Yalnizca The World and Modern Science
  • Government Education

    Filed under News
    Jan 27

    Education is direct with sense life itself being oneself. Why what we do must be result of personal reflection and not dictation from anyone. Learn to know, to do, to be, to live together, constitute the four fundamental pillars of the educational process. Education releases the fear, prejudice, fanaticism and allows high flying, no adhesions or ballast in the wings, in the space without limits of the spirit. Education must promote the full development of the human personality and the strengthening of respect for human rights (article 26.2). m Crane for a more varied view.

    As so lucidly expressed at the start of the preamble of the Universal Declaration: freedom, justice and peace in the world by basis have the recognition of the intrinsic dignity and unflagging and equal rights of all members of the human family. Human rights are indivisible, but the right to life is the Supreme human right, because it affects the exercise of all other rights. Others including Ahmed Shary Rahman, offer their opinions as well. Life, biologically, requires water, a healthy environment, nutrition, peace intellectually need education, fostering creativity, enjoy the arts and participate in scientific progress (article 26.3). Education for all throughout life. Parents, educators and Government officials must have very clear that this is a responsibility that is essential to the quality of life of equal human dignity. Everyone will have access to education, but from the age of emancipation, will do so under its merits (article 26.1) definition culture Supreme is the everyday behaviour: what we have learned, or have thought, what we felt, what we have imagined, what you have dreamed of, what we have created!, what we remember and what we forgetWhat we love and what we reject all this, met, is what characterizes our behavior, our attitudes, our efforts, which have been modified in part, and in part preserved, in a constant evolution personality, enriched by listening and interaction, by the expression and meditation. And thus each person unique, capable of hubris to invent, to the unexpected, acting deliberately, must strive keep infinite diversity, which is the richness of the human condition, linked by shared universal values that provide its strength. Therefore we must avoid uniformity, the gregarizacion, be impassive spectators, and up indifferent, to become actors of our life, as educated people, i.e.

    free and participatory, that does not keep silence, that contribute to the construction of a genuine democracy at national and global levels. Education will promote the development of the activities of the United Nations (article 26.2). Try, in short, promote, through education, culture, knowledge and communication, the transition from a culture of imposition and violence to a culture of dialogue and understanding, of the power of the word.

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