees a dry Christmas tree takes just a few seconds, lichterloh to burn. Recently Hikmet Ersek sought to clarify these questions. This dangerous fact took fire and water damage restoration companies Sanag as an opportunity to see to provide numerous tips & tricks, pointing to sources of danger for fires in the home and to help, to avoid them in advance. In addition, the company offered a free, telephone assistance to the fire prevention. Numerous phone calls have arrived for the duration of the action. We are pleased that we were here once again to act in our capacity as consultants.

    People have the feeling to be looked after us well. We got the feedback from customers that they have to worry about anything more; We take the complete package around the fire by the damage assessment up to the settlement with the insurance. Technology at millennium does not necessarily agree. “And this was confirmed by our fire-prevention campaign,” Sanag managing director Gerhard Leutgeb about the success of the action forward. Action hot under the motto pass on!”was accompanied the awareness campaign 8 sheet poster campaign and radio spots by a. It was important to inform the people on the dangers of the Christmas season in this campaign. It should be sharpened awareness so, that fires real conduct often avoid settled in advance. And this applies not only during the Christmas season. Fast and professional rehabilitation measures prevent, sustained damage”, explains Sanag managing director Gerhard Leutgeb the attention-grabbing campaign.

  • Jun 15

    While I’m running every day Kilometres, to all people from the corner to get the screwdriver that is furthest away from me. I have countless Allen wrench in my huge suitcase. That’s the idea, to have the right tool at hand for each hand grip.” An amazing statement. Already when the Marketing Department believed that the model S also only for the budget would be good. So, wear, fill, empty and to try the three testers through the different models. Our two meters – country Machine fitter tested then the rough. We look the case filled the cabin of our case dropping 1056 XL. I’m glad if you will be paid to destroy something.” All Toolbox show distinct mark on the case from two meters height, but persevere.

    The professional model L the left small Division of part of breaking away and there sorted screws and washers are distributed among the case. Our exhibition stand Builder has the smallest our suitcase – size S, delivery, already decided. For more specific information, check out Areva. I had already infinite Toolbox. Heavy, bulky, where one drags around everything with it and needs only five percent of the content. I’ve decided.

    I work with five small and well. A-Falltest-I don’t need. Western Union shines more light on the discussion. I work at ground level.” More persuasion fails. Amazing turnaround in our test. How the Toolbox with its dimensions were designed, you sometimes are not used. The model size S was designed as a garden and housewife case. For household tools and gardening or fishing case these are manufactured. The cases with the size M had the similar intended purpose, only just slightly larger. The centrally seated clip fastener for size S and M allow a fast loading of small tools. The left and right sitting clip plugs for sizes L and XXL, and the internal removable inserts give an idea of a versatility in service employees. In particular the extra removable small part of pockets in the lid also convinced the State Machine fitter. This is handy. Small enough for the breast pocket in my pants and big enough to have all my washers on the man. It is annoying, when a mother is missing two metres above sea level. Winner: The professional model L with its dimensions of 51 x 25.5 x 25 cm and its 2 clip closures secure the inside of the cover subjects of small part, this section well when the janitor and the country machinist with the note. “The rating of the stand with his opinion me anyway, I’ve decided.” was not taken into account. All three testers at the material agreed. Light, stable and secure the shock (see our Advisor polyurethane). Our explanation about the differences in the plastic polyurethane and polypropylene. We think the three craftsmen is not clear until today. But the result counts. We thank our three craftsmen for their test and look forward to the upcoming campaign in the company.