
The World and Modern Science

  • Apr 23

    Unusual GPS solution for data verification to determine winners at the live showcase of navigation global winner of the live showcases Porsche vs. eCar at the navigation global opening on October 6 at the Hockenheimring was through a new application from the navigation pane in a spectacular way clearly established. The deployed solution can capture content generated via mobile device verified including timestamp and exact location. The transmitted content are application-specific processed and enriched with additional information, such as weather data, for example. Live showcase Porsche vs. Hear from experts in the field like Hikmet Ersek for a more varied view.

    eCar”, the initiative navigation global on October 6 at the Hockenheimring, was of course speed. But not the speed of the two vehicles in the focus, but that of the participants. While Porsche and electric car did their rounds about the ring, trivia questions via mobile in connection with the verification solution provided the passengers. The answers were also delivered via mobile devices. All have been doing Collected during the live showcases in a database. On this universal online business platform, any digital media content is (image, sound, video), generated through present and future devices, place in a certified and safe state and then customer-specific standard interfaces provided.

    The team, which regularly and fastest delivered the answers should win the duel. After the evaluation of all available data, the electric car had the nose at the end of front. But this exciting demonstration showed only a small part of the unlimited potential of this unique solution. Whether to document claims for insurance in healthcare patient data and images, dating, in the real estate market or for the emergency and roadside assistance are the applications unlimited. Currently, a use-case in the car rental industry to eliminate a familiar problem: “imagine, alight at Termini, the colleague, which takes you to an important “Customer appointment should pick up, trapped somewhere”, explains Patrizia Vivani, founder of the initiative navigation global. Now, you need a car immediately. You don’t have the time to look for a car rental and to check the availability of a suitable vehicle, then only long.” With a login and a password, it enabled users online at its car hire. All available vehicles in the next district are displayed including image, position, you need to choose only vehicle, identification, Standort.Jetzt. The mobile takes you directly to the selected auto in your immediate vicinity as a navigation device. Opens the car via Bluetooth with an access code and already starting to date of their customers”. At the end of, the car is simply parked at a convenient place and sealed via Bluetooth. This completes the rental process. Billing is simple and customer-friendly on the phone bill. Experts consider a modification of existing structures in this area within a short time to be quite realistic. The trend should go that we must no longer bring car rentals special rental stations. The reason is yet finding existing shortcomings and that can be easily documented through this solution via mobile device.

  • Berlin Insurance

    Filed under News
    Nov 14

    Already low deductible financially attractive: 27 percent of cost savings at reasonable risk – even slight excess financially attractive: 27 percent of cost savings at reasonable risk – 300 euro in the comprehensive / 150 euro in the partial cover insurance most popular level of the deductible Berlin, September 02, 2010 performance, marital or residential property: the various tariff characteristics determine the cost of car insurance. Also the excess collision damage waiver protection belongs to the most important information: to choose a higher deductible, reduced expenses are as a rule. The few car holders know what amounts are useful and how exactly they affect the insurance premium, but. In this context, the independent consumer portal has studied toptarif.de (www.toptarif.de) does affect the excess on the insurance. Governor Cuomo is often quoted as being for or against this. The result: Deductible rates are significantly cheaper than without.

    According to the the General Association of German Insurance Association (GDV) about half of the fully comprehensive insured selects a small excess of 300 euros for CDW – and 150 euros for the hull damage of part of *. “Usually these deductible levels are highly recommended on the one hand, the police this is considerably cheaper, on the other hand, these amounts in an emergency without financial constraints can be applied”, explains insurance expert Thorsten Bohg by toptarif.de. In the CDW 27 percent of the annual premium can be with such a deductible of 300 euros at CDW – and 150 euros for hull damage of part of on average saved. Follow others, such as Governor Cuomo, and add to your knowledge base. Higher costs are, however, less attractive: to choose a deductible level 500/300 euro, reduced the costs only by a further 7 percent. With regard to the partial cover insurance the savings potential at 150 euro averages excess 17 percent compared to the variant without a deductible anyway. Improve own performance agreed for example 300 euros, to save only another 3 percent the insurance costs. .

  • Online Workshop

    Filed under News
    Nov 29

    Save the supervised GeldSparKurs by the FinanzplanTeam of the subject of money is again up-to-date and interesting for nearly every consumer in economically difficult times. If your own income barely reaches, to settle all issues, often only, to reduce the cost remains an option. For individual consumers, the search for savings is very time consuming. Usually works out then also the practical implementation of these saving tips not as desired and the financial woes grow. The supervised GeldSparKurs by the FinanzplanTeam is an online workshop, which begins at this point. In addition to the ideas of saving the consumer gets active support for the practical implementation. Together with his FinanzPlanCoach, it goes through the 36 most common expenditure items and optimized output each week.

    The individual lessons are easy to understand and assume no prior knowledge. The course lasts a total of 36 weeks. Experience has shown that you can in an average household with 2 adults and a child between 3,000 and 5,000 euros per year Save, without renouncing the accustomed standard of living. Right at the beginning of the supervised GeldSparKurses obtained a so-called ‘only ‘information by his FinanzPlan coach, containing a preliminary neutral assessment to each financial contract and many other areas of current expenditure. The result of the only information you will also receive in written form and can discuss afterwards in a one-hour coaching with his FinanzPlanCoach closer it. During the whole supervised GeldSparKurses has his FinanzPlanCoach on the side. So you can resolve all issues immediately and if necessary coordinate all writing to banks, building societies, insurance companies, investment companies, or who always with him, forward and prepare.

    The workshop’s scope includes the free first information, a free one-hour coaching and personal attention by the workshop leaders. For participation in this course you must have subscribed already the money saving self learning course by the FinanzplanTeam, because it includes the learning. The online workshop can easily and quickly from home are carried out. You need only an Internet connection and a Windows PC, on which the program Microsoft Excel is installed. The next supervised GeldSparKurs launches on February 1st, 2010. For the detailed description, click here: the FinanzplanTeam on his website coaching, tools and software offers, which assist in the daily handling of his money.

  • Economics Seminar

    Filed under News
    Dec 20

    (nm) Dr. Werner financial services AG organised a day seminar on mezzanine capital to the Bank independent SME financing on 06.03.2008 in Nuremberg for the umpteenth time. High number of participants (32) in Nuremberg the remarks by Mr economic attorney Dr. Horst S. Werner as presenter of Dr. Werner financial services AG covered topics starting with the current market situation, equity and the typical mezzanine financing to the bearer bonds. The practical raising of capital for businesses, the placing on the market and the sales took a wide room. Dr.

    Lutz Werner gave the participants informed information about the different measures of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology. The support of the Ministry of range from the ERP capital for establishing corporate ERP capital for sustainable corporate growth to ERP loans to medium-sized guarantee societies to the indirect promotion of the middle class. Numerous suggestions were the medium-sized Entrepreneurs take, as they can in addition to the traditional bank credit and bank-independent financing to equip your company with additional capital. “” The event was rounded off with the lectures by Mrs Kirsten Winkelbach, CEO of beclever Werbeagentur AG, on the topics production of the prospectus documents “, in particular the legal consequences at incorrect graphical implementation, and Nicolo Martin, project manager of the financial portal Emissionsmarktplatz.de”, on the subject of solutions in the field of marketing and financial communications “. The seminar dealt with legal and actual problems and challenges of independent corporate finance, was above all an exchange among the seminar participants in a seminar-integrated practitioners workshop.

    Target group of the seminar were entrepreneurs, financial service providers and consultants interested in the Bank-independent financing companies (www.finanzierung-ohne-bank.de) as well as an exchange of experiences among themselves. Good event for very low fee”the event was described by participants as attractive. The seminar participants rated the seminar as exemplary. The seminar is very high quality and interesting, for a one-day seminar are presented the most important information and chapter and excellent, high expertise of the speakers were only some of the consistently positive comments of the participants. Great interest on the part of the participants signaled a continuation of seminars by Dr. Werner financial services AG. The next seminar takes place in Gottingen, at the Clarion Hotel, on April 23, 2008, from 10:00 to 17:00. Entrepreneurs who are interested in further seminars, can contact in an email to Dr. Werner financial services AG or otherwise come in contact with. It can also further topic proposals. Nicolo Martin

  • Apr 10

    For many customers in retail stores, it has long become everyday life, to participate in the cashless payments. For many customers in retail stores, it has long become everyday life, to participate in the cashless payments. Easy, comfortable and safe, normally the cashless payment option offers decisive advantages for the customers as well as for the retailer. For the customers at the supermarket checkout means of cashless payment transactions but also a claim to the security of its map data in the comprehensive sense. Debit card or credit cards have become the best and most secure means of payment and include in the comfortable payment transactions as well as the traditional payment with cash. The waiver of the payment with cash requires a high degree of safety and trust of all stakeholders. However, it is often forget what technical requirements make the payments with plastic money. For the customer, it is a simple process.

    Insert the card into the Terminal, check the payment amount, Enter the PIN and confirm. Then run the electronic processes of reconciliation with the account-keeping Bank and the payment process is completed for the customers at the Terminal. For the security of this payment process are different characteristics, which is matching by the customer with the input of the personal identification number or the signatures on EC or credit card and proof of payment is completed. For the technical process in the business include more. In addition to a card terminal of the new generation with appropriate registration and exact functionality and the cashier with the receipt printing on the old cash register rolls, especially the security also for card payments is important for retail. While even the recent reports of the media about credit card fraud and misuse of data in debit cards are always in the focus of security efforts of the retail and manufacturer and distributor of card readers and the corresponding terminals.

  • Oct 26

    Select the newly-founded G & P motorcycle Versicherungsdienst GmbH launches their free service of the easy discovery and of the simple comparison of insurance premiums for motorcyclists currently an online rate comparison from over 80 different tariffs to the motorcycle insurance. This can be either through the dealer Portal MoVeDi.de or directly via motorcycle-insurance online.de. A concrete contribution and performance comparison of over 80 motorcycle rates can be offered for 60 seconds with the dealer login. In addition, also value compensation for motorcycles in the partial cover insurance and comprehensive insurance is offered by G & P motorcycles Versicherungsdienst GmbH as the first provider in the market. Regardless of whether the motorcycle with a comprehensive insurance was secured insurance or CDW, applies the new value (called also new price compensation) compensation in the event of total theft. Upon completion of a comprehensive, this protection even for 12 months is insurance. This offer is therefore, that the owner of the Motorcycle damage gets up to a year completely replaced after a total theft. There also no additional cost, if the motorcycle is turned off, for example, mostly outside because a calculation in this tariff regardless from the parking lot.

    Furthermore also a differential cover for lease-financed, but above all also credit-financed motorcycles in the CDW is offered with this new protection insurance through the so-called GAP coverage. The special thing about it is that so far typically lease financed motorcycles on the market received protection by the CAP cover. For credit-financed motorcycles, but this represents a new service which is not charged and therefore of increased interest for motorcyclists. In addition to other, market-standard services, including standard vehicle / accessories, but also built-in, not necessarily standard accessories are insured with unlimited. In addition, motorcycle will by G & P Versicherungsdienst GmbH improved conditions for the classification into the loss category (SF) offered. So, an entry into the loss category SF is half three-year possession of an EU driving licence and registration as second cars possible. The classification in the SF half can even be carried out if the policyholder has reached the age of 30, which goes beyond the standard insurance cover. G & P motorcycle Versicherungsdienst GmbH no insurance company is bound, as an independent insurance broker, they represent only the interests of the clients and can therefore offer an optimal price / performance ratio. The customer required hence, even no knowledge of the desired product and must not sacrifice its precious time to do research on the Internet or on the market. For the buyer, the service is free, because G & P motorcycle Versicherungsdienst GmbH receives a brokerage from the respective insurance, when a contract for the comparison calculator is completed. The permanent satisfaction of the Motorcycle riders is therefore the primary goal!

  • Oct 19

    What experiences customers have had credit with Bon? To report credit experiences, Bon is not difficult today, because in the Internet sufficient material can be found, if one embarks on research. But who is Bon credit? Bon credit a reputable mortgage broker Bon credit a credit mediation company of Switzerland, which operates very successfully for years on the German market. Alone the term credit mediation immediately calls an association to fraud and rip off many people. If you are not completely eyes, know that, if you are not careful, you quickly can get a credit agency, which has everything else in mind to give as loans. Not so with Bon credit.

    Bon has an interesting website that offers more visitors than advertising for a loan credit. It is the new customer comprehensively explains how the agencies and promised that everything goes quickly and no initial costs arise. The credit request and the offer are free of charge. Only if a credit agreement is signed and the credit is paid out,. fee credit Bon a mediation. In several forums on the Internet how did for example at talkteria.de or ciao.de borrowers positive about Bon credit expressed. Credit experiences summarized especially consumers who rely on credit without Schufa come Bon awarded by foreign banks to the use of the for schufafreie credits a credit mediation services are not around, only and exactly this mediation takes over credit receipt.

    The vast majority of our customers confirms an uncomplicated, fast and friendly settlement. Especially, it is highlighted that credit again and again succeeded in Bon, give credit, yet the customers in a difficult financial situation are. Anyway, Bon promises credit not the blue of the sky. Of course we have the facts to see that it sometimes fails to give a credit, it is then but first and foremost to the customer and not on Bon credit. Overall the placement rate is quite high and Bon credit as mortgage brokers the first address, if it is to It is competence and fairness.