Yalnizca The World and Modern Science
  • Corographia Brazilica

    Filed under News
    Mar 10

    The commercial navigation in the River Tocantins starts to be explored in ends of century XVIII, in the end of the auriferous cycle in the north of Gois. In this period if a series of expeditions for the rivers Tocantins and Araguaia has beginning begins, it of official character, promoted for the governors and later for particular, taken the handle for initiatives of how much in such a way goianos paraenses traders. The discovery of mines in the Captainship of Gois took great amounts of migrantes for the regions central offices with the promise of easy wealth. All the ones that went for Gois if dedicated almost that exclusively to the mining, this made with that the food production was minimum, forcing the importation of this type of sort the high costs as Aires Couple (1846) detaches in its Corographia Brazilica; ‘ ‘ It made to rescue as much people, that the sufficient provisions that daily arrived not ero for the subsistence. Everything if vendia for hum price exorbitantissimo. Hum alqueire of maize cost six and seven eighth of oiro; of cassava flour ten: huma vacca of milk two metal pounds the same ‘ ‘ Being dependent of the importation of foodstuffs, the decline of the production of the mines added to low the agricultural productivity, Gois tried moments of deep crisis in its towns.

    In this manner the search for less onerous commercial routes had been studied while the goiana economy looked for to be based on an agriculture of added subsistence the cattle creation, even so still was tried to reerguer the mineradora company. The perception of the Amazonian space was very current in this period as a demographic emptiness.

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