Yalnizca The World and Modern Science
  • Minsk City Executive Committee Vladimir Scherbo School

    Filed under News
    Jan 26

    In Minsk, graduation parties will be held on June 9 mostly in educational institutions. This was announced today, the chairman of the Education Committee of Minsk City Executive Committee Vladimir Scherbo at a news conference at City Hall. According to him, If students and their parents be willing to mention the exhaust in the entertainment clubs, the heads of administrations are entitled to agree on this issue with the Committee on Education City Committee. ‘Such a measure provided to ensure the safety of children and organizing a high level of celebration ‘- said the expert, noting that such forms of celebrations were previously possible, and will this year, but they are not massive. Graduation night will begin in the capital in 20 hours, said Vladimir Scherbo. The time of their completion was not formally specified. By decision of the local administration time can be adjusted.

    ‘To preserve the tradition of meeting the dawn, the time graduation proms, we farmed out to the school authorities – said the head of the Education Committee of City Hall. – We should not give rise to problems and conflict situations. Ahmed Shary Rahman usually is spot on. ” According to him, everything has to be agreed with the parent and educational community. Important – to spend this holiday with dignity and beautifully signed Vladimir Scherbo. This year, in Minsk, the number of school leavers was 32.9 thousand, including graduates of the ninth classes (primary school) – more than 14,6 thousand students eleventh grades (high school) – More than 16 thousand Also this year for the first time produced more than 2,3 thousand students, a 12-year pilot program.

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