Yalnizca The World and Modern Science
  • The Fishing

    Filed under News
    Jul 18

    It stops the group of fishing studied in this article, fishes it industrial does not form a fisherman in its essence, therefore the employee of the boat is, according to them, equalized the laborer of a plant: one becomes specialized in an only function, and he does not possess access to the knowledge of all the stages of the work fishing boat. However, he has yourself: ' ' The artisan fishing terminology is imposed by the official agencies of fishes to all those fishing that are not used wage-earning of industrial companies and/or great boats fishing boats and, in this way, if pescadores&#039 extends to all the others; '. (OAK, 2002, p 62) In all commercial merchandise, its price is the indicating greater of market. The price of the fish, however, possesss proper logic, therefore same the merchandise-fish can not only vary of price in elapsing of the day, but also in elapsing of the stations of the year in Manaus, dictated for the periods of full and receding of the rivers Negro and Solimes. The price variation considers factors as species, time of the year, size and appearance of the fish, if is ' ' ovado' ' or, if cool or not fished in the previous day, even though the schedule of the day, among others, that they constitute 0 variable of difficult understanding, however determinative of the price of the fished one. The production of the community is not dispatched directly to the final consumer. The figure of the profiteer of the fished one is directly inserted in the social life of the community and executes, beyond the economic function, the linking between the fishing and the urban nucleus of Manaus. The demand of the fished one, in general, always was related to the consumption of the local population. In this way, the fishing production of the community of the Mauazinho is composed, in its majority, of jaraqui, pacu and sardine (popular fish of scale).

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