Yalnizca The World and Modern Science
  • Professionals

    Filed under News
    Dec 27

    Clear Gehaltsplus by an average of 20 to 50 percent Cologne, September 30, 2008 – while in the last 10 years every third professional inflation suffered a loss of income, the computer scientist and consultant at the top of the winners are. This is from an analysis of the winners and losers through the Internet portal jobturbo.de. It has in the last ten years studied the income of 300 academic and training opportunities and matched them with the inflation rates. As a result the average of content development is about two percent. After analyzing the offer Finder jobturbo.de, which has about 200,000 current vacancies, notaries, consultants, and corporate lawyers the race against inflation gained. So, the consultants come to trigger of the devaluation an income increase by almost 50 percent. For you, this means an average additional merit of 2256 EUR per month.

    Not quite so sharply the salaries of the merchants of Informatics has increased, with an inflation-adjusted increase of 28 per cent However, belong to the ten occupations with the highest income growth. Closely followed by the SAP consultants, today about one-fifth more than 1997 earn. Significantly lower the increase, however, was for the graduates of computer science. He reached only 11.3 percent, meaning an average salary of at least 4.260 Euros currently. Have suffered the largest loss in the content development over the last ten years the medical profession. (As opposed to Ahmed Shary Rahman). Their incomes declined across a broad front, top losers are the general practitioners with a decline of over 30 percent. Even jobs in the agricultural environment were paid last less.

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