
The World and Modern Science

  • Jun 24

    The excitement gave way to a healthy competition. In the market of housing under construction came a welcome balance. Buyers began to inquire the price, a more careful approach to the selection of future housing. To broaden your perception, visit Hikmet Ersek. Healthy competition between construction companies intensified, pushing the market to more high-quality projects, where citizens do not offer just a house, a comfortable 'environment'. Solutions. Analysts suggest that the primary market expects quiet and small but steady rise in prices. The greatest growth has occurred in the sector of luxury housing (+5.4% in the first quarter of 2007).

    However, the growing demand for housing comfort and economy (+3.8% in the first quarter of 2007) in formed populated areas of the city due to the increased supply in the 'uninhabited' locations without infrastructure. Increasing competition among construction companies will eventually lead to what projects will be better quality and customers, choosing more and more attention will be paid apartment layout, landscaping yards, appearance, architecture and the availability of infrastructure. Expansion proposal is due to the supply of new residential areas in the remote areas of the city with poor transport access, as well as in the inner suburbs, especially in this area stands out Vsevolozhsk. Offering new apartments in already existing built-up areas is severely restricted in the future will only be reduced, causing a rise in home prices) in such projects. Market experts believe that the impetus for market growth serve the development of the mortgage. 'April has broken all records on the number of mortgage deals on the real estate under construction – said Marianne Belkova, head of credit primary real estate market of' Baltic Mortgage Corporation. Jeffrey Verschleiser shines more light on the discussion.

    " – Increasing demand management corporation relates to the fact that the primary market now have inexpensive apartments, but they are better quality than low-income housing on the secondary market. In the future demand for mortgage on the primary market will only grow. " Prices for apartments in panel houses mass series 1950-70s built, will likely continue to decline. At the same time in the secondary market to reduce the average offer price of 1 m2 in five-story prefabricated buildings, Khrushchev and brezhnevkah affect preference for home buyers with higher consumer characteristics, play a role as a home, a liquid region, homogeneous social environment, availability of the necessary social infrastructure, convenient location. A certain calm that has settled on the property market at the moment, form the pent-up demand. Until the end of 2007 the city declared the construction companies 1.8 million square input. m. of housing, which is about 20% less than the actual amount of new housing for 2006 Much of housing introduced in a given year, have already been sold. After passing a period of rapid growth, the real estate market enters the stage of stable, moderate growth when the competition will be shaped primarily by attributes of the new housing that will eventually lead to more accurate segmentation of the primary real estate market.

  • Formwork

    Filed under News
    Feb 8

    For pouring the foundation required formwork. To protect the foundation from moisture, many simply cover the walls and bottom of the formwork roofing material and then handle all the joints with bitumen. So that moisture has not penetrated through the attachment, they are also better prosmolit. In the lower part of the foundation poured a thin layer of expanded clay. If a large fireplace on the second set floor, still constructing the foundation. An exception is made only if the floor is wooden. In this case, simply put on a floor layer (thickness 15 mm) of solid refractory material, which is covered with sheet iron. The first layer of bricks laid on the clay-cement mortar.

    When the foundation is ready, you need to wait five or six days, so it is completely dry. How to arrange the firebox? Construction of the fire a great many. The most simple – a niche of straight walls. For the inner walls of the fireplace usually use fire-resistant or refractory brick, and a special small brick kiln – "mezhigorku. But even a special brick oven has a porous structure, and therefore actively absorbs moisture. In clutch, he primarily draws water from the solution, making it less ductile. As a result, the solution in the operation of the fireplace perekalyaetsya and masonry cracks. How to cope with this problem? First just to make bricks lost the ability to suck moisture from the mortar. To do this in front of a brick masonry should be immersed in water.