
The World and Modern Science

  • Baby Shampoo

    Filed under News
    Oct 28

    It is known that children need the same thing as adults, only better. This is true for shampoos. The main difference between baby shampoo – in its composition. Every mother needs to understand that the means to wash your hair baby imposed much more stringent requirements, they can be applied only mild cleaning agents, not irritating the scalp and mucous membranes of eyes and do not cause allergies. They contain mostly natural components.

    In the children's shampoos can be no strong perfumes, dyes, synthetic active ingredients, conditioning additives, which are widely used drugs for adults. The pH of shampoos for adults can be between 7 and above, children's shampoo as it should be neutral. Raw materials specifically tested for the possibility of using children's cosmetics. All these differences in the formulas associated with the peculiarities of the scalp and hair of the child. "If a healthy adult person has a protective film of the acid, which is a barrier to the penetration of microbes, the small children, this protective layer is not yet fully formed. Therefore, the skin of children is much more sensitive: harmful substances penetrate through it much faster than adults "- says Anna Vzdornova, a specialist marketing department Concern" Kalina ". "Primary hair (lanugo), which fall soon after birth, appear in the fetus in the sixth month of prenatal development – says Anastasia Maltsev, a medical consultant Bubchen. – In their place grow secondary (permanent) long hair, vellus hair on the body and limbs, hair bristling eyebrows and eyelashes.

    At birth, the baby's hair soft, thin, weakly pigmented, the depth of the hair follicles and hair papillae over the surface – mostly in the dermis and not in the subcutaneous tissue. " In general, baby shampoo – the notion of a kind. Specialists of foreign companies producing baby cosmetics, shampoos divided into three groups: children under one year, from year to three years and from three to 14 years.